In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 102 Sister, save me!

Seeing Adam disappearing like lightning, the people who surrounded him were a little angry.

The leading man threw the dagger to the ground angrily, his lips trembled, and he pointed at his men and sprayed wildly.

"Eight people blocked it from two ends, but they actually let a drunkard escape! He even stayed high all night last night!"

Regret is regret, but if the opportunity is missed, it will never come again, and the ambusher can only leave quickly.

Just when they were regretting it, the running Adam's whole body seemed to be burning with flames, and he was in burning pain.

He didn't know where the enemy came from or who he had provoked, but he knew that these people wanted his life.

He was furious.

He asked himself that he had not offended anyone. Even when helping the poor at night, he was polite and courteous. He never treated a girl in distress as a plaything and never acted drunkenly no matter where he drank.

Can this also offend people?

In a flash of lightning, he thought of a possibility.

Maybe it wasn't him who offended, but Roland?

He regretted taking this job, but he knew there was no turning back.

It was obvious that Roland attached great importance to this celebration performance.

As a bohemian bard, he could always hear some strange rumors that others could not hear in the feasting nights.

The person with the most rumors during this period was Roland.

Such as his scandals and his promotion speed as if he were sitting on the queen's lap.

Compared with these tidbits, there are some rumors that he remembers more.

For example, Roland killed Lori, Carl Vinson and others.

With Roland's strength and influence, crushing him would be like crushing a bug.

Mr. Roland's affairs must not be messed up.

Adam gritted his teeth and passed two clinics without stopping, finally arriving at an absolutely safe place.

This is the temple of the God of Abundance.

The Temple of Plenty was established by followers of the Goddess of Plenty and is the most widespread religious organization from Sussex to Rodinia.

At the same level as the Holy Palace of Abundance are the two major religions of light and nature.

Although the three major religions fight openly and covertly with each other, they recognize each other's existence.

The dominant religious belief in Sussex is the Cult of Plenty.

No one dares to run wild on the goddess of fertility's territory.

It's absolutely safe here.

Religious personnel rarely participate in secular struggles. They are aloof from the world. The secular government needs them to stabilize people's hearts. Although the two sides have conflicts, they are generally interdependent.

Adam's hurried footsteps stopped suddenly after entering the temple.

He couldn't hold it on any longer and knelt on the ground. Looking at the nun who was cleaning the courtyard, he called her name loudly, "Natasha, save me."

The nun in white clothing raised her head and glanced at Adam, as if she was seeing the most annoying fly in the world. She did not hide her disgust, but she still said softly:

"Igor, this is the first time I've seen you in such a mess. What's the matter, did you get your legs broken by someone else's husband when you were a philanderer?"

"Natasha, I am your brother after all. Doesn't it hurt to say such nasty things?"

"No." The nun answered simply.

Adam rolled his eyes and muttered angrily: "If you don't want to host my funeral, then give me treatment quickly."

The nun was shocked, looked at Adam's body, and rushed forward.

"Brother, what's going on? Where's the injury? Who did it?"

"I don't know who did it, but I know I will die if you keep shaking like this." Adam teased softly.

Natasha panicked.

Her brother's injuries were obviously beyond what she could handle, so she had no choice but to use the strength of a bear to carry her brother and walk toward the interior of the church.

Only the archbishop blessed by the goddess of fertility can save his brother.

Adam is lucky.

Archbishop Hermann saved him, but did not allow his filthy body to stay in the church.

Considering that his life was in danger if he was kicked out, the archbishop graciously agreed to allow him to stay temporarily in the empty woodshed.

Adam lay on the cold wooden board in the woodshed, panting slightly.

Touching the place where he was stabbed and feeling the gentle signs of healing, he finally felt relieved.

Fortunately, the wounds are not serious.

Although his sister spurned him, she still didn't abandon him completely.

Just as he was silently complaining that the woodshed was too cold, the door was slowly pushed open.

A thick quilt fell from the sky and hit his head.

The soft touch almost overwhelmed him.

"Igor, you'd better restrain yourself in the future. I begged the archbishop hard to get you a chance to live. If you fall into the hands of those butcher doctors, the dismemberment process will probably be broadcast live."

Natasha's words made Adam shudder.

He was really frightened when he heard the name of the surgeon.

In this era of surgery, whether the patient is cured or killed depends entirely on God's will.

Many doctors even treat surgery as a night show. Spectators buy tickets to watch patients enjoy surgery without anesthesia.

Because of this special medical treatment, the average number of doctors in this era is impressive and their combat power is astonishing.

There are also doctors with superb medical skills who anesthetize patients with an iron fist, allowing them to complete the operation while dizzy.

In short, no serious person would want to see a doctor.

This is why Adam didn't stop when he passed both clinics, gritting his teeth and running to the church.

Faced with his sister's ridicule, Adam had nothing to say.

He didn't even want to use his real name before fulfilling his father's wish.


What a distant memory.

Seeing that her brother was not afraid of boiling water, Natasha smashed the thick pillow in anger and walked out without looking back.

As she left the woodshed, a weak voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Thank you, Natasha."


The brother was greeted by his sister's hum and her footsteps leaving quickly.

Adam lay on the wooden bed wrapped in a quilt, staring blankly at the cobweb-covered ceiling, thinking.

He was not hysterical, nor did he cry.

He was just thinking about what to do tomorrow.

Tonight is a weekly rest day. He can not perform at night, but he can not not perform tomorrow.

If he does not perform for two days, the audience's popularity that he has accumulated with great difficulty will be lost.

But what should he do in his current state?

Adam thought about it, tossed and turned, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

In a daze, he remembered what Archbishop Hermann had said to him.

"The goddess's gift can cleanse the filthy body, but it cannot save the dirty soul. Child, bathe in the glory of the goddess and become a hymn poet admired by thousands of people."

This was a rare opportunity when he first came to Sussex.

Archbishop Hermann had seen his performance, appreciated his talent, and gave him a chance.

He thought again and again, but still chose to give up.

Becoming a follower of the goddess cuts off the path to transcendence, and one can only gain strength through devout faith.

This is a bright and smooth road, but his faith is not devout enough.

The three goddesses of abundance, light, and nature are the last three gods born in the Second Age of the Gods.

They are young and willing to listen to the voices of the mortal world.

They look kindly at those who have firm faith and bestow divine gifts.

They look majestically at those who waver and punish them.

Adam was not sincere, so he naturally did not dare to sing poems for the goddess.

This path of progress was not for him.

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