As expected, there is a different world at the bottom of the well.

It is like a small military camp with countless military tents, and there is a flash at the end of the world at the bottom of the well, where a steady stream of demon warriors are being teleported from the demon world.

Ye Cangtian and others entering the bottom of the well naturally alarmed some powerful demons;

Ye Cangtian and his companions were surrounded by the demons at the first moment.

The leader was a general with horns on his head, wearing armor and carrying a few shining stars on his shoulders;

This general exuded a disgusting stench, and green and yellow snot was hanging from his mouth, which was extremely disgusting;

"Hey, there are a few tender meats that have fallen into the trap, come... someone, stew them for me..."

"I want to eat the little girl with a ponytail, no one can compete with me for her."

The horned general held a huge axe, and a row of yellow teeth were exposed to everyone's sight while he spoke;

Judging from his proficiency in movements, this guy has eaten a lot of humans.

Several people looked at Feng Wu cautiously;

Seeing that the little girl kept pinching her nose, although her brows were slightly wrinkled, she was still stable.

"Hahaha~ Little girl, you are so cute, I can't bear to kill you for the time being, why don't you play with me first? If you make me comfortable, maybe I will let you go."

Seeing Feng Wu pinching her nose without saying a word, the ox-horned general became interested in Feng Wu.

He stretched out his dirty big hand that had just wiped his snot and was about to pull Feng Wu.

Seeing Feng Wu's brows gradually lengthen;

Jin Wudi kicked the guy to pieces with a flying kick.

Then he looked at Feng Wu with a smile.

"Sister Feng Wu, why bother you with such a rookie? Xiao Xuan and I can deal with it, just wait and see."

Seeing Feng Wu's sweet smile, the few people were relieved.

The death of the ox-horned demon directly shook the entire demon army camp.

Countless demons flocked in, including four demon kings at the level of gods.

"Hmph~ You are so brave, you dare to kill my demon warriors."

A four-eyed demon king stood up first;

"Hmph~ Little four-eyed, why waste time talking to them, just blow them up, I'll wait for you on the bed."

Behind the four-eyed demon king, a male demon king said in a delicate voice with his hands and fingers.

", you go first, I will fight you for three hundred rounds after I deal with these humans."

The four-eyed demon king had an ambiguous face, as if he was looking forward to it.

At this time, the temperature around suddenly rose sharply;

The flames of the little girl Fengwu suddenly burst out, like a ball of fire;

The flames on the little girl's body are not the useless flames of the ancient phoenix clan, her flames are the ultimate phoenix flames, even the gods can burn through her.


Jin Wudi and Xuanming made an extremely skilled move at the first time.

Jin Wudi rushed towards the well with all his strength, while Xuanming transformed into a tortoise shell and retracted his head, controlling the tortoise shell to rush towards the well.

However, Ye Cangtian directly broke through the void and escaped in.

As soon as the few people started to escape, a dazzling fire directly ignited the entire demon army.

The first to bear the brunt were the four-eyed demon king and the demon king who was about to return to the account.

"Dead demon, die!"

Feng Wu's childish voice came out in the fire.

Everyone remembered that Feng Wu seemed to hate demons the most.


The fire exploded, the ground shook...

Outside the well, Ye Haotian and Ye Lingshuang felt the vibration and could not help but retreat dozens of miles.

"Emperor Haotian, Emperor Lingshuang, are the Emperor's sons okay? Why do I feel like there's a fight going on down there?"

Yaoshui and a group of immortal emperors looked up at the wellhead;

They saw not only bursts of explosions coming from the well, but also a purple-red flame.

"Uh... maybe there's a fight..."

Ye Haotian nodded silently, but he laughed in his heart.

[The fight is going on, but I don't know how long these demons can hold out]

"Should we go support the Emperor's sons? After all, there are only a few of them..."

Yaoshui looked at Ye Haotian and Ye Lingshuang;

However, the two parents shook their heads like rattles.

[Are you kidding? Going to help? That's going to make trouble. If the son can't handle it, then no one in the entire Zixiao Realm can handle it. 】

Yaoshui looked helpless. After all, this is a human...

Family affairs, since no one is in a hurry, there is no need for me to be anxious.

At this moment, the mouth of the ancient well suddenly exploded, and a golden and a khaki figure rushed out of the well in an instant.

I saw Jin Wudi slapping his body in the air. His eyebrows and hair were burned by the flames, just like a bald monk, which looked very funny.

And the khaki was a huge tortoise shell transformed by Xuanming. There were still some flames flickering on the tortoise shell, and Xuanming inside was not doing well. His body was almost steamed.

Everyone looked at the two brothers in surprise, not knowing what happened below.

At this time, Ye Cangtian poked his head out of the void with a ghostly look.

Although Ye Cangtian escaped in time, his hair was burned by the extreme flame, and his forehead was charred at this time.

Fengwu’s bad point is that she can’t control her abnormal flame.

"Cangtian, where is Xiaowu!"

Ye Lingshuang asked anxiously. After such a long time, Ye Lingshuang had already regarded Fengwu as her own daughter, fearing that she would be in danger;

Although she knew in her heart that the gods around Ye Cangtian were all world-class masters and it was impossible for them to be in danger, she still wanted to ask this question.

"She is fine, don't worry..."

"That's right, you should worry about us. Look at my eyebrows and hair. How can I meet people!"

Yaoshui smiled with his hands covering his mouth. This golden-haired boy is now bald, which is really surprising.

Ye Lingshuang also smiled awkwardly, and then looked at Ye Cangtian and asked.

"What about the demon army below?"

However, the three shook their heads;

"I guess they are all roasted?"

"Well... they should be stewed~"

"Anyway, I guess I won't be alive anymore."

The three sang in unison, leaving Ye Lingshuang confused.

What's cooking, stewing? Didn't you go down to investigate the situation? Why do you say it's like you're going to a restaurant?

However, at this moment, a fiery red figure floated up from the well with a pout.

When Feng Wu saw Ye Lingshuang, she immediately came over coquettishly, as if the fire in the well had nothing to do with her.

"Godmother, my brother and his friends left me and ran away... hum~"

Ye Cangtian and his friends stumbled and almost fell down. They didn't expect that Feng Wu would come first to complain.

Jin Wudi muttered in his heart;

[If you don't run away first, it won't just be your hair and eyebrows that will be lost...]

Ye Lingshuang stroked Feng Wu's fiery red hair lovingly and then asked.

"What about those bad guys down there?"

Feng Wu raised her little fist and waved it in the air twice, pouting and pouting.

"That group of bad guys wanted to eat Xiao Wu..."

"Then Xiao Wu roasted them."

"Godmother, you don't know, there are two gays among them, it's so disgusting."


Ye Lingshuang was confused.

"Ahem~ Mom, it's a dead shemale..."

GAY is what Ye Cangtian said before, I don't know when this little girl learned it.

Ye Lingshuang glared at Ye Cangtian angrily.

"Teach Feng Wu some good things in the future, what gay or not;"

Ye Cangtian's mouth twitched, Feng Wu still needs to be taught? Don't look at her pretending to be cute every day, she is an old monster who has lived for endless years, what doesn't she understand!

Suddenly, a strong magic power flashed;

Gradually, the ancient well also returned to its former tranquility;

Ye Cangtian frowned, someone cut off the connection between the ancient well and the demon world;

The gate of the demon world was erratic, and it was extremely difficult to find it. However, after finally catching one, it was extinguished by Feng Wu.

After the matter was settled, at the strong invitation of Yaoshui Xiandi, Ye Cangtian and Feng Wu decided to play in Yaoshui Xiandi for a few days.

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