
Lionel seriously looked at the embarrassed twins under his gazes and they didn't even have the guts to look into his eyes.

Irene stood to the side, enjoying the show, a gentle smile adorning her gorgeous face.

"Okay, you introduce yourself first."

Lionel pointed at the blue-haired ninja girl in a short hairstyle.

When she sensed her Grand Master pointing at her. Her heart contracted with tension, but it quickly disappeared when she raised her head to see the gentle expression that followed the seriously one, his handsome face, making her face blush. For Irene the shy expression on Heine's face was so much fun, after all, she didn't see this kind of expression on her face before, all she could see was a cold and icy expression, well previously she also didn't have that kind of emotion, so it was understandable why the same thing appeared on her creatures by the Personality Enchantment.

"I am the Black Sword Heine Lunasea, serving your lordship from now on."

Haine knelt in complete submission in Lionel's presence, since she was so moved by his fate that she officially became his property, even her creator Eren could not change this fact.

Lionel noticed her behavior with satisfaction and he was more satisfied with her human form, Heine is a young woman with a slim figure and sharp eyes, her body has become longer and less thin and her origins are very rich after being affected by the surreal destiny energy. She has dark blue hair hanging over her face and partly tilting to the left side of her face while there are two separate tufts on either side of her face. She wears a navy blue handkerchief with a quilted design and a golden crescent-shaped hair ornament on the back of her head. She also wears a dark blue patterned striped cloak with a crescent design on her back. It reveals the black full-body bodycon suit she is wearing, and notice that it has mesh-style designs on the sides and on the forearms. Different linear boundaries are separating the two.

In short, the ninja outfit was absolutely gorgeous, and it looks like it's going to be torn anytime soon. Since her previous size has changed, Lionel can sense that she is feeling a little tight in her clothes.

Lionel touched her lightly and used the equipping function on her. Her previous tight clothes were soon changed into a ninja outfit similar to what she was wearing but more comfortable, Lionel had bought from the store.

"T-Thank you, Grand master sama, for your generosity!"

Heine was delighted that he noticed her little predicament and magically helped her get through it.

Even Irene nodded in satisfaction at the way he treated her former subordinates.

"Nice to meet you, Heine, I'm glad to have a nice ninja like you by my side, don't call me Big Master, just call me Lionel."

Lionel turned his gaze to the other girl who was staring at Heine jealously and he did the same to her as her clothes were suffocating her too and he got a satisfied look from her as she was more daring than her sister and hugged him like a koala , Lionel enjoyed how she rubbed her face on his face like a cat pets.

Irene really wanted to laugh, Juliet was just herself, when she accepted a person she became like a cute pet in front of him, well all her life the only person she accepted was Irene herself, but now she has accepted someone else.

Lionel ran his fingers around her soft hair and was eager to introduce herself, though he was satisfied with the cat's caress.

Juliet had stopped what she was doing so hard, it was feeling very well satisfied, even better than her former master.

She came out of his embrace with lightning speed and bowed gracefully as she presented herself.

"I am the white sword Juliet Sun at the service of your lordship from now on."

Juliet, in her human form, is a young woman with a childlike personality, unlike her partner. She has orange hair in short braids held in brown bows, with straight bangs hanging slightly over her face. She wears a white coat with golden belts that surround the cuffs on the coat, the waist area, and the biceps area to go along with two golden stripes in the middle of the chest area and ends with a gold-trimmed skirt at the end. She wears white fur-lined snow boots with gold straps to match with matching white pants. This outfit was a larger version of the one she was wearing previously.

Her childish personality reminded him of Xue'er, seemingly making good companions with her.

"Nice to meet you, Juliette, I'm so happy to have a cute cat like you by my side."

Juliet was happy that her new master called her a cute cat, which means she would have many 'mufu mufu' from now on, it would be nice if her new master had a pet fetish.

"Don't be fooled by her cute looks right now because you're the only one who can get that kind of her looks, she's very evil under that facade."

Irene, who had been silent for a while, spoke pleasantly, quickly entering Lionel's cuddle again and she enjoying with his touch, which took her big butt in his fist again.

"So what? Aren't you evil too? Aren't I evil too? I don't care whether my women are bad or good as long as their hearts, souls, and bodies are mine."

"After all, good and evil are nothing but values produced by the weak. Only the strong have the right to control these false values."

"As for my woman, she can be as evil as she wants, that's because she has my woman, I won't care who receives her evil because it no one for me."

The women who heard Lionel's words felt an immense heat burning in their hearts, even Dimaria and Brandish who had come back were already moved by what they heard... How good would it be to become this man's woman?


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