The battle was a mess, but the truth was revealed.

Because of Ye Cangtian, the Fei family masters in the entire Salya Holy Land were almost wiped out, and their old rival, the Salya family, took advantage of the opportunity and directly controlled the entire Salya Holy Land.

For this reason, the Feimeng Holy Land behind the Fei family was furious and went to the Void Holy Land. The two equally powerful holy lands started to fight directly, and the battle was so chaotic.

However, all this had nothing to do with Ye Cangtian and the others;

At this time, they were on the road home.

"Boss! Do you live in such a small world?"

Looking at the dim Zixiao Realm, Hu Xiao looked at Ye Cangtian with an incredible look on his face.

He thought that for a big man like Ye Cangtian, the world he lived in would be at least a top world like the Void Holy Land, but he didn't expect it to be just a poor little world in a corner.

"It's good to have a place to live, but you're still picky."

Ye Cangtian glanced at Hu Xiao and said.

"Very good...Very good...The small world is good, quiet..."

Hu Xiao hurriedly changed his words.

When Ye Cangtian brought Hu Xiao to Lingshuang Fairy Palace, everyone in Lingshuang Fairy Palace was shocked by Hu Xiao's huge tiger head.

"Is this the legendary demon clan?"

"It looks so scary, I wonder how strong it is!"

Seeing the subordinates talking about it, Ye Cangtian just laughed.

"In this world, the demon clan only exists in legends, and it's normal for them to be curious."

Hu Xiao nodded awkwardly.

At this moment, he regretted a little, why he didn't transform into a human head when he re-condensed into a human body after surviving the divine tribulation, so that he had to wear a tiger head until now. (It is not easy for the demon race to transform. Generally, there are only two times when they can transform into human form, one is during the transformation period, and the other is after surviving the divine tribulation. However, after transforming into a human form, the combat power will be extremely reduced, so the general demon race will generally only choose to transform into a human body after surviving the divine tribulation, while the head will still retain the beast state.)

When Ye Haotian saw Hu Xiao, he pulled Ye Cangtian over and asked.

"Son, is this senior really a demon race?"

Ye Cangtian smiled and nodded.

"Then... what realm is he in? Why can't I tell?"

At this time, Ye Haotian was already in the semi-god realm, but he still couldn't tell Hu Xiao's realm.

Ye Cangtian smiled, and then whispered in Ye Haotian's ear for a while.

"What! The Beginning God Realm~The Beginning God!"

Ye Haotian's voice directly penetrated Lingshuang Fairy Palace, and even Ye Lingtian, who was playing chess with Jin Wudi in the back garden, was attracted.

Ye Lingtian came over and hit Ye Haotian with a stick without saying a word.

"What are you yelling in broad daylight? I was about to win this game of chess, but I was scared by your yelling and made a wrong move."

However, Ye Haotian looked aggrieved;

[What do you mean by making a wrong move? Just make an excuse. How many games have you played with Xiao Jin? Have you won a game? ]

At this time, Ye Lingtian saw Hu Xiao, who was grinning at the side.

"You are... a demon clan?"

Ye Lingtian said in disbelief.


Hu Xiao replied politely. He could see that the people in front of him were all Ye Cangtian's closest relatives.

Ye Lingtian stood with his hands behind his back and observed Hu Xiao carefully, muttering something in his mouth.

"When I was wandering in the world, I heard about the history of the demon race. I didn't expect that I, the old man, could actually see the demon race with my own eyes."

"Senior, what realm are you in now?"

Ye Lingtian asked respectfully.

Hu Xiao was frightened by the word "senior" and hurriedly replied.

"Old man, just call me Xiao Hu. Hu Xiao can't bear the word "senior". I am now in the realm of the primordial god."

Ye Lingtian was shocked. He knew that the realm of the tiger demon in front of him must not be low, but he never expected that this was actually the primordial god.

After meeting his parents, Ye Cangtian brought Hu Xiao to the Tianxu Realm.

At this time, the Tianxu Realm was particularly lively, as if some competition was being held.

" came at the right time. We just happened to lack a referee."

The long-eared Ye Mo hurriedly found Ye Cangtian.

"Hey! Are you also a demon race?"

At this time, Ye Mo saw Hu Xiao following behind Ye Cangtian and was surprised.

However, Ye Mo was only slightly surprised and didn't care too much, and directly pulled Ye Cangtian towards the competition venue.

It turned out that since Ye Cangtian moved the Road to Heaven to Tianxu Realm, Yingzi and Ye Mo started to study it.

In order to climb the ladder, they competed with each other and refused to admit defeat, which led to the competition between the human race and the demon race.

The competition stipulated that three people from the demon race and the human race would compete with each other, and the one who could reach the top of the ladder would win.

The bets of both sides were the Five Elements Eyes and Black Jade Tianyan Incense that Ye Cangtian distributed to them every month.

However, everything was agreed upon, except for a referee.

Ye Qingcheng was consolidating his cultivation recently, so they could not disturb him. The old tower was biased towards the demon race, and most of the soul race was biased towards Ye Mo. For a while, they could not find a fair referee.

At this time, Ye Cangtian happened to come to the Tianxu Realm.

"Ye Cangtian, you came at the right time. We just lack a referee. We don't accept anyone but you."

Yingzi patted Ye Cangtian on the shoulder and said carelessly.

"You are... the youngest son of the Eagle King, Yingzi?"

At this time, Hu Xiao, who had been silent on the side, spoke excitedly.

It was not until now that everyone noticed the black-clothed man with a hood behind Ye Cangtian.

When Hu Xiao took off his cloak, a huge and weathered tiger face appeared in front of everyone, and all the demons were shocked.

"You are... the tiger saint, Grandpa Hu Xiao?"

For a while, the demons were in turmoil.

The demon saints, those who are above the level of the original gods can be called saints;

In the battle between demons and gods, the only saints left followed Sun Dasheng to intercept the gods and never returned. It is said that they all died on the road to the gods, but now there is a tiger saint here.

The most excited ones are the demon spirits of the tiger in the Tianxu Realm, because that is their tiger saint.

A group of tigers knelt down in unison in the Tianxu Realm.

"We welcome the return of the ancestor."

Hu Xiao was also stunned at this moment. He thought that he was the only demon in the world. He didn't expect that the Supreme would take in so many demons. For a moment, tears of gratitude flowed from his old eyes.

Yingzi also rushed to Hu Xiao's side at the first time;

At this moment, Hu Xiao seemed to be Yingzi's only relative, and Yingzi seemed to be Hu Xiao's biological son.

It turned out that Yingzi's father, the Eagle King, the Great Saint of the Eagle Clan, was Hu Xiao's best friend. When Yingzi was a child, Hu Xiao often went to the Eagle Clan to play. At that time, he often brought some snacks to the Eagle King, the youngest son. The two knew each other a long time ago. According to seniority, Yingzi should call Hu Xiao uncle.

Even Ye Cangtian didn't expect that Yingzi and Hu Xiao were old acquaintances, so he stood aside and watched this warm scene and couldn't bear to disturb him.

After a long time, Yingzi and Hu Xiao looked at Ye Cangtian.

"That... Cangtian, I have made an agreement with Uncle Hu Xiao, and the competition can begin."

Yingzi said directly to Ye Cangtian.

Although Yingzi was defeated by Ye Cangtian, he was arrogant and only regarded Ye Cangtian as a friend. He was not as respectful as Ye Mo and the Soul Clan, so in his opinion, calling Ye Cangtian by his name was normal.

But when Hu Xiao heard Yingzi calling Ye Cangtian by his name, his face instantly turned cold.

In his heart, the Supreme of the Human Race is the supreme existence. Although he is magnanimous and does not care, he cannot call him by his name casually.

"Yingzi, how can you call the senior by his name~"

"Cangtian, I used to call him like this!"

Yingzi was startled by Hu Xiao's sudden change in attitude, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said in a petty voice;

"Then do you know the true identity of the senior?"

Hu Xiao blew his beard and glared.

Ye Cangtian smiled innocently. He knew that the demon race worshipped the strong, especially the existence of the former human supreme. In the minds of the demon race, they were called holy gods and could not be blasphemed. If someone like Yingzi was in the demon race in the past, he would be expelled from the demon race.

"Isn't he the son of the emperor of Zixiao Realm, an ordinary human? Of course, he is really powerful. I am not his opponent..."

Yingzi scratched his head awkwardly.

But Hu Xiao almost fainted when he heard it. It seems that you have fought with the supreme? You really want to die.

Then Hu Xiao flashed in front of him and whispered something in his ear.

However, it was this sentence that almost made Yingzi collapse.

"Uncle... you... you are telling the truth... he... he... he really..."

"What he is, why don't you apologize to the senior."

Hu Xiao frowned and shouted coldly.

"I really don't know who you are... Actually, my admiration for you is like a surging river."

Yingzi sat on the ground with a sad face and said to Ye Cangtian.

"Hehe~ Forget about Hu Xiao, ignorance is not a problem, he doesn't have any bad intentions.


"From now on, just call me boss like them...don't be so disrespectful."

Ye Cangtian glanced at him angrily and smiled.

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