Lin Feng walked to Fatty Wang indifferently, the corners of his mouth curved in an arc of disdain, and said indifferently:

"You came to threaten me? Tell you, there are people above me, more powerful than you think! Die one of your hearts!

"Besides, for a genius, 10,000 garbage is not enough to withstand life!"

"If you have this idea, how can I let you continue to live?"

In the face of daring to threaten his life, what is he left for?

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, strolling to Fatty Wang's side, his right foot fell one after another, stepping on his limbs.

Then he kicked away Chen Qiang next to him and snorted coldly: "

Your brother was sucked away by the ghost, what is he still alive for?"

Chen Qiang was long unable to move, and his body limbs were trampled by the gold-armored guards.

Now he was kicked away by Lin Feng, covered in huge pain, and fell into the grass thirty meters away.

The ghosts who have always coveted human beings rushed up and directly divided the yang qi, and it was too late to even struggle.

The remaining second-level demons, whether they were plants or biology, all rushed up to feast.

It seems that human flesh is an appetizer, tearing up in an instant.

Only a pile of clothes, pants and shoes that could not be devoured, likewise turned into pieces.

Then, his gaze fell on Fatty Wang, who screamed and prepared to rush up.

A group of evil demons without wisdom could not sense Lin Feng's existence, and naturally would not let go of the crippled Fatty Wang.

Regardless of the Dao treasure guard, do not rush up, and eventually become flying ash and corpses.

Seeing this, Lin Feng nodded and said to Fatty Wang:

"Look, it can also be regarded as avenging his nephew, and all the evil demons who killed him are all dead."

"Now, send you on your way! Don't come for nothing!

After that, despite his objections, he ripped off all the Fangshi scarves, talisman bags, pine swords, and other Dao treasures on his body.

With only Fatty Wang's own qi and blood and strength, if he wanted to resist the attack of the second-level demons, he couldn't hold out for long.

Just like the garbage elders over there, they feel that they can still live.

But I didn't know that after the fracture, there was not much combat power left, and I faced endless difficulties in returning to the city.

On the way, it will be devoured by various ghosts and second-level demons.

Even if he survives to return alive, he will have to spend a lot of money to collect medicine and treat his injuries.

When you really survive, you may not have to spend many resources, and there will be no more threats.

After all, Lin Feng did not kill with his own hands, and he always felt that he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

It is the opposite of nature to the devil, kill and kill.

But for human beings, unless they really touch the psychological bottom line, they still can't be ruthless.

Put the things into the gold wire storage bag, and a flash disappeared without a trace.

There was only a look of despair left in place, and the guy who tried hard to climb back to Dao City.

In any case, do not want to die.

Especially Fatty Wang, who still has a Daoist robe on his body, can barely block the invasion of ghosts, deter second-level demons, and wants to climb back.

However, all four limbs were trampled off, and even the talismans were searched away, which was extremely miserable.

"I hate it! Why come! A

loud roar, venting the fear and sorrow in his heart, I don't know how to describe the mood at the moment.

There was a real sense of despair.

It took a lot of hard work to become a fourth-level exorcist, just for an illegitimate son.

It always feels like it's not worth it.

What their final result was, Lin Feng did not pay attention to it.

When they reappeared, they had already appeared next to the big brothers and sisters.

Four figures greeted him like heroes and converged.

"Fifth brother, you are too powerful, this means is simply explosive!"

"Fifth brother, when will you take me to fly? Seeing that a fourth-level exorcist can fly into the sky, I also want to!

"Okay, stop arguing, hurry home and tell your parents that they are safe." Our Lin family is not afraid of a fourth-level exorcist from now on!

In the end, Lin Xin greeted her younger siblings and went home together.

Lin Feng didn't tell them that because of the injury, he didn't burst out with real strength.

Most of them are attacked by the body's own strength, without using a little qi and blood power.

Otherwise, a sword ray flew by, instantly cutting off Fatty Wang's paper crane, making him fall from the sky himself.

Why jump on a paper crane and add a lot of danger to yourself.

A group of five people, without coldly groaning this outsider, seemed very relaxed and rushed towards the city.

When they walked towards the city, they thought coldly, and actually came to the mud pond where Lin Feng and the others had left not long ago.

The large octopus inside is dead, and the golden man reappears.

There is an extra set of exquisite armor on the body, and the body has shrunk many times, which is no different from a normal person.

I wanted to ask Lin Feng about various news, but I didn't expect to change to a delicate woman.

Immediately grabbed her and went into the mountains.

As for what will happen, the outside world has no way of knowing.

Lin Feng did not pay attention to her, ignored her disappearance, and walked all the way into the city and returned to the villa in the compliments of his siblings.

Parents and others who had already received the news waited here for a long time.

When I saw the five people coming back together, I immediately laughed and greeted one after another.

Mother Li Cuiliu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, and said angrily:

"You child, how can you go out for more than half a month." Worry about us to death! For

Lin Feng, who has grown up around her since she was a child and led her family to a high-end life, she has different emotions.

Hearing his mother's words, Lin Feng smiled and said

, "You don't need to worry about me, the boy is determined to move forward in all directions, for the sake of strength." Although I went out for sixteen days this time, my strength has improved a lot!

"If you don't believe me, you can ask my eldest brother, but he saw my battle with his own eyes."

In order to avoid his father being too worried, Lin Feng discussed with his eldest brother and the others on the way back, not to mention the situation of his injury.

Therefore, Lin Yi took the conversation happily and said,

"Mom, don't worry." On the way home, the fifth brother defeated all the fourth-level demon exterminators, and our Lin family completely stood up!

"In the future, no matter who you are, you will never get used to it, and you will make them pay!"

He was dissatisfied with his parents' foreign policy and was wronged all the time.

Li Cuiliu was even more happy, and said to Lin Feng:

"Child, Wen Wu is not the first, Wu is not the second, don't fight with others!" You don't know who you're going to offend, so be careful!

"By the way, Old Fifth definitely didn't eat anything good outside, hurry up and prepare the meal, let's have a reunion dinner."

As an old man, he will constantly tell his children that they will be safe.

Lin Feng kept nodding, and then said to them:

"Hehe, this time I brought a lot of good meat back, and also brought a lot of good things, first share it with you, and then eat."

"I hope that you are stronger than the other, and you will not have to be angry with others in the future."

The situation encountered on the way back really became Lin Feng's bottom line.

"Okay! I'm finally going to improve. Big brother, you all have punches and gloves, this time it's my turn, right? Fifth brother!

Second brother Lin Lang immediately stood up and looked at his brother with anticipation.


The author has something to say:

see that there are a lot of tips, thank you book friends, tidy up in the evening, get up early tomorrow and send it out, bow! Tomorrow night to sort out the realm comparison, the day after tomorrow in the author's words.

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