In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 56 How did the knight die?


The teacup fell gently on the table. Roland, who turned into a storyteller, looked around the audience and said slowly:

"Why do I take the initiative to challenge? The reason is very simple, for the glory of Her Majesty the Queen!"

At this moment, there were two listeners sitting in front of Roland, Sif and Lisa.

Last night, Roland said that he was exhausted and needed to rest, and forcibly avoided their questions, but he certainly couldn't avoid it today.

Since he couldn't avoid it, he didn't want to tell the same story twice, so he took the initiative to provide Sif with a vivid storytelling performance.

He had already thought about how to make up the story last night.

It was perfect.

However, Lisa and Sif didn't buy it.

After hearing Roland's opening remarks, the two stared at him at the same time and said in unison:

"Don't lie!"

Roland spread his hands, raised them up, and gave a standard French military salute.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Seeing Roland's giggling, Sif snorted with a stern face, "There are no outsiders here, so don't worry about anything."

For the glory of the Queen is just a lie, no one will take it seriously.

It would be impolite to say this again.

Roland restrained his smile and asked backhandedly: "What do you think?"

This time it was Sif's turn to be distressed.

She knew very well that this was a test question from Teacher Roland.

Of course she could not answer or answer it wrong, but she didn't want to be looked down upon by Roland.

The Queen of the Vase is a thing of the past, and she is now the smart Count Sif.

After thinking for a moment, Sif slowly said: "Since this fight must be fought, it is better to take the initiative instead of waiting for Carl Vinson to challenge!"

Roland clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Well said. Why do we have to fight this?"

This time he not only looked at Sif, but also at Lisa.

Lisa was a little confused.

Does she have to answer too?

Lisa bit her lip as she saw Count Sif next to her. She felt a sense of winning.

Her thoughts went back to last night.

At midnight, the lively salon ended. Everyone had their own concerns, and Lisa was no exception.

She changed her clothes reluctantly and wanted to return the dress, but was rejected.

"Her Majesty the Queen does not wear clothes that others have worn. Miss Lisa, this dress is tailored to your size and it will fit you best."

"This is a gift from Her Majesty the Queen."

The feminine voice of the housekeeper made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she was very happy to keep the dress.

After midnight, she was still herself, but a little different.

She knew very well that Her Majesty the Queen gave her the dress for Roland's sake.

She liked the dress, but this way of getting it made her feel a little disappointed.

She hoped that she would not have to hide behind Roland next time.

She had to grow up.

The flames danced in her palms, and the warmth came over her, making Lisa feel much more at ease.

【Flame Control】 gave her the capital to compete with fire magicians, and also gave her the opportunity to stand beside Roland, not behind him.

She must answer this question correctly.

Lisa's brain was working fast.

Sif and Lisa fell into deep thought at the same time, and Roland breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a good thing that they are willing to think.

The team's brains can't all be placed with him. After developing path dependence, it will be troublesome if they need to act alone.

"This is a response to provocation!"

"This is a battle to establish prestige!"

Lisa and Sif answered almost at the same time.

The two also felt that something was wrong, and their eyes looked at each other with a little more complexity.

Perhaps it was praise, or something else.

However, Roland shook his head gently, and said in a deep voice: "What you said makes sense, but it's not the main reason."

"If you want to establish prestige, there are many soft persimmons, why choose the Macbeth family?"

"This" Sif was speechless.

"If someone provokes you to kill, sooner or later you will offend the whole world."

"Hey" Lisa was also a little embarrassed.

Seeing them fall into deep thought again, Roland's mouth corners slightly raised, and he was in a good mood.

What they said was not the correct answer, but it could not be said to be completely wrong.

At least they were thinking and gave answers, which was good.

A few minutes later, Sif and Lisa chose to abstain almost at the same time.

Facing two abstentions, Roland said in a deep voice: "Because he is an enemy."

"Sif, Lisa, political activities are very taboo to be emotional. And the starting point of your answers just now is related to emotions."

"It is not emotions that determine the relationship between enemies and friends, but interests. If there is a conflict of interest, even fathers and sons, brothers and husbands and wives will turn against each other; if there is a common interest, yesterday's enemies can become friends."

"There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests!"

Sif's eyes lit up.

She repeated Roland's last sentence over and over again, and she didn't even notice when she stood up.

There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

This sentence directly made Sif's previously confused thinking gradually clear.

She knew she would never forget this sentence again.

Looking at Sif standing up in a daze, Roland smiled and teased:

"Student Sif, please sit down."

Roland smiled and nodded to her, and continued to ask: "So why is he our enemy?"

Sif pondered for a moment, and said softly but firmly: "The Queen appointed you as the leader of the Knights, and he jumped out to oppose it. This is enough."

"Very good, you already have the thinking of a normal person!"

Roland was very pleased, but Sif was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Is this a compliment?

What does "already have normal thinking" mean? Was she abnormal before?

Sif's anger gathered in an instant and disappeared in an instant.

Well, she was indeed abnormal before, at least not a normal politician.

Roland patiently analyzed it for Sif, and then patiently persuaded her to think about why he had to attack so strongly last night, and how to use Carl Vinson's underestimation of the enemy to make the duel lose suspense from the beginning.

"When Carl Vinson followed me to the duel field, he was already dead."

Roland casually opened his shirt and introduced his battle preparations to Sif and Lisa one by one.

"These are two smoke bombs that can block vision and cover attacks."

"These are five darts, two of which are hidden in the sleeves, and they are all poisoned."

"This is an alchemical bomb, one of which reduces defense, one slows down, and one blinds."

"This is..."

Seeing Roland take out so many weapons from his body as if by magic, Lisa and Sif were stunned.

After taking out the spare pistol and placing it on the table, Roland slowly asked:

"Do you still want to ask me how to defeat him now?"

Sif and Lisa shook their heads at the same time.

Carl Vinson naively thought that Roland only had a pistol in his hand, and there was only one bullet in the gun, and there was no time to reload.

He firmly believed that he could kill Roland as long as he got close.

But he didn't know that getting close was just the beginning of the nightmare.

The scene of last night appeared in front of the two girls.

The strong and brave knight charged!

The knight was trapped in the smoke!

The knight was slowed down!

The knight's armor was broken!

The knight was killed!

The cause of the knight's death, arrogance and underestimation of the enemy.

Who said that the leader of the Royal Knights must be a traditional knight?

Sif suddenly realized.

It is really terrifying to be an enemy with a guy like Roland who has no bottom line.

Fortunately, he is on her side.

As long as he stands on her side, even if he is a devil, it is good.

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