This was a situation that exceeded Lin Feng's imagination, giving him no time to think about it.

It felt similar to the black corpse in official uniform encountered in Xiao Feiyue's valley, which was very strange.

Pull back ten meters, dodge the Headless Horseman's iron fist, and readjust the attack strategy.

Without waiting to stand firmly, the earth shook, the black earth under his feet shook, and the gap in the cobwebs spread into the distance, and a large hole appeared.

Lin Feng's brows frowned slightly, guessing that an underground evil demon had rushed out.

With a gentle borrowing of force on the tiptoes, a volley flies into the air.

The right hand formed a fist, covered with a stream of qi and blood, and the attack collided with the headless horseman who rushed over.

"Boom!" the

Headless Horseman's iron fist made a deafening sound as it collided with Lin Feng.

With the naked eye, it could be seen that the gloomy aura on the headless horseman's body instantly weakened a lot.

The steely body took a big step back, barely standing on its feet.

Lin Feng didn't let people care, although he felt the feeling of the land exploding behind him, he didn't look back.

Under the shroud of countless earth, more blood qi converged on the fist, forming a red light qi shield, which attacked again.

The headless horseman, who was already standing unsteadily, put his arms in front of his chest to resist the attack.

"Boom!" With

a sound, the steel armor outside the headless horseman was instantly filled with blood, as if dyed with a layer of red.

"Break it for me!" Lin

Feng's forehead rushed out of the red bull and slammed straight into the headless horseman.

Having just lowered its arm, it was hit by a bull on its empty head.

"Bang!" With

a slight sound, all the black steel armor instantly turned into fragments in the sky.

Only five balls of light remained.

Lin Feng ran the wind aura, instantly picked up all the balls of light on the ground, and turned around to face the evil demon that came out of the big ground.


whole body is about the same as a stone, ten meters tall, and covered with hellfire.

The earth fell on him and was burned to ash.

The stone is the armor on the outside of his body, but it actually has real muscles and flesh and blood inside, and its strength is very terrifying.

Fourth-level top-grade demons.

"How did you attract this thing?" Lin

Feng didn't expect that the evil demon living in the magma would also run to the surface to make fun.

In the same level, they are almost invincible.

Because Hellfire makes any evil demon throw a rat and can be reborn in Hellfire.

So Lin Feng didn't like to face it.

The voice of the system came from his mind:

"Power +2017, Strength +120, Strength +102, Qi and Blood +2389, Qi and Blood +132, Qi and Blood +127, Root Bone +1, Bloodline +1, Level 4 Ultimate Treasure Chest +1!"

Although he got something, Lin Feng did not have the slightest expression.

The third-level evil demon has increased too little, and talk is better than nothing

, but the fourth-level alienation evil demon is not bad, as always powerful.

Facing the hellfire, Lin Feng's brows frowned slightly, and he quickly thought of a bead he had just obtained, Xuan Yin Bead.

It can freeze a river for three kilometers, which will definitely reduce the threat of hellfire.

Take it out immediately and put it in your pocket.

In an instant, the impact of the high temperature brought by the hellfire was almost nothing.


, roar..." "Uh..." "Wow..."

When Lin Feng was dodging the attack of the Hell Flame Demon, countless demons on the stone walls around him roared and rushed down.

Those with insufficient strength of the third-level demons fell and died a lot.

But the fourth-level evil demon would never fall to death and fall down the stone wall.

There are also demons flying in the sky, already swooping into the valley.

In all directions, underground, ground, air, surrounded in all directions, the target is Lin Feng in the middle!

Moreover, endlessly, the stone walls shook, the earth trembled, and the black pressure pressed over like a dark cloud.

"It's terrifying!" Lin

Feng used the Ghost Spirit Hydrangia for the first time, feeling even more terrifying than the Divine Demon Liquid, and it seemed to affect infinity.

However, the evil devil will not have the slightest idea, only knows that he is attracted by the ghost hydrangea and rushes over.

Human beings are the most delicious food in their eyes.

"Boom!" the

Hell Flame Demon stood up, and two millstone-sized fists slammed twice on his chest, showing his identity and status.

Regardless of the other demons, he rushed straight towards Lin Feng.

Two terrifying big hands opened up, as if opening a net of fire, shrouding him in it.

It's just that the impact of hellfire on Lin Feng has been reduced to a negligible amount.

The blood qi covers the surface of the body, like a protective layer, protecting itself.

The wild sand marksmanship unfolded, and in an instant, time fell in the sky like boundless red gravel, covering all directions.

All demons that rushed within fifty meters were within the attack range.


poof, poof..." The various demons who had just rushed to the front and crawled out of the ground were instantly pierced through their bodies.

Ten in a row, still struggling forward, there was no time to dodge.

In an instant, it was pierced by countless wild sands, and blood flowed everywhere, spilling all over the ground.

They even continued to rush forward thirty meters before they felt pain, struggled violently, and slapped the demons around them and behind them.

There are countless people affected.

The evil demon flying down in the sky, without waiting to get closer, was pierced through the body, unable to control the direction, and hit other places crookedly.

The unlucky Ghost-tailed Eagle crashed into the Hell Flame Demon, was burned and gasified on the spot, and rolled down some attribute light balls.

Lin Feng's attacks were the most faced with the Hell Flame Demon, and most of them greeted the gaps in the rocks.

Even if the gap is small, the attack is dense, like yellow sand in the sky, easily piercing into it.


, poof..." With the sound of piercing flesh and blood, all the strong wind pierced it.

In the end, the Xuanyin gun carried the icy yin qi and pierced the stone skin gap in the thigh.

Even though there was hellfire outside, it still did not pose any threat to the spear.

However, Lin Feng did feel the terrifying heat, and if it weren't for the Xuanyin Beads on his body, he would only be able to run around now to avoid the attack of the Hell Flame Demon.

After killing it, there was no time to wait for death, and he had already withdrawn and rushed towards the fourth-level evil demon iron-backed black pincer insect next to him.

The same big guy who drilled out of the ground, countless long legs were swimming rapidly, and the whole body clicked

, as if wearing an iron shell, the wild sand marksmanship just now, did not cause fatal injuries to it, still rushed over.

Lin Feng's speed now surpassed the fourth-level demons.

Therefore, it is like a stream of light, rushing in front of it.

A shot pierced deeply into its brain, and while it struggled violently, it had already turned to the evil demon next to it.

Whether it is a third-level evil demon or a fourth-level evil demon, they are both huge.

Only ghosts are not limited by this, shuttling all kinds of things, and seeing everything as if it were nothing.

Lin Feng's most annoying thing is also a fourth-level ghost, there is no entity, and the attack methods are also strange, which is difficult to prevent.

If there is no qi and blood attack, it will not be able to kill for a while.

Unlike other demons, they can also use the corpses of neighboring demons to block attacks.

A big war began.

Lin Feng completely forgot all the pressure, all the troubles, raised his five senses to the limit, agitated the small purple flames in his body, and fought madly.

One move at a time, try to be just right, and try not to use particularly expensive means.

There is only one belief, kill

! I don't know what kind of changes have occurred in humans within 20,000 meters of the outside world!

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