In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 62 Pig Tactics

"Captain, you want me to pay them back wages?"

Wharton's eyes widened, he couldn't believe his ears.

What exactly does Roland want to do?

He was a little unsure.

Roland smiled and asked back: "If you don't go, who will go? Do you think I know them?"

Wharton laughed, always feeling that something was wrong, and wanted to ask a few more questions, but Count Sif, who came with Roland, frowned and interrupted impatiently:

"Roland, are you not done yet? We still have to prepare for the dinner later, and we can't delay."

Roland smiled and responded, then pulled Wharton aside and said in a low voice:

"Deputy Captain Wharton, I'm really busy. Miss Sif and I have to go to Sheffield Castle to have tea with His Majesty in the evening. Go, this is an order! "

"Stanley Chamber of Commerce is a bit far, so I won't go. Wharton, the management model of the Knights will refer to the past. You can handle small matters as you wish, and you don't have to report to me specifically."

Seeing Sif urging him again, Roland quickly took out a prepared form and instructed:

"Deputy Captain Wharton, everyone must sign and confirm, and those who are illiterate must put their fingerprints. I have to hand in this form to His Majesty, and there must be no mistakes, understand?"

"Also, His Majesty will review the troops in a month, do you know what to do?"

Wharton nodded frequently, with a smile on his face.

It turned out that the two young men came to the Knights to gild themselves. If they had said so earlier, he would have been restless and nervous in the office next door for a long time.

After Captain Roland made important instructions on the issue of the Knights' arrears of salary, he left quickly with Sif, who was already impatient.

When passing by Wharton, Sif hid far away, but still "couldn't help" taking out a handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose, and whispered "It stinks."

Wharton's old face was as red as braised pig liver, but he didn't dare to talk back.

After watching Roland and Sif leave, he gritted his teeth and spat the thick phlegm outside the door, swearing.

"I'm an alcoholic, and you are nothing good. You are just a playboy who relies on your parents to show off and a pretty boy who licks the feet of Her Majesty the Queen!"

Wharton returned to the office and angrily opened the safe. The tempting fragrance of wealth hit him, and his mood finally eased a lot.

A total of more than 4,000 pounds.

It can completely soothe his injured heart.

He thought in his heart that this was an extra reward, and he could deduct more, just give a small part to those poor guys.

Thinking that Stanley also wanted half, his teeth started to hurt again.

After locking the safe and walking out of the office, a cold wind blew, and Wharton suddenly became alert.

Could these two little guys be acting to deceive him?

Cold sweat slowly flowed down his cheeks.

Judging from Sif's noble temperament, clothing features and undisguised disgust towards him, she must be a member of the royal family, and most likely a close confidant of the Queen.

Queen Sif did not rule the country herself, and could only give guidance to government departments, but could not directly issue orders, but the Royal Knights were different.

This was the Royal Private Guard, not under the jurisdiction of the government.

Sif's attitude could directly determine his future and even his life and death.

Could it be that the new emperor was testing him?

Wharton's brain was working rapidly, and he began to think.

The safest way was naturally to distribute more than 4,000 pounds of gold coins honestly.

But he was unwilling, because this was not the best solution.

He had to determine one thing, what kind of person was Roland, and how credible was the report in the special edition of The Sun?

If it was current affairs news, he would believe even one word, but this was gossip.

In this regard, The Sun was very professional.

Considering Roland's promotion speed, it was difficult for him to doubt it.

In any case, collect intelligence first.

Decisions without intelligence support are stupid.

Wharton left the office and walked out of the camp.

Many people were deceived by his rough appearance and thought he was a fool, but these people were fools!

Thinking of Sif's eyes looking at him as if she was disgusted with dog shit, Wharton's blood began to surge.

Damn nobles!

He must teach these two little guys a lesson and let them know what it means to be shrewd.

Wharton planned to leave the camp from the side path.

When passing by the small pine forest, he saw Roland and Sif playing with the children out of the corner of his eye.

He hid behind a big tree and observed carefully.

After half an hour of careful observation, he made a decisive judgment that these two guys were really telling stories to the children.

Roland and Sif can act, but the children will not cooperate.

The sincere smiles on their faces can't be faked.

They came to the Knights to pretend for a long time, but it turned out that they were just doing their job.

He even saw the possibility of cooperating with Roland for profit.

But he quickly rejected this idea.

That Sif is so hateful!

What's so great about being good-looking? Is it great to have good parents?

Without these halos, what else does she have?

Wharton thought angrily and quickly left the grove.

An incompetent person who joked about the emperor's orders, a young man who liked to play with children, a dandy who indulged in luxury and pleasure, and a pretty boy who licked the queen's feet.

This was his evaluation of Roland and Sif.

Wharton decided to increase Roland's strength. As long as Roland gave up, the real power of the Knights would be in his hands, and Roland could only be a nominal leader.

It was not the turn of outsiders to point fingers at the Knights' affairs.

Wharton was not blinded by anger and contempt. He planned to organize the investigation himself.

Sif aside, he had to see what Roland did these days.

To figure out what a person wants to do, you can't just look at what he says, but also how he does it.

Wharton had intelligence agents on his staff, and he himself was an excellent scout cavalryman.

Since there are seven days to complete the task, use at least five days for investigation.

Damn pretty boys and arrogant women, they all have to pay the price.

Of course Roland didn't know how angry Wharton was.

Just like the hunter never cares how miserable the wild boar is in the trap.

He believed in Walton.

He looked into Wharton's eyes.

Those are eyes burning with ambition and greed.

The look in his eyes was like that of a wild boar pouncing on food, and he couldn't escape.


Xif held her chin with one hand and looked at the gray sky outside the car window. She pondered for a long time and couldn't help but express her doubts.

"Roland, what if Wharton is cautious and refuses to be fooled?"

Roland did not answer directly, but asked instead: "What should we do with the wild boar that refuses to enter the trap during the royal hunting tour?"

"It's so rude to set a trap with good intentions but refuse to eat the last full meal. Of course, it will be shot by random arrows." Sif said softly.

Roland raised the corner of his mouth and teased softly: "Yes, the hunter's goal is to kill, not to stick to the means of hunting."

"If you don't want to be fooled, then you can only invite the almighty bag to trap him."

After a brief pause, Roland said in a deep voice:

"Sending the Knights who protect the Emperor to provide security for a trading company is a serious offense against Her Majesty the Queen and must be brought to justice."

Sif bit her lip and wanted to ask, "Then why don't you just grab it, it will save you trouble?", but she still held back.

She knew this was an after-school exercise.

After pondering for a long time, Teacher Wald's words became clearer and clearer in my mind.

"I understand. We must use the law to punish Wharton and convince everyone, instead of using the king's wrath."

Roland looked at Sif in surprise.

In the dim car, she sat there quietly, not like a vase, but like a book with just a few pages opened.

There are not many words and it is very neat.

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