In The Multiverse With Two Golden Fingers!

Chapter 114 - Accepting The Dimensional Mission!


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[Dimensional Mission!]

[Solo Mission]

[Mission description: You received an outright challenge from Erza Scarlet to get her. beat her and prove your worth by owning her heart and her body.]

[Reward of winning: +100 Erza Scarlet preference points]

[Penalty of failure: Erza Scarlet removed from the chat group]

[Mission Validity: within a period not exceeding 3 months]

[Remaining time to void the mission: 2 months and 10 days] .

[Duration: After you accept the Mission you have 1 day to finish it]

[Reminder: Time will be stopped in the group members' worlds except for the mission world!]

Lionel looked at the mission information hanging in the system board and decided it was finally time to finish it.

The girls of the group were very precious to him even if he hadn't seen them before except for Hancock and Yuechan, so he wouldn't treat them badly.

This mission is just his ticket to go to the new world, the mission itself means nothing, Erza herself just wants to be Lionel's wife and that's clear, not only Erza but Lionel is sure all the group members want it, there are a lot of reasons why It led to this result, but Lionel does not care about the reasons that are important to him is the result.

He had already meant that when he said that the chat group girls' fate had been linked with his own, no existence, not even the heavens themselves, could sever this bond.

As for the girls when they remember that Lionel chose them exactly from among the millions of other characters, butterflies rise in their stomachs of pure happiness, every time they chat to each other they always have those silly smiles on their faces which usually cause them embarrassment when they are spotted from the side of the people around.

Even the members of the fairy tail guild were becoming suspicious of Erza's mental sanity!


(Arya! This is a solo mission, isn't it?)

[I know what you're thinking, yes it's a solo mission, you can't involve all the group members]

(Okay that's obvious, I wanted to ask would it work if I tried that?)

[Yes it will work]

(This is good)

Lionel brought out a reward for the last hidden mission of path correction which was 2 wishful spells, as he described it, the spell can simply modify the conditions of the system.

This spell was very precious and he only had two of them and was going to use one now, it was very quick to use but he didn't care that since he promised the girls of the group that they would meet soon, so he would make it happen.

Since there was no group mission any time soon, he would make this recreation mission a stage for their meeting on his terms.

The spells in his hands were like a ticket paper for a football match, completely white without any frills, looking like any ordinary paper, but the mysterious aura that was coming out of them reminded him of the mysterious energy of destiny that possessed him when he occupied the supreme devil mode at that time.

Lionel left one in his inventory and shredded the other, the way to activate it was to shred it, easy and simple.

As soon as Lionel shred it, the list of the only mission which he currently has appeared before him, and then he began adjusting his terms.

[Solo Mission]==>[Group Mission: All Members]

[Mission Description: You received an outright challenge from Erza Scarlet to obtain it. beat her and prove your worth by possessing her heart and her body.]==>[Mission Description: Group member Erza Scarlet challenges group administrator Devil D Lionel to a fight to get her, the administrator has to dominate on her completely.

* Challenge participants: Devil D. Lionel, Erza Scarlet.

*Audience: The other members]

[Reward of winning:+100 Erza Scarlet preference points]==>[Reward of winning: Divine-gade, Status cancel skill]

[Penalty of failure: Remove Erza Scarlet from the chat group]==>[Penalty of failure: None]

[Duration: After you accept the quest, you have 1 day to finish it]==>[Duration: Unlimited]


With the wishful spell, he could modify whatever he wanted in the mission, this spell was just a cheat in the system.

He removed the reward and the penalty because in his eyes it means nothing, he's sure that Erza's preference for him has already exceeded 100, not just Erza but all the members so the reward itself doesn't really mean anything, Lionel himself doesn't want to create another crazy girl like Chu Yuechan after all thing.

He had thought about asking for another wishful spell within the reward framework but found out that it was not possible because the amount of Destiny Energy contained within the spell was not enough for that.

The reward he had chosen was the Divine Grade Status Cancel Skill, this skill had an insane price in the Legendary Mechanic Store of 2 billion store coins, so he simply chose it.

With this skill, he could cancel the state of pain on his women after a profound veins transfusion.

With this skill, he can cancel all negative states from his body, soul, and other people's bodies and souls as well, not only negative states but also positive states!

This skill will also work as a very broken complement to his golden treasure, well just imagine your stamina suddenly running out when you are having sex but just by thinking of canceling the state of weakness you can return to the peak! Well, obviously this example is enough to show the greatness of this skill.

Of course, it has its limits, it needs a stable source of energy to convert it to the canceled state, for example, if the owner of this skill depends on his stamina to implement this skill, the results will be somewhat weak, but if the owner of this skill has chakra, mana, profound energy, or all that would be simply amazing, and the same for Lionel.

[You chose a really good skill]

(Hehe yeah, I really think it's worth the price, there's a huge difference between the prices of a divine level, and this skill is one of the best among them)

[You think so much about the best interests of your women that you sacrificed by wishful spell for them, I'm really jealous]

(I'll do more than that for you, Arya, you know that well)




"Then it's time to go to fairy tail world, isn't it!"

Lionel finally stood up and was ready to accept the mission, but he remembered that Yuechan and Hancock were still naked with sexually pose and fluid above of that.

He was sweating with buckets of the scandal he was going to cause to his two wives, just imagining them being transported to another world in that case made a bad feeling in his heart.

"Fuck! I almost caused a disaster."

Lionel snapped his two fingers and Yuechan and Hancock appeared completely naked and unconscious in front of him, slightly he seduced by their seductive looks. Even in a state of unconsciousness, Lionel shook his head from his perverted thoughts.

"Hoy! Yue chan, Han chan, can you wake up for me?"

Lionel took them to the most luxurious bath in the 'Heart of Heaven' and proceeded to wake them gently, and the next moment their eyelids began to vibrate when they awoke on the face of their dear lovable they were so happy, they quickly embraced him and gave him the morning kiss.

"My insides still feeling happiness from everything we did yesterday, Anata!"

Hancock looked at Lionel and said with a teasing smile at him as if looking towards more, she even opened her long legs and white semen began to flow from her pink opening and she ran her finger gently over the sticky white liquid and put it in her mouth while licking it all.

Just seeing that made blood surging in Lionel's body, he almost pushed her down now, damn how could she be so tempting, who taught her that. these were the thoughts running through his head right now.

"Me too, darling, I feel so happy that makes my insides self yearn for more."

Yuechan didn't sit still and wanted to beat this vixen and get her first-morning dose, she showed her anal hole that still containing Lionel's fluids and did the same Hancock move, but more enthusiastically, as she circled her finger around her sensitive opening and inserted two fingers in and she took out a full gulp of his semen before licking her tongue with an immense temptation that eventually made Lionel's nose bleed.

Feeling defeated by these two chicks, Lionel literally poured cold water on both of them.

"Come on, my little ones, wash up quickly, we have a flight to go on."


"That was surprising, why do you treat us like little girls, well I wouldn't refuse if my darling wanted to wash me himself hehehe"

Chu Yuechan started to pamper after feeling the gentle care of her husband again, every time she spends with him like this the butterflies in her stomach made her so happy, not only her, is the same for Hancock.

Then the three of them took a refreshing bath, but without any other sex, since Lionel told them they were going to Erza's world and meet everyone there, they were so excited to rush everything, their bath didn't last long and was soon over .

They put on new suitable clothes and get ready to go, both Yuechan and Hancock's faces were full of smiles, they were living the happiest moments of their lives with their lover, and now they were going to meet their best girlfriends, this was the best day they had ever had.

Since time would stop in this world, Lionel did not worry too much about his other women in the palace, because after his return he would find them completely in the same condition.

Lionel pressed the mission acceptance token and Lionel's familiar wormhole quickly appeared from each of them' bodies and pulled them towards its mouth, the three of them disappeared from this world that froze as soon as they left.

The world turned gray as if time were standing still.


Titles of the next three chapters:

Chapter 115: A New World (Part 1)

Chapter 116: A New World (Part 2)

Chapter 117: A New World (Part 3)

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