In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 43 Roland also wants to improve

Roland's etiquette class is over.

Sylph requested it.

Since we have decided to go to sea, the result of the salon party is not that important.

Lori is dead, and even if there are people who want to take advantage of the salon to find trouble with Roland, they will not be too rampant.

Roland used the essay to imply that the queen was leading the rhythm, but it was also covered by a more exciting story.

In this case, it is a waste of time to continue the etiquette class.

After all, Roland's time is very precious.

Of course, since we asked Teacher Mary for help, it can't be in vain. Sylph simply asked Teacher Mary to give Miss Lisa special training.

It can be seen that this girl has a special status in Roland's heart. Based on the idea of ​​treating her family well rather than winning her over, Sylph sent an invitation letter to Lisa, asking her to be a female guest.

To be the special guest of the queen, you can't behave rudely.

Special training must be arranged, and it must be trained hard!

In this way, Lisa accepted Roland's torture happily and painfully.

Roland, who was free, was not really free.

He was writing furiously.

In addition to providing manuscripts to The Sun and the Bard, there is a more important task.

Write a political course for Her Majesty the Queen that can be understood by zero foundation.

It must be vivid and easy to understand.

This kind of strange requirement is the first time in the 700-year history of Sussex.

This book is both difficult and easy to write.

After all, zero foundation is not the worst start, at least it is better than the negative score of holding dregs as the Bible.

Since it is a blank sheet of paper, Roland is naturally cautious when he writes.

He used the classic cases and historical stories he had read before crossing over, slightly changed them, changed the names as materials, and began to compile teaching materials.

Hearing from Sif that the Queen likes his novels, Roland simply wrote these cases into a novel in the form of unit dramas.

In this novel, almost all officials seek profits for themselves in the name of the Queen.

Roland Cat was in the post office, racking his brains to write the first story, and then gave it to Sif to read first.

She knows the Queen best, and she has the most say in whether this writing method can be accepted by the Queen.

Opening the manuscript with the scent of ink still on it, looking at the flowing handwriting, and seeing the novel story, Sif had a good reading experience.

However, her good mood was shattered by the story a few minutes later.

She clenched her fists, and her knuckles turned slightly white because she clenched them too tightly.

Seeing Sif so angry, Roland vaguely felt that something was wrong, and almost blurted out the reminder that "In fact, we are also making benefits in the name of the Queen", but he swallowed it back.

After quickly reading the first story written by Roland, Sif took several deep breaths to calm her emotions. She whispered:

"Does this book have a name?"

Roland smiled casually, "Sorry, I have difficulty naming, and I haven't thought of it yet. How about you help me think of one?"

He originally just said it casually, and didn't expect Sif to help, but Sif's eyes flashed with a strange look, and slowly said the name that made Roland's eyes light up.

"Since everyone is seeking benefits under the banner of the Queen, how about calling it "In the Name of the Queen"? "

Roland repeated it twice in a low voice, and suddenly felt that this title was extremely appropriate.

Yes, everyone is seeking their own benefits in the name of the Queen.

Don't ask, the question is loyalty! Honesty!

Who really takes the Queen seriously?

Roland glanced at Sif with his peripheral vision, looking at her fiery eyes, thinking.

Sif has not been tainted by the cruelty of political struggle, she is sympathizing with the poor Queen.

Although he has never seen the Queen in person, thinking that she has at least pardoned his offense, Roland felt a little bit reluctant.

"Your Majesty is not alone, at least there is Mr. Wald, and we."

Sif really wants to ask Roland, are you loyal too?

But this question can never be asked.

Roland is not a subordinate of Sif, and it is natural that he is not loyal.

He is helping in the name of a friend, and he can't ask too much.

However, the identity of a friend is too vague after all, which makes Sif lack a sense of security.

We have to find a way to make him feel a sense of belonging!

Sif's brain was working fast, and she began to think about teacher Walder's teachings.

A blank.

After all, she was not the crown prince, and the teacher's teachings did not include these.

Just when she was a little frustrated, she suddenly thought of a passage said by a powerful and treacherous minister in the Biography of Powerful Ministers.

"If a person is active in doing things, he must be pursuing progress. Fame, wealth, power and sex, men's pursuits can never escape these."

Fame? Roland definitely doesn't care about this.

If he cares about false reputation, he won't exchange the essay champion for money.

Although it was a trick, it can be seen that he really doesn't care.

Profit? There must be, but not much.

Power? If he values ​​power, the most important thing he should do is to find a way to get close to the queen and show his ability and achievements in front of the queen, instead of hanging around with her, the "little earl".

Sex? Thinking of Roland's stern rejection of her kindness to give her a maid, this probably isn't it.

Fame, wealth, power and sex don't like it?

Sif was very flustered. Who would do good things without asking for anything in return? He must have something to ask for!

What exactly does he want?

Just as Sif was thinking about it, Roland put away the manuscript and made a very "serious" gesture of invitation.

"Miss Sif, it's time to meet Her Majesty the Queen."

"Ah? You, you want to see her?" Sif, who was still fighting with villains in her mind, said it almost subconsciously.

Roland's eyes were a little more stunned.

Lord Earl, this is the itinerary you arranged yesterday, are you okay?

Sif reacted quickly and covered up quickly:

"Roland, what I mean is that His Majesty needs you now. If you take the opportunity to make a request, she will definitely try her best to meet it. Have you thought about it?"

Roland nodded.

"Give me an official identity. It's better to have an identity to work for His Majesty."

Is that so?

Sif breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of what the treacherous minister said, "With power, the other three benefits will also come. You must hold on to power and never let go."

It turned out that Roland's idea coincided with that treacherous minister.

Thinking of this, Sif's heart skipped a beat, and the breath of relief just now was raised again.

"What official position and title do you want?"

"Official position is not necessary. As for the title, I want a title. Can it be arranged?"

Roland teased half-jokingly.

Without merit, the title is obtained only by grace, and it must be reviewed by both the House of Nobles and the House of Commons.

This kind of thing can be difficult, or it can be just a sentence.

With Queen Sylph's current prestige and political resources, it would be about as difficult to accomplish this as carrying a mountain across the strait.

Sylph was a little discouraged, and her confidence was much weaker.

"A little difficult."

Just a little difficult? It's impossible! Unless you pay a price far beyond the title to exchange.

Roland said calmly: "Your Majesty can certainly do it, but the price is too high and it's completely unnecessary. I want the title of Royal Knight."

Royal Knight?

Sylph was stunned for a long time before she remembered this term that was almost thrown into the trash can.

In the era when knights were popular, the royal family also formed the Royal Knights.

At that time, knights, as the backbone of the second class, had a pivotal position.

The status of the head of the Royal Knights was no less than that of the cabinet ministers and generals, and he controlled nearly 10,000 elite knights.

After the end of the knight era, the royal family could not maintain the huge expenses of the Knights, resulting in a gradual decrease in the number of knights.

Today, the number of Royal Knights is less than 200, and even Royal Knight has gradually evolved into an honorary title, representing close ties with the royal family.

Is this title with only honor but no real power still useful?

Of course it is useful!

It is very easy to get this title because no one is competing for it.

Royal Knight?

The head of the Royal Knights!

The previous head of the Knights accompanied his father to the sea and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Since Roland wants to improve so much, he is the only one who can do it.

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