In The Multiverse With Two Golden Fingers!

Chapter 137 - The Second Nightmare (Part 2)


Finally, the second nightmare ended with his deliverance from certain death and his transcendence to a new stage... Or so he thought!

When Lionel wanted to open his eyes he couldn't, then suddenly he felt like he was drowning in quicksand, he still couldn't control his body, so all he was feeling at the moment was inside his mind.

Suddenly he felt his eyes become heavier and his consciousness went dark.


Lionel woke up in confusion and felt that he had regained mobility in his limbs.

He felt softness down his back and head and knew he was on the bed now, when he opened his eyes he saw a strange ceiling on him but for some reason, he found it familiar.

(Where is this place?)

His feelings were just as stable as a rock so this situation did not affect him at all.

He removed the blanket from his body and stood up from the bed. He clearly saw the room he was in, the drawings and pictures of various anime characters such as Naruto, Luffy, and Goku adorned the walls of the room.

(That's weird! Where could I be? And why can't I feel my power!)

Lionel looked to the mirror in the room and reflected to Lionel, an strange but familiar face.

(Is that me?!)

"Lionel! Get down here! Breakfast is ready."

"Hai!! I'm coming, mom!"

Lionel's lips moved with words he didn't say.

Only now did he discover that he was not the only person in this body, but rather, he was not the one who had been moving this body from the beginning… At this stage, he was just a spectator.

The alleged Lionel started running down the stairs and went into the bathroom to wash before sitting at the breakfast table to eat, everything was very peaceful, Lionel inside the boy Lionel could see the family consisting of father, mother and, a little girl who looked only ten years old, it was a family simple and happy.

Their morning breakfast continued by talking about the brothers' school affairs and the results obtained by each of them at the beginning of their academic journey, everything was fine...

The real Lionel didn't do anything but using the other Lionel's eyesight to see everything he saw.

This went on for days, months, years, but the real Lionel still watched everything like a steady rock, and did he have any other choice but to watch?

He already knew that he had been dragged into a nightmare, but to him, this was not a nightmare at all, but rather a restoration of something he had long lost... Until the moment he had to admit that this was a real nightmare ... or was that how it was in the past.

Yes, he was reminiscing about his previous life.

What can he say about this life!

In the first, It was so monotonous, if he was to say that he didn't grieve for the way he kept keeping his little sister away from him then he would be lying, he was feeling very sad, how could a supreme devil treat his little sister so coldly, and not only that, the fucking Lionel was drowning in his fantasy world for the anime and manga, he was forgetting his duties towards his family little by little. This situation continued to develop in this way until he became a 30-year-old man... But has anything changed?

No, it hasn't changed!

And the real Lionel lived here for 30 years too.

In this world that is said to be the real world, the life of an otaku who wastes his precious time enjoying and neglects the path of his true life is a kind of hell, especially for a 30-year-old otaku.

Lionel watched everything coldly at first, but with each passing moment the human family continued to decline, the father who had given up hope in his eldest son had become a drunk, spending the house money on gambling and wine, the mother becoming weak day by day, month after month and year after year of sadness until it turned into a real disease called diabetes, which in turn paralyzed her.

The younger sister who wasn't young anymore, was behaving strangely, she was even bringing some strange friends to home under the pretext of studying and closing her room door with them inside it, the sounds coming from the room were very outrageous. But for Lionel, the otaku who's in his room all day, does any of this matter? No, His only concern is to break his record for watching the 1000th anime or reading the 2000th manga! Who cares about a younger sister or useless family, that's all he cares about, it's the real deal.

No, he didn't, but the Lionel inside him was living the real hell...

(The hell, were I that kind of trash!)

(Someone! Get me fucking out of here)


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