In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 16: Will you be a coward for your whole life, or a warrior for three seconds?

Looking at people through the filter of family affection always makes them look particularly beautiful.

For example, Roland in Lisa's eyes is the best.

When you look at people without the filter of family affection, there are problems everywhere.

For example, Queen Sylph, who has succeeded to the throne but has not yet officially ascended the throne in Wald's eyes.

When Sylph returned to Sheffield Castle humming a light tune, a maid hurried over and whispered: "The Minister of the Interior is waiting for you in the study."

"When did the teacher come?" Sylph pretended to be calm, but her wandering eyes revealed her inner uneasiness.

"Mr. Wald has been waiting for at least four hours. It must be urgent."

"Ah?" Sylph's only trace of calmness also solidified.

She knows the teacher very well.

If it was just an emergency, he would ask someone to find her.

Unless he came for her.

The teacher's anger will burn more and more as the waiting time increases.

Sylph can fully imagine how fierce the storm that follows will be.

According to convention, she should go back to the palace to change clothes and take a bath before meeting the teacher, but thinking that Wald had been waiting for four hours, she was in no mood for that, and hurried to the study.

Her speed was just stuck at the limit of losing the calm demeanor of a noble person.

Although she was anxious, she was still an elegant queen.

When she walked into the small study, Wald's face was as clear as water, and he sat upright.

Seeing Sylph return, he stood up and met her with the most standard etiquette of a minister.

Sylph's heart "stomped" and she was half cold.

It's bad.

If the teacher couldn't help nagging when he saw her, it would be a small matter.

If the teacher put on a businesslike attitude, it would be a big deal.

Thinking of running out for a stroll during the day these days, Sylph knew she was in the wrong and quickly responded with the etiquette of a student.

"Teacher, you've been waiting for a long time. If you have something to say, I'll be back soon."

"In Sussex, there is no rule for subjects to send people to summon their masters."

Wald said with a serious expression: "If this matter gets out, your majesty's majesty will be ruined. People outside even think that the ruler of Sheffield Castle has changed."

Hilve was silent for a moment, sighed softly, and said faintly: "I am not the owner of Sheffield Castle, and I have never received this kind of education."

"This is my dereliction of duty. I will make up for this lesson for you today."

Wald's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Hilve, class!"

Hilve was startled by Wald's sudden change, but quickly reacted.

The teacher waited for her for a purpose.

Since he was not scolding her, no matter how difficult the class was, it was a good class.

She pinched the hem of her skirt, bent her knees slightly, and responded softly, "Teacher, please teach me."

Wald motioned for Sylph to sit down, and asked calmly, "Sylph, do you want to be a puppet in name only, or a powerful monarch who controls your fate?"

"Even if I want to, can I really do it?" Sylph asked without a clear reason.

The monarchy is never granted by heaven, it must be fought for.

The nobles and the second class in Sussex are becoming more and more powerful, and the space for monarchy has long been eroded.

If not for this, my father would not have to go to the overseas territories in person to seek support from overseas lords.

My father's death is very problematic, but it cannot be investigated in depth. Whoever investigates will be the next one.

Seeing that Sylph was about to give up on herself, Wald's expression was calm, but his voice pierced into Sylph's heart like a sharp blade.

"Will others let you go? You are a superhuman, originally only the ninth rank [Lady], no one cares, but now you have become the monarch of the empire, qualified and capable of being promoted to the eighth rank [Princess] or even the seventh rank [Queen]. Do you know what this means?"

Hilfu's pink cheeks were pale.

Of course she knew what this meant.

Although not many people knew, she knew very well that the structure of the superhuman society was not much different from that of ordinary people, both were pyramids.

The higher you go, the harder it is to go.

Ranks nine to seven are lower-rank superhumans, who are no different from ordinary people in essence, but have special abilities and will also grow old, get sick and die. The life span of a rank seven strongman is at most three hundred years.

A professionally trained mortal assassin can completely send away a rank seven superhuman under certain circumstances.

The power of superhumans comes from the stars, and different promotion directions correspond to different star paths.

Under the stars, lower-rank superhumans are equal to ordinary people, and can have similar or even identical star paths, but things change from rank six.

The road to the top of the pyramid has narrowed.

Level 6 Transcendents can feel the power of the stars, which is fundamentally different from ordinary people.

They will stay away from ordinary struggles and embark on the road of pursuing the stars.

The power of the stars will not be created out of thin air, nor will it disappear out of thin air, and the struggle will never stop.

There is an upper limit to the amount of star power that can be obtained in each material plane, and some people have more and some have less.

The promotion rules are like this, which makes the Transcendents on the same star path natural enemies.

People who are on the same journey are just enemies, but explorers on the same star path are irreconcilable mortal enemies.

Unfortunately, this world already has a female monarch who has reached level 7 and is struggling for level 6.

Sophia Friedrich Vladimir, the queen of the Vladimir Empire in the Land of Winter.

She controls a vast empire, with millions of elite troops under her command, and the white chamomile flag representing her authority flies over fifteen time zones.

Under her command is the notorious underground spy agency Rurik Shadow. In front of the omnipresent Night Walkers, the Sussex MI6 is nothing but a bunch of good-for-nothings.

Wherever she looked, that was where the empire's troops were heading.

She had no rivals.

The monarchs of several secular powers were not extraordinary, and the extraordinary monarchs of small countries would not threaten her position.

She once boasted that if she was given 250 years, she could make the whole world learn standard Rurik.

She was not bragging, but she did not have 250 years.

Can humans live for more than 300 years?

Yes, they can be promoted to rank 6.

So she had no time to waste, and always focused her main energy on pursuing the stars, which gave other powers some breathing space.

However, all this changed when Sylph became the Queen of Sussex.

She had a rival.

Or in other words, her stepping stone to rank 6 was here.

Sylph's crying and blood would become the most dazzling decoration on the scepter she held high when she was promoted.

This was fate.

Unless Sylph had the ability to fight back and dye the scepter red with Sophia's blood.

Sylph's originally fair face was devoid of any blood color.

Wald's sharp eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he shouted angrily:

"Hilf, stand up and face your fate!"

Hilf's spirit was trembling, and her slender little hands that were originally shaking shook even more violently.

But this time it was not cowardice, but excitement.

The monarchs of Sussex have expanded their territory and defeated countless seemingly invincible opponents, which created the world's number one navy and tens of millions of square kilometers of vast land.

Sophia is the queen, and I am also the queen!

Why did she step on my blood to be promoted, and not the other way around?

Destiny, after all, must be faced.

The first thing that flashed before Hilf's eyes was not the founding monarch Sussex the Great, nor the most famous monarch in the history of the empire, the Ocean King, but Roland, who was both lucky and unfortunate.

This guy had no idea what kind of opponent he would face next.

But it was difficult for Hilf to sympathize with Roland, because she was the same unfortunate Hilf, and she also had to face an invincible powerful opponent.

At this moment, the soul of the thirty-fourth generation of Sussex emperors possessed her.

Hilf was burning.

The great achievements of the previous emperors in expanding the territory and killing their enemies flashed through her mind like a movie scene.

Finally, it was frozen in front of her.

Her eyes were red.

Walder looked at her expectantly.

At this moment, the noble blood flowing in Sylph's body was awakened. Even if there was a legendary dragon standing in front of her that could make the world burst, she would not retreat.

Courage filled Sylph's delicate body, and her eyes burst out with a terrifying cold light.

It flashed away.

Sylph's lips trembled slightly, and her trembling voice was crying.

"Teacher, I want to abdicate and return to my Earldom of Tyrone. Please notify the cabinet for me and let them choose a new emperor. I have two distant cousins ​​who are from the side branches of the family. They can both be candidates."

"Teacher, what's wrong with you, teacher?"

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