The power of twenty tigers, barely pulling the half string, simply could not pull the full bow.

Moreover, the five internal organs of the spiritual energy in the body were uncontrolled, gushing out along the arm, forming five arrows of different colors and attributes at the bowstring.

This kind of light is unimaginable.

Lin Feng could feel that the five arrows contained palpitating power.

It is estimated that an arrow shot out can kill a demon.

I really don't know how to describe the mood at the moment.

He didn't use his full strength, and he didn't know where to shoot the arrow, so he reluctantly loosened the bowstring little by little, and the arrow slowly dissipated in the air.

"Grass, scare me to death!"

Lin Feng was frightened, thinking that he had encountered something strange, and he wanted to absorb all the spiritual energy power in his body and

be safe, and finally let go of a heart.

Moreover, it is very easy to put into the storage bag without the slightest delay.

Finally, I walked to the stairs next to me and walked up the stairs, still without the slightest obstacle.

However, when he went to push the door of every room on the second floor, he felt insulted again, and he couldn't even push a door open.

After a circle, the heart is about to collapse.

It is a blood burning realm, and the strength plus blood qi bonus can reach the power of fifty tigers, but all the doors are not moving.

The third, fourth, and fifth floors can't be pushed open in any room.

Even if it is a wooden door, even if it is covered with light yarn, even the light yarn cannot be pushed.

If it weren't for the tightness and soreness of his muscles, Lin Feng would even think that he was sleeping.

It's not humiliation, at most it's not at the level, and you can't understand the secrets.

Finally down the stairs to the sixth floor, this is not a room, but a vast platform.

As far as the eye can see, you can see the entire stone city in all directions.

Lin Feng took out the enemy crystal ball and swept around, except for dead people or dead bodies, there were no living things.

His gaze then fell on the center of the platform, and he muttered:

"Wow, isn't this the point general platform? There is a chair over there that can overlook the whole city?

Facing south and back, there is also a jade tie rod in front of the chair, I don't know what use it is.

Lin Feng had just approached the jade platform three meters when he suddenly noticed a back figure walking towards the chair.

This back, countless lights on the body shine.

The three vast flowers above the head, like starlight, bloomed with boundless light.

Golden lotuses bloom under your feet, and lotuses are born step by step.

Around the body, endless heaven and earth spiritual energy surrounds, forming a rain of spiritual energy and moisturizing all things.

It looks like it's three meters away, but it seems to be in the sky.

Tall and majestic, standing tall and standing tall against the sky.

In his back, he was like an ant, he couldn't afford

to be blasphemous, he just wanted to worship! Lin Feng's expression changed drastically, his knees trembled, but he never wanted to kneel.

Where there is no one, how can such a powerful human being appear.

Just when he could hardly bear it and was about to kneel, an indifferent voice came from his ears:

"The heavens want to destroy me, the earth wants to destroy me, the gods want to crush me, the ghosts want to devour me, the evil wants to invade me, what

about it?" I am unyielding, that is, this side of heaven and earth is unyielding, and if I am undefeated, my people are undefeated!" "I

, Tianyuan, will never say die!" One

after another, it seems that across the endless river of time, came from distant history.

It contains supreme domineering, endless self-confidence, and vows to fight against everything in heaven and earth.

The figure of Wei An and the arrogant voice deeply stimulated Lin Feng's heart.

The voice fell, the figure in front of him disappeared, the point general platform disappeared, and Lin Feng appeared inexplicably in front of the wooden building.

The door that once opened a slit has been closed tightly, and there is no more gap.

"What's the situation, did I have a dream?" Lin

Feng shook his head, looked at the wooden building above his head, and the three words he didn't know just now were inexplicably understood.


Feng was completely stunned, obviously he didn't know, how could he come back in a circle, and suddenly understood?

The people who stand up to the heavens and the earth, the incomparable strength, the domineering from the sky, can not be swirled.

There was only one belly slander in his heart, this person named Tian Yuan could not recognize the situation.

The whole dynasty of God disappeared, he was undefeated, his people were undefeated?

It doesn't make sense at all.

Shaking his head, since he couldn't enter again, he was ready to leave.

Looking back at Shicheng, it was still dilapidated, still silent, without the slightest breath of life.

Walking near the flying leopard, I found that it was motionless, only trembling, and its eyes were almost closed.

Noticing Lin Feng appearing in front of him, he had a radiant look inside, as if he wanted to take it away.

Lin Feng thought for a while, used the Replenishing Heaven Pa again to put it away, and used the Dragon Soaring Void all the way to appear on the jade platform.

Last night, he escaped the terrifying battle here, and it should be a treasure.

It's just that when he greedily wants to lift it up whole, he doesn't move again.

"Forget it, I just got the life of a bow, it's time to go!" Lin

Feng knew very well that his strength was too weak to move.

Follow the road and immediately south the city gate.

Standing outside the south city gate, seeing the cymbals and the blood-stained magic wand, there is always a feeling of being in a different world.

After experiencing boundless killing inside, it was time to go!

He knew very well that he could not take away anything that did not belong to him.

One last glance at Shicheng, he turned and walked off into the distance.

After passing a few hundred meters, he was stunned on the spot when he saw the countless evil corpses that came in with him that day.

He originally wanted to bring some corpses of demon beasts, maybe he could satisfy his tongue.

However, the corpses everywhere have decomposed, and time has passed.

Only at this moment did he realize that the time was wrong and exceeded his psychological expectations.

Drop everything and run the ladder that boosts the reward, and a red ladder appears under your feet, reaching the sky where you can see the sun.

Walking with both feet, like climbing a ladder, walking smoothly into the clouds, straight up to a height of 5,000 meters away.

Halfway through, it was already a valley, and the top was flat land.

Straight up and down thousands of meters of the Terror Valley, all kinds of yin wind and fury, no wonder no one has been here for so long, and they have not found this hidden stone city.

Lin Feng glanced under the cliff and carefully noted the surrounding environment and mountain structure.

After the strength reaches level seven or eight, you must come back to see it.

That sword, say that nothing can be spared.

He is not the most powerful person in the world, and he should be about the same.

While still thinking about the humiliation that Mulou brought him, there was a sound of breaking air in his ears.

Immediately, a red flyover rose under your feet, and you were instantly placed on it.

However, the strong wind did not stop, still chasing the body, rubbing the ears.

"Grass, just came up and was attacked, careless, no flash!"

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