For what the boy just said, it was a reason to eat a meal.

However, as a reason to approach the Lin family, it was far from enough.

If he didn't say it, Lin Feng decided that he would definitely not have an intersection with him in the future, and even be wary at all times.

The shadow boy pulled away the long hair that covered his face, revealing a slightly gloomy handsome face, and said in a calm voice:

"My name is Lan Chengfeng, and my family has some abilities, but they have never been revealed. I also wanted to change the fate of my family before I got out of the inner city.

"Unexpectedly, you are stronger than me and have already brought your family out." So I wanted to come and learn from experience.

"The most important point is that I feel that our fighting methods are relatively close, and we may be able to learn from each other's strengths!"

His ambition was exposed, and he hoped to become a person like Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng felt that he came for combat skills.

What is similar, not yet for exercises and martial arts?

Wen Yan nodded and said,

"If you want to lead the family to become strong, you must not only have the ability, but also the means. It's a long road, you learn it slowly. "

Learning or not, he doesn't really care.

Originally thinking of making a career, two more strong apprentices seems to be good.

However, if you want to use yourself, you definitely can't.

Therefore, you can only get along slowly, maybe have some feelings for each other.

Knowing the other party's purpose, Lin Feng didn't care and continued to eat heavily.

Parents, brothers and sisters, who don't eat much, can't bear it anymore.

Practice routines in the yard, do not use weapons, and avoid others stealing learning.

Vent your excess energy while familiarizing yourself with the moves.

Lan Chengfeng fought with Lin Lan and the others several times, and they were all knocked to the ground.

His so-called means did not have much effect on the Lin family, and perhaps he did not master the real technology.

It wasn't until it was dark that Lin Yi and the others took the roasted dragon meat, wild boar and sand lizard meat and went home separately.

Although the family members are family members, the feelings between each other are not deep, they are all for the purpose of completing the task of childbirth.

However, let's live with each other for a few years and see if the other party can keep up.

There is also the guidance and education of children, which must not be put down.

Put the rest away and wait to eat it later.

Lan Chengfeng left with the four brothers, although his expression was still gloomy, but there was more joy in his eyes.

It is estimated that he learned a lot of things.

Lin Feng didn't care, everything he could learn was superficial and not powerful enough.

Everyone returned to their respective rooms and began their evening cultivation.

Relatively speaking, the safety factor of the villa is the highest.

Lin Feng was injured today, and although he had been nourishing with qi and blood, he was not effective in running exercises.

After returning to the room and taking a shower, I was going to run the first meridian directly.

Suddenly, I thought of the Zixia Divine Skill obtained from under the waterhole, which was said to be the secret of the ancient martial artist.

I don't know if I can combine to cultivate.

Therefore, after taking it out, I carefully read it twice, it seemed to be easier than my own sutra, and I tried to cultivate together.

Before cultivating, I glanced at the attribute panel, I don't know when, there was an additional explanation

: "Lin Feng

: Qi and Blood Realm (External) Qi Rush Bull Qi

Blood: 227479

Strength: 18 Tiger Power + 4320

Agility: 1774 Bloodline: 13

Bones: 10

(Can increase body strength once)!"

The root bone actually reached ten, which can increase the strength of the body, and I never knew what this thing was.

Since he had the opportunity to improve, Lin Feng was naturally very happy and entered the state of pranayama.

At the same time as the operation, all the internal strong organs are running.

Not only that, there was a stream of gas in the body that hit all the way from the hundred acupoints above the head, and finally converged in the dantian.

However, the dantian is the place where blood and qi gather, and the two have undergone subtle changes here.

Gradually, it turned into a small purple flame, and all the gathered spiritual energy and blood qi turned into a part of the flame.

Not only has the speed of operation been accelerated, but the absorption power has been enhanced, and the change is moving in a good direction.

Not only the changes in the dantian, but the internal organs that were shaken in the body also began to heal slowly under the nourishment of various spiritual qi.

There was also a terrifying force that grew from the internal organs and began to spread out in all directions.

Wherever the power flows, whether it is blood veins or organs, it seems to have been upgraded in an instant, becoming transparent, and containing infinite vitality.

Lin Feng guessed that it should be the so-called root bone evolution.

The changes in his body made him completely forget the passage of time and rush to unknown heights step by step.

He is quietly pranayama, rapidly improving his strength, but many people do not get a good night's sleep.

For example, the students in the surrounding villas and bungalows were still discussing the contradiction between the Lin family and the city lord's auction house.

To be fair, they definitely didn't have the guts to go hard with the City Lord's Mansion.

Lin Feng, among the freshmen, has almost become a mythical figure.

In the middle of the night, Ling Feng was in the group, and suddenly a news broke out:

"I went to find Leng Qingyin three times, and I never came back. Did any of you see her? The

news spread, nearly five hundred students all saw it, and some sighed and replied:

"Alas, has the beauty been eaten by the devil?"

"What about the flower messenger? It seems that in the wild there is no distinction between men and women, damn or die!

"It is estimated that it will not come back, this time period, unless there is a master to save it."

"I see, maybe I have been fancyed by some big guy, and I am enjoying brocade clothes and jade food!"

Various speculations have woken up many people.

They couldn't sleep, and two middle-aged men who climbed in through the city gate were rescued by someone, and news came out that a little doll had brutally killed their son.

Many people gathered in the hospital and inquired about a person named Lin Feng at the same time.

They deliberately concealed key information, did not say that he killed a fourth-level exoner, and did not say what his son did.

Therefore, many people found Lin Feng in the novice area in the south of the city.

He is the most suitable for everyone's search conditions, ready to start tomorrow, looking for an opportunity to take revenge!

How can they sleep peacefully when they are angry?

There was also Bai Shou who returned to the luxurious villa, thinking of what happened at night, he beat his chest, and he couldn't wait to smash Lin Feng with a punch.

Why didn't you control Lin Feng?

Not only did he lose face, but he also compensated for thirty pounds of resource liquid!

Can't bear it!

How they were, in fact, they would not affect Lin Feng, who only knew how to improve his strength.

In this cruel world of ghosts and gods, the only way to live smoothly is to work hard to improve your strength.

Otherwise, the end will be miserable.

It was only when the sun rose high the next day that he opened his eyes.

A purple light instantly illuminated the entire bedroom, which was a very strange change.

Lin Feng was stunned, how could purple eyes appear.

The fists were slightly forced, and the abundant sense of strength was born.

The injury is still partially remnant, but the attributes have changed.

Before he could fully feel all the changes, he heard Lin Xin's shouting voice outside the window:

"What kind of person, sneaky?"

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