"Snap! Snap!" Just

entered, a messy corpse fell overhead.

The clothes had long since rotted, and the body had turned into a bone rack, with a little cold carrion.

Originally, he floated on the roof of the shed, because of his entry, in the space to avoid water droplets, he lost the buoyancy of the water, and suddenly fell.

Shifting his gaze to the other roofs, he found that their clothes resembled those of modern people.

Wear a robe, cut his hair short, have a dagger pinned to his waist, and carry a weapon in his hand.

I don't know what happened, they all died in the room.

As he moved, corpses fell from the roof of the shed and fell to pieces.

And because after he left, he was surrounded by the pool and fluttered around.

Lin Feng walked to the innermost part of the hall and suddenly stopped.

A big man with a strong figure and a solemn face, holding a long gun in his left hand, sat on the Taishi chair.

Not like everyone else, the muscles rotted and floated on the roof.

On the contrary, it is almost the same as before his death, as if it was instantly frozen, and it has been preserved to the present.

Seeing that he was a corpse, Lin Feng let out a long breath and was almost frightened.

If it really lived in water for hundreds of years, what kind of creature would it be?

Looking at the middle-aged man from top to bottom, he was definitely a strong man with strong muscles before his death, even if he still maintains full muscles now.

Holding a spear in his right hand and pressing an iron box in his left hand, he was motionless.

Lin Feng leaned over and reluctantly took the iron box out of his hand.

Although I don't know what's inside, I must have something valuable under my hands until I died.

I don't know if it can be preserved after being soaked in the pool, but at least it is a relic.

After he moved, the man remained motionless, as if he was really frozen.

Lin Feng did not continue to check, but continued to observe the surrounding decorations.

It is determined that under the long immersion of the pool, almost all of them were destroyed.

Only some porcelain, bronze, barely remained in its original form.

However, they are worthless in the ghost world.

Shaking his head, he walked out of the hall.

I looked around again and there was nothing.

It is already strange that a family submerged under the water can have a person like an ice sculpture!

Walk towards the stone wall, and quickly climb along the stone wall to the top of the waterhole.

When he could see the light in the waterhole, he felt like he was seeing the light again.

At the same time, put away the dragon ball and the water avoidance bead, borrow the power on the stone wall, and jump up.

With a splash of water, he came out of the pool.

At the same time, put away the crystal leather armor, pants and shoes on your body, and clean up the dirty blood on your body.

Just as he was taking a good bath, there was a sudden sound of breaking the void in his ears.

Looking up, there were three figures floating in the sky.

Li Changchun, who stepped on the paper crane, gathered Fan Jin, who was clean, and Xue Ning, who stepped on his big hand.

The three mentors, all with beards and bloodshot eyes, stared at him with complicated expressions.

Lin Feng's movement of rubbing his body suddenly stopped, his hands protected the important parts, and he said angrily:

"What are you going to do when you appear so suddenly?"

Fan Jin ignored his movements, his expression could barely suppress the complexity, and his voice appeared to be urgent:

"You stayed in the pool for sixteen days! How did you come up with it?

Do you know that we were already preparing to leave this morning, and if we hadn't found the water surging under the mud, we wouldn't have been able to see us!" "

Say, how did you live underwater for more than ten days?" Xue

Ning didn't seem to like to talk when there were many people, but just looked at Lin Feng with a fine light in his eyes.

All three looked at him with unkind expressions, as if he had gone against him.

When Lin Feng heard their words, he knew that he had stayed below for sixteen days

! I don't know how worried my parents are about themselves!

But now he has to deal with the three old guys in front of him.

Even if they have their own little calculations in their hearts, being able to guard outside for half a month is enough to show that they value it.

With a slight turn of his eyes, he said,

"I can do it by living in the water." But for someone else, it certainly won't. I didn't expect that after such a long time, it was so bad that the injury was healed!" "

By the way, can you not stare at me like this?

It seems that there are some bad intentions for him, a teenage boy.

When Fan Jin heard the answer, he knew that he didn't want to share the secret with them.

Knowing that there is no problem, only one sentence is left:

"It's okay, we should go!" These

days are exhausted, and I really don't want to stay in the ghost and god world

! Li Chunfeng wants to ask the reason carefully, if you can learn to survive in the water, this is a stunt!

He glanced at each other with Xue Ning and flew directly to the shore.

He did not leave immediately, but gathered together, seemingly studying Lin Feng's future.

Being able to kill a fifth-level evil demon, these means are coveted.

Lin Feng looked at their backs and took a deep breath.

It feels like they must have some idea, but they don't express it.

Take a refreshing shower and swim to the shore of the trees a hundred meters away from them.

Put on dry clothes and walk out.

The three people walked over, and as soon as they were about to speak, they were blocked by Lin Feng's question:

"Three mentors, our cultivation paths are different, and the abilities we have are naturally different. I envy your powerful means.

"However, now that I have been out for more than ten days, I am afraid that my parents are worried, can you tell me which direction to go home from?"

Clearly tell them that their cultivation is different, and you can't learn my moves!

They had followed Lin Feng for many days, and naturally knew that he was fighting with terrifying qi and blood.

I have never used the means of Buddhism and Confucianism, so it should make some sense to say that you can't learn it.

Fan Jin blinked his eyes and said, "

All the way to the northeast, after 70,000 meters is Daocheng. It is very dangerous here, and there will be fifth-level demons infested.

"They have their own territory, but they also go out to subdue their men, or hunt." So you must be careful!" He

had experienced a life and death battle with Lin Feng, and he explained more.

Li Chunfeng said: "

We leave here, you can even kill a fifth-level evil demon, it is redundant for us!

For him, Lin Feng was useless, so it was better to leave.

Xue Ning patted him on the shoulder and said, "

Young man, the road ahead will depend on you. Genius, destined to carry more. We can't teach you, and we won't guide you indiscriminately.

"But there's one thing I'm going to tell you. Once you break through the fourth level, fly into the sky, and be able to enter the university, please don't forget the people of our Daocheng. I hope you can leave a part of the inheritance!"

After speaking, his hands changed, and a large handprint appeared under his feet, breaking through the air.

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