The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next two days.

Just as Ye Qingcheng passed through the winding mountain roads under the guidance of the Dark Demon, several people in shit-green clothes were quietly following her not far away. They were the sword cultivator in green clothes brought by He Yangtian, named Snow.

"Boss, isn't that Ye Qingcheng?"

"Yes, it's her~"

"Catch up and kill her!"

The green-clothed man shook his head.

"It's not the time yet. This little girl must have brought some secret treasure. We still have to rely on her to show us the way."

In fact, Ye Qingcheng and the others had already discovered this group of sneaky guys. The reason why they didn't pay attention to them was because they still had some use for them.

Continuing forward, after passing through the cemetery, a desert appeared unexpectedly.

However, the sand in this desert was all black and red, hot and emitting an extremely foul smell.

In the center of this desert, there is a city. The flags on the city are still fluttering, and the beacon fire is still emitting thick smoke, as if it had just been lit.

Many people are standing in front of this desert waiting for the first person to try it.

"Qingcheng, the entrance to the next level is in the city, be careful."

The Dark Demon said in a deep voice.

"Everyone follow me, don't get too far away from me."

Ye Qingcheng turned around and said to the people from Lingshuang Fairy Palace and Tianfeng Fairyland.

The group had long been convinced of Ye Qingcheng's ability and nodded one after another.

Seeing Ye Qingcheng walk into the desert first, everyone's fear gradually dissipated, and the crowd rushed forward.


When everyone stepped on the black and red sand, there was a crisp sound like frying beans under their feet.

"What kind of sand is this? It's so strange~"

Someone was curious and bent down to pick up a few grains of black and red sand to check.

"This... this... these are insect eggs, run~"

The man threw away the 'sand' and ran towards the city like crazy.

Hearing his shout, the others were also not calm, and they all wanted to flee to the city.

"Rustle~ rustle~"

Just then, the black sand moved, surging towards the running crowd like quicksand.

"Everyone, don't panic... don't fly the sword~"

Ye Qingcheng reminded.

But some people still didn't listen to the advice and raised the immortal essence to fly the sword.

Just as he raised the immortal essence, he felt that it was immediately drained in the next second, and fell into the sand pile, and turned into a skeleton in a moment.

"This is... This is a soul-eating insect, which specializes in devouring immortal essence and spiritual power. It is an ancient spiritual insect that has become extinct."

Hun San's nervous voice sounded, and from the voice, it can be heard that he seems to be afraid of this kind of insect.

"Qingcheng, use fire~"

The voice of the dark demon sounded in Ye Qingcheng's mind.


A sharp phoenix cry sounded;

Ye Qingcheng's body turned red, and a huge red phoenix wing spread out.

Feeling the scorching temperature, the black and red insect actually began to walk around Ye Qingcheng.

Seeing this, the green-clothed swordsman of the Western Fairyland raised a wise smile on his face.

"Sun True Fire~"

A huge fire fist spread out from his body.

Seeing this, the others took out their fire scrolls or secret treasures.



A series of gurgles came from the ground.

Hun San was shocked~

"Run, it's the Insect King~"

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, a huge mouth of the abyss appeared under the feet of a team not far away, sucking the sand into its stomach.

"Damn~ How big is this insect!"

Su Lin exclaimed, and forgot to run away.

"What are you doing, waiting to feed the insects~"

Ye Qingcheng grabbed Su Lin's ears and ran into the city.

Snow was also shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly led his younger brother to follow Ye Qingcheng's footsteps and fled towards the city.

The survivors rushed into the city in the desert, some of them were panting, some were covered in blood, and some were only half of their bodies left.

"Why is there an empty city here?"

Someone asked in confusion.

"Damn! Who knows, this is not a sacred place, it's just a Jedi, there are no secret treasures, and there are murderous intentions everywhere."

"Who said it wasn't? I really regret coming here."

Someone started to complain, and then one after another complained.

Ye Qingcheng looked around and found that the city was cleaned very quickly, and there was even smoke rising from the door, but there was no one to be seen.

"Qingcheng, you must be careful at every step, this place is not as peaceful as it seems."

Suddenly, a smell of food came from not far away.

"Hey~ Who is cooking? It smells so good!"

The smell aroused the appetite of some people, and many people followed the smell.

But more people waited and watched, because this city was too weird.

Those who left did not return for a long time.

Suddenly, heart-wrenching screams came from the front, from those who were attracted by the smell.

"Let's go and have a look..."

I saw a man holding a steel knife and slashing another man's shoulder fiercely, splitting the man in half alive, and shouting that it was delicious.

"Old Five~ What are you doing? That's your brother Old Six!"

The eldest of the few people hurriedly stood up to stop him, but the steel knife in Old Five's hand didn't care who it was, and slashed him hard on the shoulder.

The man was directly chopped to the ground by the steel knife.

" did you become so powerful?"

The eldest brother exclaimed in disbelief. When he came in, he was the one with the highest cultivation among the few people, and had already reached the stage of entering the sainthood, while the fifth brother was the weakest among the few people, only at the initial stage of returning to the primitive state. However, now the fifth brother's knife could actually cut him to his knees.

"This guy is crazy..."

Xie Bo pointed at the blood-red eyes of the fifth brother and said.

At this moment, the mysterious fragrance wafted out again.

"This fragrance is poisonous, hold your breath!"

Someone reminded.

But this fragrance is too strong, even if you hold your breath, you will still be poisoned and crazy.

I saw that the eyes of the people below the saint level slowly turned blood red and full of hostility.

"Quick, take the pills!"

Ye Qingcheng took out a handful of bean-sized pills and distributed them to everyone. This was handed to her by Ye Cangtian before leaving. He said it would be useful, and now it was really used.

Many of Snow's men were also poisoned, and they picked up their weapons to kill Snow.

However, the good brother of the Western Fairyland did not hesitate at all and directly killed the poisoned people with a sword.

When they rushed out of the strange fragrance and entered the Shenzang, most of the people had disappeared. Those who survived were basically elites above the Saint level.

However, when they gathered in a hall, they no longer hoped for any Shenzang secret treasures in their hearts. Being able to go back alive has become their biggest luxury.

"As long as we pass through this barrier, we can reach the center of Shenzang. The Shenzang inheritance is within reach. Everyone, work harder."

An old sword cultivator with high prestige shouted excitedly.

His name is Jian Xiao, also known as Jian Gong. He is a very famous old sword immortal in Zixiao Realm. His reputation is even higher than Wuming. He rarely walks around in the world because his deadline is approaching. This time, Jianfeng Shenzang is his only chance to break through the age limit, so he will fight for it regardless of life or death.

Although Jian Gong took the lead, the remaining sword cultivators still looked at each other and no one dared to be the first to try;

"Fuck, this divine treasure is too weird, it's just going to kill us all, you go if you want to go, I plan to stay here for a while first."

"That's go if you want to go~"

Many people were frightened by this divine treasure and dared not move forward.

"Once you enter this divine treasure, you can't turn back. In this world, there is no safe place at all. Qingcheng is ready to leave this place quickly."

The voice of the dark demon appeared in Ye Qingcheng's mind.

Ye Qingcheng looked around and then stood up.

"Xie Bo, Su Lin, let's keep going."

The group naturally followed Ye Qingcheng without complaint.

Several people stepped into a halo in the hall, and then several people disappeared.

Seeing someone enter, Jian Xiao and several veteran sword cultivators stepped into the halo at the same time, and Snow and his group followed closely.

At this moment, the earth began to tremble violently, and then the halo disappeared. The originally simple hall turned into a terrifying underground tomb in an instant. However, what crawled out of the tomb was not an ordinary wandering ghost, but the legendary sword ghost, a kind of evil spirit formed by the sword spirit, which is much more terrifying than an ordinary wild ghost.

"No, it's a sword ghost!"

For a while, those who stayed there were panicked.

After countless years of nurturing, these sword ghosts have long become spirits, and with their huge numbers, they cannot be killed or destroyed.



"I don't want to die~"

The heartbreaking cry came from deep underground.

And those who passed through the halo now also had a face full of fear.

Because in front of them was an endless sea of ​​blood, and in the center of the sea of ​​blood, an evil ghost with disheveled hair, green face and fangs was staring at them with cold and bloody eyes.

"Hahahaha~ Welcome, my delicious souls. It is your honor to be devoured by King Agula."

The evil ghost licked his ugly lips, and the bright red blood

It kept flowing out from the corners of his mouth, giving people goose bumps all over.

However, at this time, due to the suppression of the soul, everyone's soul was shaking involuntarily, and the body was even more unable to move.

Even Xie Bo, who had the cultivation of a quasi-saint, and Su Lin, who had the sword intent of weeping blood, hugged their shoulders and trembled all over.

Among all the people, only Ye Qingcheng, who had the Yin-Yang Sword Heart, and Snow, who had the Sun Sword Fire, were not invaded by his soul pressure and stood proudly in the crowd.

Seeing that the two were still standing, the evil ghost also showed a playful smile.

"You two are very unusual, and the taste must be very special... I can't wait."

As he said this, waves rose in the snow sea, and a blood whip attacked the two in the huge waves.

Although the two were hostile forces, facing the attacking blood whip, the two decided to cooperate temporarily.

"Ye Qingcheng, how about you and I work together to get rid of this guy first~"

Snow said.

Given the viciousness of the demons in the blood sea, no one could defeat them alone.


Ye Qingcheng simply replied with a good word, and then raised the Tianfeng Ziluan Sword and rushed into the blood sea.

Ye Qingcheng, who possessed the Heavenly Phoenix Fire, flew over the blood sea with Phoenix wings on his back and Phoenix Fire protecting his body.

The blood sea demon controlled the big blood hand to capture in the blood sea.

"Sun Holy Sword~"

Snow was the youngest swordsman of the old tribe. At this moment, he also took out his signature skill, the Sun Holy Sword.

Snow raised the burning flaming sword in his hand, and a ray of sunlight hit the tip of the sword. The whole sword was shining with golden light, and the golden light seemed to split the blood sea in half.

But no matter how hard the two tried, the blood sea demon seemed to be immortal. No matter how it was cut, it could always be restored to its original state after a moment.

"Qingcheng, there's no way... This guy's soul power is too strong. Even if you work together, you can't hurt him at all. Find a chance to escape~"

The Dark Demon reminded.

Sure enough, the next second, the Blood Sea Demon seemed to have had enough fun, and his momentum began to rise steadily.

It was infinitely close to the realm of the Great Emperor, and it seemed that there was no intention to stop.

"Hahaha~ It's been tens of thousands of years. I haven't had so much fun for a long time. Now I've had enough fun. Come to your mouth, delicious food."

The Blood Sea Demon danced excitedly.


Snow's face suddenly changed, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and turned into a ray of fire and fled quickly.

"This guy is going to start a big move. Soul Three and Bronze use your strongest means to protect Qingcheng..."

A golden protective shield formed outside Ye Qingcheng's body, which just protected Su Lin, Xie Bo and others.

The Dark Demon and Soul Three were concentrating their attention, as if they were facing a huge challenge.

The next second, the sea of ​​blood condensed into a bloody mouth and rushed towards them.



The golden shield actually showed some cracks under the attack of the bloody mouth.

"Brothers~ Try harder, this guy is too damn strong!"

The dark demon gritted his teeth and sent waves of soul power to him.

Finally, the blood tide receded, and only a few people in the golden shield were left on the island that was originally crowded.

"Little girl~ You are very special, you are very strong... Your soul is also very strong, I like people with strong souls the most!"

Then a huge devil's hand formed in the sea of ​​blood, and the bloody hand held the golden shield tightly.



Seeing that the golden shield had reached its limit, several people closed their eyes in despair.

"Master~Help me, Xiaoxie is dying!"

"Big brother, help me!"

The Dark Demon also sighed in his heart, this intensity of soul attack, perhaps only the boss can deal with it.

"Hahaha~ Delicious soul, here I come~"

The Blood Demon opened his bloody mouth and swallowed Ye Qingcheng and the others again.

However, at this moment, two white figures suddenly appeared beside him.

"Have you ever seen a fist as big as a hill?"



A deafening sound;

Before the Blood Demon could react, a fist as big as a hill with golden light hit the Blood Demon's twisted face heavily.

"You are looking for death~Ah~"

The Blood Demon was furious, and countless blood-colored hair condensed into countless swords, attacking Ye Cangtian and Xiao Jin.

Ye Cangtian waved his hand lightly, and the swords condensed from these hairs stopped in front of them obediently.

At this time, the people in the golden light shield had opened their mouths wide.

Xie Bo danced with excitement, while Su Lin was so surprised that his mouth was wide open.

[What's going on? Is that Ye Cangtian? Or is it that useless emperor's son in the entry stage, Ye Cangtian? ]

"It's sad~ It's a pity~ A great sword god has ended up like this!"

Every time Ye Cangtian said a word, he would take a step forward, causing the void to vibrate and the sea of ​​blood to churn.

However, when he reached the top of the blood demon's head, he suddenly stopped.

"Where is the true body of this soul!"

"Ah~ Kill me, you will never find him if you kill me!"

The blood demon roared like crazy.

However, Ye Cangtian just clapped his hands lightly, and the blood demon's entire huge body was directly pressed into the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

"Noisy~ Xiao Jin is in your hands, let him hand over the origin~"

Xiao Jin lifted the blood demon's entire body out of the sea of ​​blood again and hung it in the air.

"Master is mighty, Master, beat him!"

Xie Bo shouted below.

And Su Lin on the side has begun to doubt his life. It has been a long time since he last saw the Ye brothers and sisters, why are there so many monsters around them.

[The blood demon who kills people like slaughtering dogs is like a little chicken in his hands, being manipulated at will. 】

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