The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Wu walked step by step to Jiuyin, with a strange red light flashing in front of her eyes;

"That...Brother, you know, I love peace. I just came to see you deal with these traitors. Can you see that we brothers should not be so fussy?"

Jiuyin looked flattering. He really didn't want to fight with Wu;

Now Jiuyin has a more ambitious goal than being a demon lord, that is, to follow Ye Cangtian. He doesn't care about power or demon lord. What he wants most is to live freely like Ye Cangtian.

"Jiuyin, my good brother, I really didn't expect them to actually let you out."

"Hehe~ Big brother, you can continue to be the Demon Lord for as long as you want. I won't compete with you."

Jiuyin said, he thought that as long as he didn't compete with Wu for the position of Demon Lord, Wu would not use force against him again.

However, after hearing this, Wu not only did not retreat but pressed harder.

"As my brother, you are such a coward. Instead of living in this cowardly way, you might as well go down and see your parents as soon as possible."

Speaking of his parents, Jiuyin lowered his head and remained silent for a long time;

The death of his parents was bizarre;

The king of the ancient royal family died inexplicably in his own palace.

Because the ancient royal family was in chaos due to internal and external troubles at that time, Jiuyin's parents were buried in a hurry without finding out the cause of death.

Suddenly, Jiuyin raised his head and stared at Wu, and finally asked a question that had been suppressed in his heart for countless years.

"Brother, is the death of my parents... related to you!"

Wu also stayed still in the same place, and he chose to accept this matter.


The angry Jiuyin stood up directly;

"Although you were picked up by your parents, they have always regarded you as their own child, and their love for you even exceeds mine, but you, a ruthless thing, actually killed them;"

"For so many years, I have doubted everyone, but I have never doubted you... my brother..."


The angry Jiuyin directly transformed into his original body, a ten-thousand-foot-long demon dragon confronting Wu.

"Hahaha~ Love me? When they knew my true identity, they tried to kill me for the sake of the entire Jiuyou, but unfortunately they were still a step too late..."

"That night I tricked them into the trap I set and opened the gate of hell..."

"Your parents are really worthy of being the kings of the ancient royal family. Their fighting power is so strong that we, the strong men of hell, are dumbfounded. Even though they were poisoned by our abyss, it still took us four demons to kill them;"

"It is because of them that the time for our hell to conquer Jiuyou has been delayed for so long..."

"Now, the ancient royal bloodline of Jiuyou is only left with you, a useless piece of mud. No one can stop the pace of our hell demons..."


Wu's laughter spread throughout Jiuyou.

"Human, aren't you afraid of me?"

Wu looked at Ye Cangtian who was still sitting there calmly drinking tea. If ordinary people saw the hell demons, they would have been scared to death. However, the boy in front of him was too calm.

"Oh~ I have heard this kind of dog-blood plot so many times that I don't feel it anymore..."

Ye Cangtian drank a sip of tea calmly, his heart was calm, and he looked at Wu calmly.

At this time, the hatred of killing his father and mother had completely conquered Jiuyin's reason, and his anger made his soul begin to burn.

The originally black dragon body actually glowed red.

The breath also increased several times;

"Wu~ Give me your life..."


The red dragon tail swung fiercely at Wu's steel-like body;

However, Wu's ten-thousand-foot body only retreated a hundred meters;

"You still don't believe that you are a loser, is this the attack after you burn your soul?"

Wu showed a bit of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

He knew his brother too well. He loved close combat since he was young and neglected the use of divine power, so that his body was extremely strong, but his divine power was extremely poor. Therefore, he now had the divine power of a god king, but could not exert its power.

Moreover, he knew his brother's attack methods and characteristics very well, so he could perfectly take on all of Jiuyin's attacks.

"Haha~ My good brother, today I will teach you a lesson."

Before he finished speaking, the giant's hand had already grabbed Jiuyin's tail.

Seeing this, Ye Cangtian

He hurriedly picked up the cakes on the table and retreated a distance.




Poor Jiuyin was thrown heavily to the ground, his eyes rolled back;

Its attack power was obviously not on the same level as Wu's. Even if he burned his soul, he was still no match for Wu.

"It was originally planned well. As long as Jiuyou conquered Zixiao Realm, my Hell Clan could directly enter the Immortal Realm. But the Chi family showed up and disrupted all my plans, allowing the Hell Clan to attack Jiuyou in advance."

Wu became more and more angry as he thought about it, and he became more and more excited as he lifted Jiuyin's dragon body.


Ye Cangtian was about to put the last piece of cake into his mouth, but it was directly shaken off by the violent vibration, and was stepped on by Wu's big foot.

That was made by Kali's wife Mazhi for Ye Cangtian to enjoy. This was the last piece of cake left. Ye Cangtian was reluctant to eat it at ordinary times, but now it was crushed by the big foot.

Ye Cangtian stood in the air for a long time, then slowly raised his head and looked at Wu who was walking towards Jiuyin step by step.

= Jiuyin had fallen into a deep coma because of the serious damage to his soul, and was thrown into the ravine by Wu. Now he was preparing to take out its dragon essence;

"Hey~ silly guy, you knocked down my cake~"

Ye Cangtian took out a handkerchief and said with a faint smile on his face.

"Haha~ Really? Don't worry, you will become my cake like your cake later."

Now Wu seemed to have changed into a different person, exuding an evil breath all over his body.

"Big guy, do you know that I don't like your expression now, and I don't like the smell on your body."

Ye Cangtian narrowed his eyes and looked up at the evil Wu.

"So~ I think it's better for you to die..."

Wu didn't take Ye Cangtian seriously at all;

But the next second, he was stunned.

Because the seemingly weak human who couldn't be weaker actually disappeared under his nose.

"What are you looking for, big guy."

Wu suddenly found that the boy was standing on his head with his hands behind his back and a conceited look on his face.

"Little thing, get down here~"

Wu's big hand swept directly over his head, but the boy disappeared again, and then appeared on his shoulder again.

At this time, Wu finally began to pay attention to this seemingly ordinary human in front of him.

"Have you ever seen a fist as big as a casserole?"

When Wu heard the voice and turned around, he saw a golden fist facing his face.

However, that fist was not the size of a casserole, but the size of a mountain;

"Fuck, you old man~"


Wu flew a hundred meters away, and felt a mountain on his face, with countless little stars circling in front of his eyes, and he felt dizzy.

However, before he could wake up, he found that he seemed to be floating.

He looked down and found that he was actually lifted up by the feet by the magical boy.

Wu suddenly remembered that he seemed to have dealt with Jiuyin in this way just now, but retribution came so quickly.

"I let you disturb me while I was eating..."

"I let you crush my snacks..."

"I let you learn badly..."

"I let you be ugly..."

"I let you smell bad..."

Wu was about to cry in his heart at this time;

[Put me down, I will let you eat as much as you want...]

[I am ugly, this is given by God, I can't do anything about it~]

[As long as you put me down, I promise to take a bath every day. 】

However, at this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake violently.

"Woo woo woo~"

A sinister horn sounded;

A huge crack appeared in the ground, and shouts of killing came out from the crack.

Obviously, this was Wu's reinforcements from Hell;

"It's bad~"

Wu thought to himself, why did he forget about Hell's attack on Jiuyou;

However, there is a huge variable here. He is really afraid that the young man in front of him will directly kill his way into Hell, which would be a mess.

"Retreat~ Retreat~~"

At this time, Wu was thrown into the air by Ye Cangtian, like a windmill, and his words could not be transmitted into the cracks in the ground at all.

Of course, the pioneer officer who showed up first was also stunned when he saw Wu, who was thousands of feet high, being thrown into the air.

But before he could react, he saw Wu's thousands of feet body flying directly towards the crack.

It is not easy for Hell to attack Jiuyou. They must climb up from the abyss step by step. However, the most feared thing is objects thrown from high altitudes...

However, this is such a big pile, it is estimated that there will be heavy casualties this time.




Wu's huge body smashed into the crack, and those hell demons who had just touched the ground were smashed into the crack again before they could stand firm.

The hell cracks in various places also began to heal quickly, as if they were afraid of something...

But from then on, there was an additional death law in the terrifying abyss of hell, and anyone who threw objects from a high place would be executed.

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