The old man was very angry.

Ye Cangtian picked up the Ten Thousand Demon Soul Binding Order on the ground and stroked the token with a faint golden light. Under the golden light, the originally pitch-black token slowly faded away and revealed an extremely dazzling golden light.

Then, dense golden dots flew out of the token and fell into the wandering souls.

"Emperor, what is this?"

The Sword Emperor pointed at the golden dots and asked in confusion.

"Those are the purified soul origins. Now the executors are backfired and they are free."

Sure enough, when the golden dots fell into the souls wandering aimlessly, those souls seemed to wake up in an instant and suddenly opened their confused eyes.

"Thank you for saving my life, Senior. We have no way to repay you..."

Hundreds of souls knelt down in front of Ye Cangtian.

Ye Cangtian waved his hand as if he had done something insignificant.

However, when these souls saw Ye Qingcheng beside Ye Cangtian, they stood up excitedly.

"It's really you... It's really you, Your Majesty!"

Hundreds of immortal saint-level souls knelt down at Ye Qingcheng's feet again, but this time the kneeling was a unique etiquette of the Phoenix Immortal Realm, the Phoenix Ceremony.

When seeing the familiar general, the familiar etiquette, and the familiar face in front of him, a stream of clear water burst out of Ye Qingcheng's eyes.

"All soldiers... No need to be polite!"

Ye Qingcheng waved her jade hand, and eight hundred soldiers stood on both sides in unison.

Even if there is no flesh, even if there is only soul, the word loyalty has long been engraved in the souls of these eight hundred soldiers.

At this time, Wu Tian was stunned, Wu Ming was stunned, Feng Qian was stunned, Su Lin was stunned, and all the sword guards were stunned.

[Your Majesty? What's going on? Why would they call Ye Qingcheng His Majesty? Has the Sword Master been here? ]

They looked at each other, with a series of question marks in their heads;

Only Ye Cangtian and Jin Wudi Xiaoyu watched all this with a smile on their faces, as if they had known Ye Qingcheng's identity for a long time.

"I'm sorry, everyone! I'm actually the Tianfeng Emperor of Fengxian Realm. Because I was assassinated that year, I was forced to reincarnate into Zixiao Realm."

After listening to Ye Qingcheng's self-introduction, everyone was shocked, especially Sword Emperor Wu Tian.

He knew Fengxian Realm, which was a world in the universe. Although it was only of medium level in the universe, it was a high and mighty existence compared to the small Zixiao Realm.

"Are you the Tianfeng Emperor of Fengxian Realm?"

Ye Qingcheng nodded.

"No wonder you are so talented, that's no wonder."

Wutian stroked his beard and smiled with an expression of "I see, that's why".

Su Lin also showed an expression of "I see, that's why".

[No wonder I can't catch up with you in cultivation, it turns out that you are the reincarnation of the emperor, that makes sense]

"Brother~ Did you know my identity a long time ago?"

Ye Qingcheng looked at Ye Cangtian who was still playing with the token with a serious face.

"Hehe~ No matter who you are, you are my sister!"

Ye Cangtian said with a smile.

Seeing that Ye Cangtian was still playing with the Ten Thousand Demons Soul Binding Token, Wutian came over and said.

"Emperor's son, this thing is so evil, why not destroy it!"

In fact, Wutian was afraid that Ye Cangtian would be controlled by this evil thing again, so he suggested destroying it.

However, Ye Cangtian shook his head with a melancholy look on his face.

"In fact, this thing was not originally made for soul-binding, but for soul-nurturing. At that time, it had a rather elegant name, the Soul-Protecting Yin-Yang Bell. Later, I don't know who transformed it into this appearance."

As he spoke, a golden flame ignited in Ye Cangtian's hand, and the Ten Thousand Demon Soul-Binding Order slowly revealed its true appearance under the golden flame, a small and exquisite golden bell.

At this time, everyone was attracted by the golden bell in Ye Cangtian's hand.

"This... Brother, this was originally a bell? Then what's the use of it!"

Ye Qingcheng asked curiously, he was increasingly unable to see through this brother.

Ye Cangtian smiled and pointed at the souls who had lost their bodies.

"This soul-protecting Yin-Yang bell is a soul-nourishing artifact. There is a small space inside the bell, and it is spring-like all year round. The soul can be nourished at all times. Even if the soul is severely damaged, as long as it has not dissipated, it will be restored to its original state within half a month after entering this small bell."

Speaking of this, the sword card on Ye Qingcheng's neck made a series of cicada chirps;

Dark Demon

Hehun San couldn't sit still any longer.

"Boss, how about we move in and try it out first?"

The Dark Demon quickly showed a big eye. For their souls, this was simply heaven, much better than that narrow sword card.

"You guy, you disappeared during the fight, and you ran fast when you got something good."

Ye Cangtian pretended to be angry, but didn't stop him.

When the Dark Demon entered the bell, he stuck out a big eyeball and said excitedly.

"Boss, this is simply heaven. Whatever you want, you can automatically turn it into something as long as you have it in your mind. It's great."

The image of the Dark Demon was really a bit disgusting, and even Ye Cangtian couldn't stand it.

So a big hand directly pinched the Dark Demon.

The soul of the ancient strong man was like a chicken in Ye Cangtian's hands, with no resistance.

"Boss... Boss, what are you going to do? I... I didn't do anything wrong."

The heart of the dark demon jumped to his throat. He knew that if Ye Cangtian wanted to kill him, it would be a piece of cake.

"Look at your little ability. It's too scary to swing your big eyes every day. I'm afraid you will scare Qingcheng, so I'll give you a facelift."

Then Ye Cangtian grabbed the old demon Aza who was pressed down by the mountain on the other side of the small bell.

Now the old demon Aza has become a ghost without any consciousness, but he has a powerful soul power.

Ye Cangtian's illusory big hands in the air kneaded left and right, and soon, a handsome and a little bit ruffian appeared in front of people.

"Hi~ Qingcheng, am I handsome!"

The dark demon posed and showed off. At this moment, he felt stronger than ever before.

"Now you are also a person, so call me Ye Mo from now on."

Ye Cangtian continued.

"Qingcheng, this Soul-Protecting Yin-Yang Bell is now in your hands. You can temporarily store your guards inside and make plans after you get out."

Ye Cangtian pointed and taught Ye Qingcheng the complete operation formula of the Soul-Protecting Yin-Yang Bell.

Then Ye Qingcheng pointed at the bell with her jade finger, and the eight hundred souls entered the bell and settled down inside for training.

"Brother~ Why do I feel that you are so familiar with the Soul-Protecting Yin-Yang Bell? It's as if you made it."

Ye Qingcheng asked in confusion.

"Sister Qingcheng, you are right. This thing was made by the master, but it is just a defective product that he threw away. The real Soul-Protecting Yin-Yang Bell is thousands of times more powerful than this."

Jin Wudi laughed loudly, but was met with a roll of eyes from Mo Yu.

"If you hadn't thrown it away casually, would it have caused such a big mess?"

"Hey~ Look at today, the weather is really good!"

After being exposed by Mo Yu, Jin Wudi smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, although we have rescued the people, the matter is far from over."

Ye Cangtian's golden eyes looked to the west.

In that direction, Li Tianjiao, who was covered in scars, was fighting a desperate battle with a group of semi-emperor-level stone puppets.

"Quick, run~"

Jin Yuansheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and ignored his brothers who were struggling to support the formation. He turned into a stream of light and fled to the distance alone.

Due to the sudden withdrawal of Jin Yuansheng and Li Tianjiao, the Nine Spirits Formation fell apart, and poor Shui Yuansheng lost an arm and escaped from the group of puppets in a mess.

"Quick, there are only a hundred miles left before we reach the Tianxu Holy Land. As long as we get there, we will be safe."

Li Tianjiao, who was originally handsome and gentlemanly, was now disheveled, covered in blood, and his battle armor had long been broken. Only half of the artifact in his hand was left. How could he still look like a gentleman?

It was obvious that the few people had experienced an extremely difficult battle.

But they couldn't escape from the puppet formation in their prime, and now they are seriously injured, how can they escape?

Soon, they were caught in a melee again. Li Tianjiao had many deep wounds on his body again, and Shui Yuansheng's body was directly broken up, leaving only his soul to escape with Li Tianjiao and others.

"This group of puppets can't be killed or broken up, and their attacks and speed are so fast. Li Tianjiao, find a way quickly, we can't stand it anymore."

Jin Yuansheng was already complaining.

Originally, relying on the Nine Spirits Formation with the help of several people's signature skills, let alone this little puppet, even if the emperor came in person, he couldn't get any benefit;

But now Tu Yuansheng is dead, his soul is captured, and the Nine Spirits Formation is missing one person, so the power will be greatly reduced, not even half of its prime.

"Huh~ This classmate is too weak..."

Looking at Li Tianjiao in danger, Ye Cangtian shook his head helplessly.

"Come on, guys! Let's go help him.

" "Seeing Ye Cangtian, Li Tianjiao felt like he had seen a living Buddha; Although Li Tianjiao had always targeted Ye Cangtian and hated him, at this critical moment, Ye Cangtian's appearance made him feel like a fellow villager meeting a fellow villager. But before he could speak, Ye Cangtian led his men away. [Gah~ Didn't you agree to help us? What are you doing there?] At this moment, Li Tianjiao's heart sank. However, Ye Cangtian came not far behind them and gently reached out his hand. He grabbed a demon that looked like an old woman from a big stone. The demon was half squatting on the ground, with its four legs bent like a toad. Qu, his eyes were green, and he looked like he had no attack power at all.

Just as Ye Cangtian caught the demon, the Shi Kui actually gave up attacking Li Tianjiao and the others, and turned around to prepare to attack Ye Cangtian and the others.

Seeing this, Li Tianjiao had no time to care about Ye Cangtian and the others, and quickly turned into a stream of light and fled to the Tianxu Holy Land.

"Emperor's son, they..."

Wutian and the others looked at Li Tianjiao with great anger. They actually left Ye Cangtian who helped them and fled alone.

But Ye Cangtian stopped the Sword Emperor, patted the Sword Emperor's shoulder with a smile and said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let them go. If they don't go, how can they lead out the Tianxu Holy God? "

After Li Tianjiao and others left, Ye Cangtian exerted a little force on his hand, and the toad-like demon was easily crushed. Without the control of the toad monster, the stone puppets turned into useless boulders and scattered everywhere.

On the other side, Li Tianjiao and others finally came to the light wheel of Tianxu Holy Land.

As long as they wait until the seventh day, the light wheel will open and they can enter the core of Tianxu.

"Ye Cangtian's group of idiots are still thinking about saving people in this dangerous Tianxu Temple. They are really stupid."

Li Tianjiao muttered while sitting next to the light wheel.

Finally, the seventh day arrived;

At noon, the sun shone through the leaves on the light wheel;

In an instant, the light wheel began to rotate slowly under the action of the sun.

"Ka la ~ Ka la ~ Ka la ~"

As the light wheel rotated, a huge glare door appeared in front of Li Tianjiao and others.

"This is the passage to the underground core! "

Li Tianjiao was overjoyed.

Just then, a noise came from not far away.

"Quick~ The light wheel is just ahead."

"Quick, don't let others get there first, the treasure is just ahead."

Li Tianjiao frowned.

"It must be the rotation of the light wheel that alarmed the treasure hunters nearby. Quick, let's go in first, get the Tianxu Holy Water and leave."

Li Tianjiao and others stepped into the light gate and disappeared on the spot.

"Quick... Someone has already gone in, let's hurry up!"

None of the people who can get here are mediocre, they are all worldly prodigies, and their strength is not low.

After everyone stepped into the light gate, the figures of Ye Cangtian and others appeared in front of the light gate.

"Brother~ Do we have to go in too?"

Ye Qingcheng looked up and asked Ye Cangtian.

Ye Cangtian nodded;

"How can we see the wonderful show if we don't go in! "

Then Ye Cangtian raised his leg and stepped into the light gate, followed by Ye Qingcheng and others.

On the other side of the light gate, it was a completely unexpected scene.

There were indeed rare treasures everywhere, but there were also countless white skeletons as many as the rare treasures.

"It's Tianxu fruit, so many Tianxu fruit~"

Someone pointed to a huge orchard and shouted.

"This is the shadowless dragon flower, it's really the shadowless dragon flower, one flower can buy a fairy city, and the shadowless dragon flower is everywhere. "

"There are also Xuanbing Huancao and Chiyunling, each of which is a treasure that makes the world crazy. "

At this moment, everyone's heart was completely attracted by the natural treasures everywhere, and they had completely forgotten the white bones everywhere.

Ye Cangtian and others did not move, although they were also surprised.

Ye Cangtian looked around and found that Li Tianjiao and others did not even look at the rare treasures all over the ground, but went to the depths of the core.

Ye Cangtian took a deep look at the people who were fighting for the treasures, and shook his head helplessly;

This is something that human nature can never change, greed.

Then they followed Li Tianjiao and others all the way until they came to a secret room. There was only a huge pool in this secret room, which was filled with silver-white liquid and an extremely sacred atmosphere.

"Hey~ Master, isn't this...your foot washing water?"

Mo Yu smacked her lips and transmitted the message. Usually, she poured this kind of foot washing water directly into the Tianhe River. How could it run here and become the legendary

Tianxu Holy Water, which stabilizes the space and repairs the soul.

Li Tianjiao and others sneaked into the secret room and secretly filled a bottle of Tianxu Holy Water.

"Gulu... Gulu... Gulu..."

Just as they were about to leave, huge bubbles came out of the pool filled with Tianxu Holy Water.

Then an old man with snow-white hair stood up from the pool.

It can be seen that this old man is a spirit body, but he is extremely solid, and even his condensed body exceeds the general artifact.

"Ha ha ~ two little mice, dare to steal my Tianxu Holy Water of Tianbei..."

As soon as the voice fell, the attack of Tianxu Holy God had already fallen on Li Tianjiao.

Li Tianjiao reacted extremely quickly and directly took out a magic weapon and bombarded the white-haired old man.

The self-explosion of the magic weapon offset the old man's attack. Taking advantage of this time, Li Tianjiao and others did not care about anything else, launched the strongest immortal energy, and fled quickly.

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