Roland let out a long sigh, somewhat embarrassed.

This was his third time in the dreamland, and he had long realized that the flower sea dreamland was different from ordinary dreams.

In ordinary dreams, the dreamer could not control his own actions at all, and his actions and will were completely dominated by the dreamland.

In the flower sea dreamland, he not only had a clear consciousness, but also could act independently.

It was difficult for him to regard the elf girl as a dream phantom, and he was more willing to regard her as a living being.

A special living being.

In any case, he always played a little trick, and Roland wanted to repay the elf girl a little.

He smiled and said, "Sif, do you want to hear a story?"

"A new story?" The elf girl looked up at Roland, her curiosity aroused.

To be fair, Roland's storytelling level was far behind that of the elf chanting poets. Whether it was artistic expression or voice strength, there was at least five levels behind.

But his story was novel.

As people's stereotypes, the elves were stubborn and conservative, and they didn't know how to adapt.

The elves' stories were wonderful, but not innovative. For example, love stories are always about you and me under the world tree, bathing together in front of the Moon Temple, and a fruit hanging on the world tree. You will get tired of hearing it too much.

Roland's fresh story greatly satisfied the curiosity of the elf girl.

Looking at her clear eyes like lake water, Roland cleared his throat and got into the mood.

"Today's story is called 'The Queen's Cup is Still Clear, Roland Shot Carl Three Times'."

The elf girl didn't speak, but just held her cheek, her eyes burning with the flame of expectation.

Her listening posture made Roland full of energy.

He was not sleepy anymore.

The story was very vivid.

Hearing that Carl Vinson was shot dead with three bullets, the whole audience was shocked, but Roland stopped talking. The elf girl couldn't help asking:

"What happened next?"

"Afterwards, everyone continued to drink and have fun as if nothing had happened."

The elf girl frowned slightly and asked softly: "That's not what I'm talking about. Didn't you get anything extra by killing him?"

"Yes, I got a [Knight] professional soul-bound card, soaked in blood."

"Is it renamed Soul Card now?" The elf Sif's voice was very soft, and only she could hear it.

"What did you say?" Roland didn't hear clearly, so he had to ask directly.

"Nothing, what do you plan to do with the card?" The name of the dead is meaningless, and the elf girl didn't want to explain.

It would be better if he didn't mention it, but Roland would have a headache if he mentioned it.

It's okay to be distressed in reality, but why should he continue to be distressed in a dream.

But he still answered truthfully.

"I want them all, but I can't do it."

The Elf Sif looked at Roland carefully and sighed, "It's a pity that you really don't have the ability to fuse cards."

Roland was shocked by the hidden message in this sentence.

Is there anyone who can fuse soul cards?

Seeing through Roland's astonishment, the Elf Sif smiled and explained: "Yes, the pure blood of elves, earth spirits and dragons can all be fused."

Looking at Roland's slightly disappointed expression, the Elf Sif smiled and said:

"Don't be depressed, my memory is frozen in the past, and humans are a new race that came later, and they may not be inferior to the previous high-level races. Even if you can't fuse, you can choose to keep two cards. Use [Writer] at ordinary times, and switch to [Knight] when you need to fight."

Is this okay?

Roland's eyes lit up.

Before he spoke, the Elf Sif nodded calmly.

"This is very simple, come here."

Roland approached the elf girl with trepidation.

This was the first time he was so close.

Sitting opposite the girl, the distance between the two was only half a meter.

The flowers in the sea of ​​flowers exuded a refreshing fragrance, but the girl did not have the expected fragrance.

Seeing the surprise flashing in Roland's eyes, the elf Sif's eyes were a little sad.

"Roland, I have experienced three deaths. The first time I died, I became a soul. I was unwilling to accept this, so I took the opportunity to escape when I went to the Styx, but I was caught up and killed by the law enforcers of the underworld, and my soul was destroyed. After that, I was lucky enough to become a spirit and escape to the Netherworld, but was chased and killed by the judge of the Netherworld. I continued to escape, and my spirit was broken up again. After my spirit was scattered, no one cared about me anymore, because this was the most thorough death."

"If you want to revive me, you must cross the Styx, pass through the Netherworld, pick up the broken pieces of my spirit in the deepest part of the Sea of ​​Annihilation, piece them together, and give me a soul and body again."

"But this is just a theory. In fact, even the greatest gods can't do it, so I died very cleanly, and my consciousness only exists in your dreams. Death is unfortunate, but compared to the complete disappearance of my people, existence is not necessarily unlucky."

The elf Sif looked up at Roland and said softly: "Roland, let's make a deal. You give me a new story, and I will exchange it with ancient memories."

Triple death? Although the Elf Sif said it lightly, the terms such as the Styx, Hell, and the Sea of ​​Annihilation were chilling just by hearing them.

Thinking of the Elf Sif running through these terrifying purgatory for survival, and finally falling, he felt pity in his heart.

He nodded solemnly and accepted the deal.

The Elf Sif reached out and pressed Roland's forehead, but her fingertips passed through Roland like a phantom.

The four eyes met, and it was hard to hide the silence.

Perhaps Roland's story made her forget all her troubles, and she actually ignored the fact that there was no entity but only consciousness.

The Elf Sif retracted her fingertips, stared at Roland, and slowly said: "You can hold two cards at the same time, but the price is double the difficulty of promotion. What do you choose?"

Roland did not hesitate at all and chose to take them all.

Although it has no entity, fortunately, the soul card has no weight, and the elf Sif can manipulate it with consciousness.

Watching the soul card being skillfully manipulated by the elf, thinking of her triple death, Roland thought to himself, if the elf Sif was alive, what kind of strong person would she be?

He couldn't imagine it.

However, such a strong person could not escape the bondage of life and death.

The water in this world is much deeper than he imagined.

According to the request of the elf Sif, Roland closed his eyes, stretched his limbs, and his soul sank into the sea of ​​consciousness in his brain.

When the elf Sif manipulated the card to fall, Roland was a little surprised.

So simple?

The elf Sif inserted the second card at the moment when the main card entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

Isn't this a card bug?

Roland thought silently, as long as the hand speed is fast enough, can he still insert the third card?

As if sensing Roland's thoughts, the Elf Sif smiled and said, "The third card can indeed be stuffed in, but the burden is too heavy. The price of having two cards is that the difficulty of promotion doubles, and the difficulty increases exponentially afterwards, four times for three cards and eight times for four cards."

After reminding Roland of the precautions for using two cards, the Elf Sif stopped talking and closed her eyes silently.

The breeze blew, ripples appeared in the sea of ​​flowers, and the fragrance wafted in the air.

Roland knew that this was a euphemistic farewell.

After expressing his gratitude to the Elf Sif, he turned and left the dream.

Looking at Roland's disappearing back, the Elf Sif's eyes gradually became lonely.

If there is hope for life, who would be willing to die?

But she had no chance.

Roland's appearance brought a touch of light to her gloomy world.

It's actually good to have a fresh story to listen to.

The chapter of the old era has long ended, and returning to yesterday is just a foolish dream.

She would not do such a stupid thing that defies heaven.

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