The orcs were retreating like a tide, but the orcs were very angry.

Watching the orc army retreat like a tide, Ye Cangtian pondered for a moment. He still felt that the orcs had changed their usual behavior and were extremely abnormal.

He decided to solve the orc invasion from the root;

At this time, at the end of the distant desert, in the Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts;

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Beasts Fairyland, the Ten Thousand Beasts God, was lying on the bed, holding the waist of a peerless beauty, enjoying the caress brought by the beauty.

"My beauty! I have sent millions of soldiers to the human world according to your method, and they have successfully captured four cities."

"I never thought that humans were so weak. Their attacks could not even penetrate the skin of our giant beasts. In just one day, we defeated their defenders."

The enchanting woman smiled.

"The king is so brave. Since the orcs are so brave, why should we give the best resources and the most fertile land to the weak humans? The strong are respected. We should occupy the most beautiful place in the world and make those weak humans slaves."

The woman gently put the peeled grapes in her hand into the mouth of the God of Beasts.

After the God of Beasts fell asleep with a look of enjoyment, the woman walked out of the palace with a hideous face.

In the back garden, the void twisted, and a dark figure appeared faintly.

"Ming~what's the matter? Didn't I tell you not to come to see me unless it's important!"

The woman's eyes glowed red at this time, and her nails were black and half a meter long. She was completely different from the one in the palace. She was the Nine Nether Demon Princess after the Dark Phoenix was transformed into a demon. Her responsibility was to stir up disputes in the Purple Sky Realm and lay a solid foundation for the Nine Nether in the Purple Sky Realm.

"Your Highness, the Nine Nether Demon Princess, something big has happened to the Nine Nether!"

"The Chi family rebelled and perished together with the Demon Lord. Now the Nine Nether is under the control of the Demon Lord's brother Jiuyin. The new Demon Lord has ordered a full withdrawal of troops and is never allowed to set foot in the Purple Sky Realm. Now all the armies have withdrawn. Now only Your Highness..."


An Feng angrily smashed the rockery behind him.

In fact, the generals of the Nine Nether couldn't stand her, thinking that she had her current status by currying favor with her master, the Demon Lord Wu;

Now that Wu was defeated, those generals wanted to stay away from her, and didn't even tell her about the retreat.

If she hadn't trained a group of secret agents, she probably wouldn't know how she died.

"I know~ Ming, you go and continue to monitor..."

At this moment, An Feng had already made a decision in her heart. Although Jiuyou couldn't go back, she could still rely on the God of Ten Thousand Beasts to fight for the Purple Sky Realm;

But the next moment, she was poured with a basin of cold water.

"Report~ Urgent news from the front line~"

"What's going on?"

An Feng stopped the messenger;

In the Ten Thousand Beasts Fairyland, everyone knew that the power of the Goddess Consort was greater than that of the God of Ten Thousand Beasts. No matter what the Goddess Consort asked, the God of Ten Thousand Beasts would agree. So here, no one would dare to offend the God of Ten Thousand Beasts rather than the God of Ten Thousand Beasts.

"My Lord, a million-strong army encountered a divine beast of the Heavenly God Realm during the general operation...more than half of the army was directly devoured. Now Prince Sota is rushing back to the Ten Thousand Beasts Fairyland with the remaining troops."

An Feng was shocked. A divine beast of the Heavenly God Realm;

At this time, she recalled the mysterious brother beside Ye Qingcheng, and couldn't help but swallowed nervously and asked hurriedly.

"What does that divine beast look like?"

"That divine beast looks very much like a... a bald dog... it looks up to the sky and howls at the moon, and the ground is like a quagmire; it opens its huge mouth, and the ground is like a black hole vortex. When it appears, the entire battlefield is covered by a layer of gray energy, and all the soldiers in the army have no cultivation and are at the mercy of others."

An Feng heard that it was neither a phoenix nor a dragon, so she breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that it was not the mysterious young man who took action.

"What kind of divine beast is that bald dog? Why have I never heard of it..."

An Feng shook her head and stopped thinking about it.

"When will Prince Sota arrive?"

An Feng continued to ask.

"We will arrive at Centaur City at noon tomorrow..."

An Feng nodded secretly, turned around and went deep into the garden.


"Who wants the handsome Yesa again!"

In front of the gate of the Centaur City of the Ten Thousand Beasts Fairyland, a man and a woman with a three-headed mutant dog attracted the attention of the soldiers guarding the city.

Because the Ten Thousand Beasts Fairyland is most taboo about humans entering and leaving, in order not to cause panic, Ye Cangtian and Ye Qingcheng specially dressed up as nobles of the Ten Thousand Beasts Fairyland.

"Hey~ that one

The dog is so ugly, how can there be such a deformed dog. "

"The couple doesn't look like poor people, how can they raise such a deformed thing..."

Hearing the words of the guards, Yesa was furious. If it weren't for Ye Cangtian holding him back, he would have almost flown up to the city wall to argue with them.

At this moment, a group of soldiers with golden weapons and iron horses came behind them.

Behind these soldiers, a luxurious carriage came slowly.

It was the defeated Prince Sota. Although he was defeated, Prince Sota still wanted himself and his subordinates to enter the city in glory. Those who didn't know would think they were returning in triumph.

"Get out of the way~ Can't you see that the king is here..."

Prince Sota's huge tiger paw swung directly at a passerby who couldn't dodge in time.

With Sota's strength, if he hit that person, that person would definitely die.

"Sotah, as a prince, how can you hurt your own people at will? "

Just as Prince Sota's hand was about to pat the passerby, a tingling sound came from the city.

Hearing this sound, Sota's hand stopped in mid-air, and then his face instantly changed to a flattering smile.

"Hehe, it turns out that it is the Goddess in person, which really makes Sota flattered."

Although he said so, Sota's eyes kept sweeping towards An Feng.

And the charming An Feng completely revealed her charming temptation;

She kept walking in front of Sota, her sleeves brushed against Sota's cheeks, and the fragrant breeze swept over Sota, who was restless.

"Sota, how do you feel about attacking the human world this time? "

The God of All Beasts narrowed his eyes and asked half lying on the rocking chair.

"Reply to the God of Heaven, humans are weak and powerless, and can't compete with us orcs at all, but... a divine beast appeared halfway, and this divine beast is extremely powerful. Nearly half of the elites I brought were buried in its mouth. "

"Oh? Divine beast? There are actually such powerful divine beasts?"

The God of All Beasts seemed to be very interested and sat up, but his face was a little sluggish and his body was a little weak. Although he sat up, half of his body was still slumped on the seat, as if he was very tired.

Just when several people were meeting, Ye Cangtian and Ye Qingcheng looked at the God Concubine with surprise.

"Brother... Isn't that my sister Anfeng? She is not dead?"

Ye Qingcheng pulled the corner of Ye Cangtian's clothes and asked in a low voice.

Ye Cangtian naturally felt the energy in Anfeng's body.

"It's her and it's not her. Now she is a demon, no longer the majestic empress she used to be. "

"I guess the orcs' attack on humans was also caused by her."

"Eh~ It's really troublesome. It seems that I have to let her die again before I can have peace..."

Ye Cangtian rubbed his forehead in distress.

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