In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 8 Who is Roland?

Even if a hundred years have passed, the Sussex literary world will not forget October 11, 1791, in the new calendar of the Magic Era.

At first, people thought it was just an ordinary day when the results of the Royal Micro-Novel Writing Competition were announced.

The prize money for this writing competition was generous, and the Queen personally awarded the prize to the champion. As long as you can win the championship, you will gain both fame and fortune.

You have the opportunity to meet a noble lady who admires talent and reach the peak of your life.

Although writers are generally noble and arrogant, the royal family gives too much.

The champion prize can buy four separate courtyards in the core area of ​​the imperial capital.

Faced with such a huge prize, the literary giants did not hide it, and the newcomers in the literary world were also desperately showing their talents and inspiration.

Within the framework of themes such as gods, royal family, suspense and gender, they racked their brains, wrote quickly, and wrote magnificent poems that are worthy of praise and tears.

They are full of confidence in achieving good results.

After the Queen ascended the throne, those writers who are best at tearing beautiful things apart to deceive the tears of noble ladies smiled.

No one knows how to trick tears better than them.

Her Majesty has lived a carefree life since she was a child, so she has never experienced any troubles.

Is it the trouble of having her father and brother killed at the same time?

Is this also called trouble? Not opening champagne and partying all night is already very restrained.

In front of imperial power, family affection is just a joke.

In the history of the Sussex Empire, there was an old story that three brothers fought for the throne in front of the Arc de Triomphe, and two died and one was injured on the spot.

Her Majesty did not laugh in public, which was already a great honor for her father and brother.

In such a happy time, some sensational tragedy novels can adjust the mood well, and even help Her Majesty squeeze out a few tears.

How can she not win the award?

However, the moment the champion was announced, all the bigwigs in the literary world exploded.

They ran around asking each other, all discussing the same question.

"Who is Roland?"

Writers have circles.

The top writers in the Sussex literary world often go in and out of art salons held by aristocrats. Their social status is not low, and most of them know each other.

Without their recommendation, ordinary writers would find it difficult to stand out even if they are talented.

Below the top writers, there are more small writers struggling for their dreams and bread.

Every day they are busy turning inspiration into works, and then take them to the editorial department, get rejected, and then continue to fight with life.

When they can take a break from the pressure of life, they will once again attack their dreams.

They are extremely eager to win the championship and change their fate.

Even if they can't win the championship, the prize money of the top eight and top sixteen can save them from having to endure the pungent smell in the alchemy workshop or carry sacks at the dock.

When they heard the name of the champion, they exploded instantly.

The reaction of the small writers is even more intense than that of the literary giants.

We are all unknown small writers, why can you win the championship?

It's a shady deal, absolutely a shady deal!

Their anger is not surprising. People don't envy the phoenix soaring, but they can't tolerate other sparrows flying to high branches.

Under the intentional or unintentional hints of several literary giants, young people with literary dreams directed their anger at Collins Publishing House, which was responsible for organizing the essay contest.

The royal family was the sponsor, and they were the specific executors.

It must be that this group of sour carrots took the black money and promoted their students/fellow townsmen/relatives/illegitimate children to get the huge prize money.

The shady dealings, the naked shady dealings!

The anger of the young people was completely ignited.

They were not only angry about the loss of the prize money, but also because it was unfair!

Under the instigation of someone, dozens of young people rushed to Collins Publishing House.

The editors who were spreading all kinds of gossip in the office had never seen such a scene, and they were a little confused when facing the young people's questions.

"Who is that damn Roland?"

"Whose noble's illegitimate son is he?"

"What is his background!"

"This is a naked conspiracy, Her Majesty the Queen will definitely peel off your skin!"

Amid the angry rebukes, Editor-in-Chief Byron saw that the situation was not right, and he struggled to crawl with his fat body, retreated behind a group of editors, and started shouting at the top of his voice.

"Stop arguing, the final ranking of this essay contest is not decided by me!"

"We only know the results after receiving a notice from the Minister of the Interior."

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the Imperial Post Office to ask Roland in person!"

Although leaking the author's information violates professional ethics, Byron didn't care so much.

Immoral is immoral, and it's not illegal!

As long as you take the initiative to put down the moral shackles, you won't be kidnapped by morality!

The Queen made the decision, and Roland got the benefits. Why should he be a meat shield to protect others?

The young writers were even more irritable with excitement. Under the oath of Editor-in-Chief Byron with professional ethics as a guarantee, they could only believe it.

They came quickly and left quickly, rushing to the Imperial Post Office in a rage.

Only the messy editorial office of the publishing house was left behind.

"Who on earth took my ink pen, these bastards!"

"I was kicked several times, who can I go to for justice?"

"Where is the editor-in-chief, Mr. Byron, you are still alive, please say something!"

"Don't say anything, the editor-in-chief was beaten the most, and his eyes are still swollen now."

Although the young authors accepted the explanation of the editor-in-chief Byron, it does not mean that he can be safe.

Thinking of the hatred of being arrogantly rejected, the young authors, with the mentality of "since I'm here, I'll step on the high and low before leaving", "accidentally" knocked down the editor-in-chief Byron, and then "accidentally" stepped over Mr. Byron's fat face.

Even if the royal family decides the ranking, this fat guy is not a good thing.

He recommended the candidate list!

If he didn't recommend Roland, how could this happen?

Shady dealings, still shady dealings!

In this era, the opportunity to read and learn is very rare. Most of these young authors are not from wealthy families, and it is a blessing to be able to read.

Some of them audited the church school, and some were companions and playmates for the young masters of the nobility, so they could study secretly.

It was not easy to get the opportunity to stand out in the essay contest, but it was ruined by the shady dealings. How could they not be angry?

Ruining someone's future is like killing their parents.

Being so polite to the murderer of his father was already very restrained.

But they were not so polite to Roland.

The angry young authors surrounded the Imperial Post Office, blocked the door of the clerk's office, and threw broken leather shoes, stones, and rotten eggs at the closed door.

Angry abuse continued, and the sound of pounding on the door was even more chilling.

Trapped inside, Lisa was frightened and looked at Roland with anxiety.

Her voice was trembling.

"Roland, they are so scary. Have you thought about how to explain it?"


Roland put down his teacup and raised a finger.

"The Imperial Post Office is part of the state power organ. We are hired by the state and work for the empire. Violently attacking the state power organ is a felony. Let me think about it. The organizer will be sentenced to at least three years in prison, and the accomplice will have to work for half a year."

Lisa stared at Roland in amazement and watched him raise his second finger.

"The winners of this essay contest are personally selected by Her Majesty the Queen. Opposing the result of the essay contest is to question Her Majesty the Queen's wisdom. This matter can be big or small. If the Queen needs to establish her authority, the organizer's head must be hung in the Royal Square for public display."

"Explain? What obligation do I have to explain to a group of criminals?"

Roland put down the teacup, came to the door of the office, added another chair to block the door, and stretched his body with a relaxed look.

"Sister, pour tea and watch the show."

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