In The Multiverse With Two Golden Fingers!

Chapter 105 - Lara And Camellia (Part 1)


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Lionel silently appeared above the sky of the Florian Triangle, he could sense a lot of negative yin energy from this place as soon as he entered he was sure many people died here.

He even sensed some terrifying presence beneath the sea, they were mutated sea kings whose strength could rival Yonko!

There weren't many of them though, well even if it was, Lionel wouldn't have cared for them anyway.

Lionel looked through the lost ships in the mist of the area and his sight fell on the Straw Hat warship.

Lionel kept watching Luffy's ship, which was getting closer and closer to Brook's ship, which looked like a ghost ship.

Brook at the moment had lost his shadow to Moria a few days ago so he was especially depressed.

This means that Luffy and his comrades will definitely clash with Moria and his crew to get Brook's shadow back, this was the scenario that Lionel was waiting for,

Maybe he just has to speed things up a bit so he won't be late for his loved ones on the opposite side of the spatial portal.

Lionel thought for a bit and using the telekinesis he obtained from the Phantasm Lord's bloodline which was enhanced by his cultivation and tremendous mental strength, Lionel began to move the massive Thriller Park ship without anyone on it feeling that the ship was moving faster.

He was moving it towards Luffy and his crew who had already met Brook.

This means that Lionel wants them to run into Moria as quickly as possible.

Time continued to pass until Lionel noticed that Luffy and his crew, as well as their new crew member Brook, were sailing towards Trailer Park, which is currently controlled by Lionel.

After a while, the two sides finally collided, and with a happy smile on their faces from their good luck Luffy and his comrades boarded the island ship.

Lionel, standing in the sky, noticed that they had formed groups of two people to sneak in and search for the corpse of the samurai Ryuma, who had Brook's shadow on him, just like the original plot.

For Brook the current situation was very good the sun was not there because the sky above them only shows the sea.

Helped by the phenomenon they had yet to comprehend in this regard, Brook was especially happy that he could roam around without fear of being reduced to ash by sunlight.

Just what Lionel wanted to see happen as Lara and Camelia went with each other and the rest of the crew scattered too, they didn't know that this would be the last time they saw their female companions because a horrific devil would take them away.

For Sanji, he will cry blood for a long time because of this.


"Lara! beware! there are a lot of disgusting zombies in front."

Camelia warned her companion Lara, who was rushing in her footsteps with no caution whatsoever.

Camellia can detect zombies underground because she ate the logia fruit, which allows her to transform into an earth element and sense anything under the earth, whether dead or alive, but within a certain range of course.

Camellia was so powerful in the first half of the grand line, if Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji weren't currently practicing Haki and had reached basic mastery in it, they would literally be eating shit from Camellia.

"Huh! Zombie? That's scary!"

If Camelia is like Robin with a calm and wise character, then Lara is like Nami because she was already terrified of zombies and soon returned to take cover behind Camelia.


Lionel was observing this funny scene from the sky. Camellia was 28 years old with slightly tan skin and a slim body with huge breasts of at least an F-size and an oval Ass that perfectly matched the size of her breasts.

She has brown pupil eyes with sharp edges. Her beautiful eyes looked like morning coffee.

Her silky brown hair was so long that it was actually touching the ground, it gave her a great mood.

To Lionel, it seemed as if he was in the presence of the true Earth Goddess Gaia!

Lionel admired this woman who never appeared in the original plot, her long legs were worth licking.

Wearing the captain's uniform, which indicated her already high rank, the navy uniform was glued to its origins that threatened to explode by tearing it apart at any moment.

And the same goes for Lara behind her.

Lionel saw the zombies started coming out of the ground and attacking them but Camelia reburied them in the ground using her powerful ability, she could release massive amounts of solid dirt from anywhere on her body, so burying these slow zombies was very easy.

Lionel was so impressed with the abilities of this fruit, it had not originally appeared either, it seemed as if it was designed for the beautiful woman in front of him.

Lionel was imagining what it would be like to become more and more beautiful with his destiny energy, for him Camellia would surely become his favorite morning coffee.

Lionel wiped a little saliva as he imagined this woman's taste and returned to their observation.

Lionel was also Lara impressed, she was the level of Nami, Nojiko, Hina, and the others, her purple eyes looked like delicious grapes, and her lips were like red cherries that were just waiting to be picked.


The girls started advancing and trampling on the defeated zombies. Looking at them Lionel was thinking about how to lure them into a conversation.

If he had been before the first nightmare and his meeting with the devil, he would not have bothered himself at all, as he would have washed them with his destiny energy and drawn them to his embrace in front of Luffy and his companions without any concern for their feelings.

But the current Lionel, although he is a devil himself too, he prefers to make them fall in love with him a little or at least get their attention before getting them completely.

The only difference between him and Devil is that he has a conscience to comfort him but Devil doesn't have at all!


"Camelia, what do you think of the crew, do you like any of them?"

Lara who was holding Camellia's arm suddenly asked a question that had always been in her head.

This immediately caught Lionel's interest, perhaps this would be his chance to show up.

Camellia looked deeply into Lara's purple eyes and sighed before speaking.

"At first I was a little bit emotionally interested in Captain Luffy, but after realizing that he couldn't understand the meaning of love and romantic emotions, I nipped this little interest in the bud. It's better to just be friends, I've never loved someone in my life and I don't think I would."

Her expression at this moment was sad as if finding a suitable man was more difficult than finding One Piece.

"So you too! That's really bad, why does a cool guy like Captain have no romantic feelings for the opposite gender at all?"

Lara sighed and added, "So what about Zoro and Sanji?"

"Well they're handsome and manly for sure, but Zoro only cares about swords, his personality is almost like Luffy, Sanji is a very perverted personality although he's kind of fun but definitely misplaced, it's hard to fall in love with these guys."

Camelia said more sadly as if staying with this crew was so frustrating, especially for a virgin like her who hadn't tasted the pleasure of a Dick in her life yet.

Lara nodded understanding, she was in the same situation as her companion and had the same thoughts.

Lionel was laughing the whole time after hearing the two women's gossip, he really understood their problem, they had been with a crew of guys for about a month but they didn't get an emotional prize.

Maybe in the original plot, Nami and Robin who stayed with the crew for a long time were also suffering from the same thing more severely, right?!

Without any further nonsense, Lionel activated all the potential of the Phantasm Lord's bloodline and appeared in front of the two frustrated women.

It was like a plate of roasted meat being served to two very hungry clients. Like that Lionel imagined himself at this moment.


Titles of the next three chapters:

Chapter 106: Lara and Camellia (Part 2)

Chapter 107: Eating Cherries And Drinking Coffee (R-18)

Chapter 108: Ghost Princess Perona(R-18)

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