The news was a big success, but the news was not good.

As the newspaper was opened, a title "The Fifth Emperor of the New World" appeared in front of Lu Ming.

Seeing this, Lu Ming was stunned for a moment, because the content under this title was actually a report on how Sylfa and her group made Kaido flee in a panic.

Then it showed that the Spring Country now has the potential to be an emperor, and is expected to become one of the five emperors of the New World.

"What do you mean? Can I become the fifth emperor? Besides, I'm not a pirate."

"That's not right. Now I'm also a bounty holder. If you have to count, I can indeed be called a pirate."

Seeing the newspaper boasting about himself, Lu Ming was happy and speechless at the same time.

"I don't know if Kaido will explode on the spot after seeing this newspaper. I also admire Morgans' courage. He is really not afraid of Kaido coming to his door."

After that, Lu Ming almost couldn't help laughing when he saw a picture of Kaido running away in the newspaper.

Because the picture was so funny, it not only showed Kaido's embarrassment, but also perfectly showed his panic eyes.

"Poor Kaido, this picture will probably become a shadow he will never forget in his life."

Lu Ming couldn't help shaking his head, and then put down the newspaper to check his reputation.

Reputation: 5467680

"Fuck! Fuck!"

Seeing this number, Lu Ming jumped up from his chair.

For a moment, Sylfa next to him was startled, and then asked with worry in her eyes: "Lord Lu Ming? What's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Lu Ming laughed and sat down again.

Although Sylfa was very confused, she nodded and did not ask any more questions.

"One, ten,... one hundred thousand, one million! It's actually five million and four hundred thousand!"

He counted silently in his heart, and when he found that he was not mistaken, Lu Ming was so excited.

Although he knew that he would get a lot of reputation points after defeating Kaido, he did not expect it to be so generous.

He got five million directly!

If he was not afraid that Sylfa would think he was a lunatic, Lu Ming would have wanted to stand up and sing a song about being rich.


Just when Lu Ming was happy and excited, the atmosphere in Wano was extremely quiet and weird.

"Asshole! Damn mixed-haired bird, damn it!"


Accompanied by Kaido's angry roar, bursts of loud noises followed.

For a while, the earth shook and the smoke filled the air for a long time.

You can imagine how angry Kaido was.

That is to say, Morgans was not in front of Kaido, otherwise Mr. Kai would have let him know what it meant to be torn into pieces and what it meant to live a life worse than death.

"Bastard, bastard, bastard! And the Spring Country, they all deserve to die!"

Kaido, who was getting angrier and angrier, smashed the house again, especially when he thought of the other three Four Emperors laughing at him after seeing the newspaper, the force of the demolition increased sharply, and the ground shook uncontrollably again, and the smoke began to fill the air again.

The scene came to the other three Four Emperors, and the three of them did what Kaido thought after seeing the newspaper.

Whitebeard laughed out loud, and the whole pirate group laughed.

Shanks was the same. Although he was not as bold as Whitebeard, he couldn't stop smiling.

It was different for Big Mom. She didn't laugh when she saw the content of the newspaper, but the disdain in her eyes was extremely strong.

However, except for these three people, most of the others did not laugh after seeing it, but admired Lu Ming.

After all, in their opinion, if Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, was forced to such a point, one could imagine how powerful he would be.

Of course, a small number of people still laughed at him, after all, Kaido in the picture was too embarrassed.


Time passed, black and white alternated, and soon it was the next day.

After lunch that day, Lu Ming's ship finally arrived not far from the port of Burin Island.

"Finally back, I don't know if anything happened in the past few days away."

Standing at the bow, looking at the port not far away, Lu Ming was in a very good mood with a smile on his face.

After all, he was home, how could he not be happy when he went home.

"Boss, is this the Kingdom of Spring?"

"It doesn't look very good, the port is so small."

Just as Lu Ming was sighing that he was finally home, baby5 and sugar spoke up among the people around him

baby5 asked with curiosity, while Sugar looked a little disgusted.

"That's true. I heard that Spring Country is not rich before, and now it seems to be true."

Ovilette nodded at this time, agreeing with Sugar's words.

"Hey, I'm still here!"

Lu Ming, who was standing beside them, turned green as he listened to what they said.

Indeed, Spring Country is not very good now, even worse than Dressrosa, but don't say it in front of him!

Don't you know that this will make him, as the king, very embarrassed?

After replying and asking them to stop discussing, Lu Ming also looked at the port.

He might not have thought it was anything before, but after seeing the port of Dressrosa, Spring Country is indeed much worse in comparison.

Just in terms of size, the port of Dressrosa is already comparable to several ports in Spring Country.

And if the port is like this, let alone other ports.

"Ah, so we still need to continue to develop."

With a sigh and shaking his head, Lu Ming also agreed with the shortcomings of Luchun Country.

After that, the group did not say anything more, and the ship continued to head towards the port.

However, at this moment, a slash flew out from the port, and flew towards the sea under the gaze of Lu Ming and Xilufa, and the sea surface was also split by this slash.

"Lord Lu Ming, be careful!"

The sudden scene made Xilufa flash in front of Lu Ming.

Yabai Mina Yujiro and others on the side also became alert one by one.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't attack us."

Lu Ming looked at the split sea and began to heal, waved his hand and said something, and then looked towards the port.

The slash just now was definitely a great swordsman.

But the great swordsman should only be Ying in the Spring Country now, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not right.

After all, Ying's slash carries the power of thunder and lightning, and one more thing, Ying's slash should not be so weak.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming couldn't help but frowned, and then turned back to let the king's army speed up.

After all, if it wasn't Ying, then it could be an invader.

And if that was the case, he certainly needed to go to the island to support quickly. After all, except Ying, no one in the Spring Country would be the opponent of the owner of the slash just now, the unknown great swordsman.

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