The two of them were standing on the ground, and the two of them were standing on the ground.

At this time, two sneaky figures behind the two of them were looking at Xuannv Peak.

"Old demon, are you sure you feel that our last junior brother is here?"

"Are you really not making up lies to fool me just to follow the boss secretly?"

"Really...really...don't you believe me!"

Yingzi still looked at Ye Mo with suspicion.

Just when Ye Qingcheng was about to help Xuannv Peak out of the siege, something happened on Xuannv Peak.

I saw a simple and honest little fat man propping up a wall of earth, and trapped all the masters of Tiandao League in the wall of earth.

" bad guys, you can't hurt the sisters of Xuannv Peak. Tu Han'er won't let the sisters of Xuannv Peak get hurt."

The honest little fat man supported himself on the ground with his hands, and sweat kept dripping from his forehead;

Obviously, he, who was only at the level of the Spiritual Division, had reached the limit of what he could bear by manipulating so many earth elements;

"Hmph~ Where did this ignorant little fat man come from?"

Che Huo frowned slightly;

He felt that his dignity was greatly challenged, and even a small Avatar Realm dared to mess with him.

Che Huo directly raised the fan in his hand and fanned the little fat man;

The fan in Che Huo's hand was a low-level immortal weapon, called the Mountain-Breaking Fan. Even masters at the Enlightenment Realm dared not take the Mountain-Breaking Gale emitted by the fan. This fan was also famous throughout the Tianma Continent.


All the mountain-breaking winds hit Tu Han'er, but blood began to flow from the corners of Tu Han'er's mouth and eye sockets, who was only at the clone level, but he did not move at all, and his trembling little hands were still firmly on the ground.

"Han'er, go quickly, you can't do anything about this..."

Xuan Rong cried and hugged Tu Han'er, who was covered in blood.

At this time, all the bones in Tu Han'er's body had been broken by the wind, and it was obvious that he was breathing out more than breathing in.

"Humph~ Don't you see who you are? You dare to meddle in my business. You really don't know how to write the word death."

Che Huo fanned the mountain-breaking fan in his hand, with a cold smile on his lips, and the murderous intent in his eyes did not diminish at all.

Che Huo was a man who killed people like crazy on weekdays. He had killed countless people like Tu Han'er. To him, killing Tu Han'er was not much different from crushing an ant.


Another mountain-breaking gale hit Tu Haner;

Tu Haner closed his eyes. He wanted to save the women of Xuannv Peak, but he was powerless.

Che Huo smiled. He knew that the little fat boy was dead this time.

However, at this moment, an invisible force blocked Tu Haner, and the mountain-breaking gale was instantly dispersed by this force.

"Little fat boy, why do you want to protect the sisters of Xuannv Peak at the risk of your life?"

Ye Qingcheng had an inexplicable liking for the little fat boy Tu Haner.

When the little fat boy saw Ye Qingcheng, he was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

The next second he threw himself into Ye Qingcheng's arms and hugged Ye Qingcheng tightly, like a lost child who finally saw his long-missed mother.

"Sister Xuanfeng, is that you... Is it really you? I knew Sister Xuanfeng would not abandon Tuhaner, wuwuwu... Tuhaner has been waiting for you for so long."

Tuhaner burst into tears.

At the same time, Xuanrong and a group of disciples from Xuannv Peak knelt down in front of Ye Qingcheng, with an expression of disbelief on their faces, but most of them were excited.

"The 368th generation leader of Xuannv Peak, respectfully welcomes the ancestor Xuanfeng, may the ancestor be blessed and safe."

Ye Qingcheng was completely confused, how did she become the ancestor Xuanfeng without knowing it...

Looking at Ye Qingcheng's eyes that looked like she was asking for help, Ye Cangtian laughed heartily.

"They really didn't make a mistake, if you don't believe me, just look..."

As he spoke, Ye Cangtian pointed to the stone statue on Xuannv Peak, and suddenly a golden light shot out of the stone statue's eyes, shining into the air, forming something like a large screen in the air.

On the screen, Ye Qingcheng suddenly saw a girl in white clothes who looked exactly like herself, standing on the top of Xuannv Peak and bidding final farewell to the disciples of Xuannv Peak. Next to the girl stood a little fat man, who was none other than Tu Haner. In the end, the girl turned into a golden light and ascended to heaven in a hundred days.

"This... Ye Qingcheng couldn't believe it. How many reincarnations had she gone through, and yet she still couldn't remember them all.

Remember, but in this life, she has no memory at all. "

Suddenly, the goddess statue opened her eyes, and a vague white figure appeared in an instant, which was the woman in white.

The woman in white walked in front of Ye Qingcheng and said.

"Don't be afraid, I am actually you. In order to protect Han'er, you deliberately sealed the memory of this life in this stone statue. When the time is right, you will naturally return to take it back. Now the time has come. "

After the woman in white finished speaking, she merged with Ye Qingcheng.

At this moment, Ye Qingcheng sat cross-legged in the air with her eyes closed, and fell into deep contemplation.

At this moment, Ye Qingcheng seemed to understand all the reasons behind this, and seemed to understand the cause and effect that Ye Cangtian talked about.

It turned out that Xuannv Peak was the reincarnation of Ye Qingcheng. However, in this life, she not only founded Xuannv Peak, but also adopted the rare earth spirit Tu Haner;

You should know that the innate earth spirit is a great tonic in the world. In order to prevent the earth spirit from being discovered by the scum in the world, Ye Qingcheng took the initiative to seal part of the memory of this life in the stone statue of the goddess, and some other memories were also washed away by herself when she was crossing the tribulation.

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is an unexpected surprise. Xuanrong, it seems that you can only wait in line again."

"Beauty, are you interested in visiting my Tiandao League? "

Che Huo had a wretched look on his face;

As soon as Ye Qingcheng showed up, he was conquered by her peerless beauty, and for Ye Qingcheng he even ignored everything that happened.

However, although Che Huo was dazzled by the beauty, the masters of Tiandao League were not;

Several masters gently pulled the corner of Che Huo's clothes to remind him, but he impatiently knocked them away.

"Don't worry, as long as you come to my Tiandao League, I will kill all my concubines and leave only you. "

Che Huo was still staring at Ye Qingcheng with peach blossom eyes.

The masters of Tiandao League were very speechless. Judging from the situation just now, this beautiful girl is very likely to be the first-generation founder of Xuannv Peak, the Xuanfeng Ancestor;

That person is the one who suppresses the entire Tianma Continent with his own strength. Even Shiquan Taoist has to call her Ancestor in front of her, and you, Che Huo, dare to tease her...

However, before Ye Qingcheng could make a move, Ye Mo and Yingzi couldn't help but They attacked.

After beating up their little brother, they dared to tease Ye Qingcheng. They were simply tired of living.

Ye Mo and Yingzi used the most traditional method;

Ye Mo's leg was burning with flames and rushed straight to Che Huo's cheek.

"I'll give you a full facelift..."

The sudden kick made Che Huo have no time to react, and he was kicked away by Ye Mo's ham.

On the other side, Yingzi's leg, which was condensed from the emerald green water element, was also ready.

"I'll cool you down."


Another blow.

The masters of the Tiandao League wanted to help, but now they were tied up by someone and couldn't move at all.

They looked at the smiling boy sitting cross-legged in the clouds in astonishment.

Just standing here, they couldn't even move.

What kind of perverts are these?

The masters of the Tiandao League didn't dare to breathe for a while.

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