In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 26 I was careless and didn’t dodge

This sword was the result of Lori's fifty years of skill, and it was also the pinnacle of the Ruton family's vicious swordsmanship that he had improved.

Even if you are stronger than him, it is difficult to avoid this sudden and hurtful blow.

Not only that, he also poisoned the sword.

As long as there is a scratch, Roland will be dead.

He is very good at playing dirty.

Anyone in the Sussex literary world would die today, but his enemy is Roland.

In terms of playing dirty, Roland is not inferior at all, and even better.

Taking a half step back, Roland showed a dangerous smile at the corner of his mouth, and then waved his sleeves vigorously, and the hidden smoke bomb flew out instantly, covering Lori and the three men in black.

[Produced by Guden Alchemy Workshop, quality guaranteed]

This is not an advertisement, but an effect.

Roland was not sad about the expensive alchemy props being used up, and immediately pulled out the poisoned dagger and threw it towards the smoke area.

Throwing hidden weapons in the smoke can easily hurt friendly forces by mistake. Fortunately, there are no friendly forces here, they are all enemies, so there is no need to aim, just throw.

Darts are one of the traditional sports of the Sussex people. Old Sussex people like to play darts while drinking in the pub.

The most authentic bar, guests with the highest score can enjoy a large glass of free beer.

Roland is a real Sussex person, of course he can play darts.

Although his father opposed him playing darts, his father was often not at home and could not control Roland.

Playing darts for ten years, just for this moment.

Relying on the position of memory, Roland threw several throwing knives and accurately hit the three men in black. Only Lori was slippery and escaped a knife.

At the moment when Roland took action, a roar came from outside the valley.

Reinforcements arrived.

The end of the Tamas gang has also come.

The main force of this operation is the private soldiers of Earl Tyrone.

Sylph's weak strength does not mean that he has no power.

In addition to the title of Queen, she also has two earldoms, which is more than enough to support one or two thousand elite private soldiers.

Tonight she mobilized 100 private guards, focusing on a safe one.

Not only that, she also personally participated in the battle in armor.

If you can't cure Queen Sophia, can't you cure a few bugs in the imperial capital?

Sif has been in a bad mood recently and needs to vent.

The unfortunate Taimas Gang has become the target of her anger.

Heavy roars, screams of injuries, clinking sounds, and rude curses came from all directions, turning this not-so-big battlefield into a terrible slaughterhouse.

"Mom, I don't want to die, ah!!"

The young gang member wanted to beg for mercy but was shot in the head by Alina.

Alina casually put the single-shot pistol back to her waist, drew her saber, and continued to slash.

The reloading speed of pistols in this era is very slow after firing, and it is useless on the battlefield except for being cool.

Unless you use a pistol as a knife with a sight like Alina.

Roland has a very objective evaluation of firearms of this era.

The future is promising.

At least it is not as good as the ancestral method of darts.

Roland took out the spare knife and stabbed it into the throat of the tall and thin man who wanted to sneak attack him, responding to Alina's slightly ostentatious smile.

This is not a battle at all, but a game of cat and mouse.

Sif was very angry.

She gave a death order.

Except for the main suspect, no one else will be left.

The court's trial seat is very narrow and cannot accommodate so many people. Renault, Lori and Byron have reserved seats, and others can go to hell first.

The knight in bright silver light full body armor rushed on the battlefield. Roland glanced at the white rose on the knight's chest and knew that this was the White Rose Knight.

Sif is a high-ranking noble and has to accompany Her Majesty the Queen. Wuxia came here and sent the strongest combat force under her command. It was already very righteous.

Roland thought silently, with only gratitude in his heart.

It would be better if Sif didn't come.

She was born in a noble family, with a delicate body. The swords and knives were blind, and even a scratch on the skin would be a serious injury.

Renault was sprayed with an unknown spray by Alina, and his nose and tears flowed in pain, and then he was knocked unconscious and captured by the cunning Alina.

Alina's unscrupulous fighting style made Roland feel cold on his back.

It's too dirty.

Don't mess with this guy.

He thought silently, completely forgetting his tactics of using smoke bombs to clear the way and flying knives to hit the face.

The unlucky Mr. Lori encountered the White Rose head-on.

Although the White Rose Knight was not tall, he had amazing explosive power. His long spear was rolled into a beautiful rose, completely suppressing Lori.

If it was Lori thirty years ago, he would still have the power to resist, but he was old after all, and was beaten up and captured on the spot.

The battle was over.

In addition to Renault and Lori, only one young gang member begged for mercy and surrendered quickly enough to become a prisoner, and the rest of the gangsters were all shot on the spot.

After handing over the captives to Sif's private soldiers, Alina came over.

"Well done, Roland."

Roland smiled and responded to him, "You too, Captain Alina."

The White Rose Knight snorted, as if reminding them that there were still people.

Roland hurried forward and thanked the White Rose Knight with a standard knight's salute.

"Salute to you, White Rose, thank you for your help."

The White Rose Knight returned the salute and responded in a feminine voice: "Even if it is against the enemy, using a flying knife is against the spirit of chivalry."

Roland: "."

Hey, another guy brainwashed by dogma.

Forget it, forget it, he is here to help, just say a few words.

He smiled and didn't say much.

The Knight of the White Rose disassembled the nearly three-meter-long spear into three sections and prepared to put it in his backpack.

At this moment, Lori, who was originally exhausted and kicked by the soldiers, suddenly burst into a terrifying cold light in his eyes, broke free from the restraints, and ran away at an incredible speed.

He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth while running, cursing wildly in his heart.

If there was no Roland, he would be the champion of the essay contest.

If there was no Roland, he would not be forced to use the forbidden technique of overdrawing his life.

As a superhuman, his combat power is not too strong, and his specialty is the ability to escape.

After tonight, he will leave Sussex immediately and leave the Luton family that suffocated him.

He wants to seek political asylum, he wants to go to the Golden Kite Republic.

There, he is a persecuted writer exiled from Sussex.

Roland, you wait for me, I won't spare you!

Lori's escape was too fast, and the Knight of the White Rose had no time to react, but Alina and Roland reacted faster.

Alina pulled out her pistol and fired a shot. She was surprised to find that the bullet had just been used for show.

In a flash, Roland snatched the three-section lance from the White Rose Knight's backpack and threw the butt of the lance directly out.

The White Rose Knight also reacted. She anxiously reminded Roland, "That's the butt of the lance. The head of the lance can hurt people!"

Roland ignored her reminder and threw the middle of the lance out.

The butt of the lance flew out, and Lori was frightened and dodged in a hurry.

He used forbidden techniques to escape, and every turn was overdrawing his life. He spit out a mouthful of blood and found that it was a wooden stick. He almost spit out another mouthful of blood in anger.

Then another piece of wooden stick flew over. He turned around and pushed it away and continued to escape.

Then the third wooden stick flew over.

This time Lori didn't even look back, but continued to accelerate.

Anyway, they were all wooden sticks, so there was no need to pay attention.

Wooden sticks can't kill people.


There was a tearing pain in his chest.

Lori looked down in shock and saw the short gun head piercing through his back and out of his chest.

It turned out that the third stick was the gun head.

He was careless.

His eyes went dark and he fell to the ground with a bang.

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