The old man was very happy.

"Yes, that's right. I'm a sommelier here."

"Yes... yes, I'm a sommelier." Ramiris nodded. This was a lie she told Milim. She also looked at Rimuru beside her with a begging look.

Rimuru turned his head away with a smile, as if he understood, and didn't expose it.

Ramiris couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in her heart. As long as she could fool Milim, her face as the demon king would be saved.

"Wine taster?... What is that for? Is it fun?"

Milim stared at the arrogant Ramiris in her hand in confusion. With her understanding of this old friend's personality, she must have found something interesting.

"Fun?" Ramiris curled her lips and said disdainfully, then looked at Milim with the attitude of a little adult.

She stretched out a slender jade finger, pointed at Milim's face, and sighed:

"Milim, you still know how to play like a child, but I am already a mature adult."

Milim looked at Ramiris who was pointing at her face and preaching.

Ha, I'm a child? You're an adult, SO

"Actually, a wine taster is..." Ramiris then began to explain to Milim.

"It is to verify whether the taste of each bottle of wine meets the standard and whether it has been perfectly brewed successfully..."

Milim was stunned by what Ramiris said, staring at the elf in her hand and said something.

"Isn't this just working for someone else?"

Ramillis was stunned for a moment, and then her expression became serious again.

"No... No, you don't understand."

"How can this be called working? I am completely free. This is completely my hobby. You can't confuse my hobby with working."

Milim was completely confused. She said that what Ramiris said seemed to make sense, but it seemed a bit nonsense.

Rimuru heard it clearly on the side, and he was embarrassed to expose Ramiris.

A little thief who stole wine can become a wine taster, and even talk about hobbies. Who taught her this word?

Seeing that Milim was fooled by her, Ramiris quickly broke free from Milim's hand. She picked up a wine bottle that was bigger than her and slowly flew to Milim's shoulder.

"Hehe, Milim, don't think too much. I'm a wine taster here purely for my hobby. Working to pay off debts is nonsense."

Ramilis said as she filled Milim's glass with wine.

"Milim, come and taste this wine. It's sweet and has a long aftertaste."


Milim came back to her senses and looked at the glass of wine that Ramiris filled for her.

It turned out that this was not a drink but wine. This was only seen in Demon Lord Clement. Her territory did not produce this thing at all. They all lived an ascetic life.

"Hehe, you have to believe in the taste of a wine taster."

"By the way, remember to turn off the perception immunity, so that you can appreciate the beauty of this wine."

Milim also took the glass of wine with half-belief, but she was more curious.

Drank it all at random.

Ramilis' eyes lit up and she couldn't help but admire.

"Milim, you are so generous, as domineering as I was when I blew the bottle."

Rimuru also noticed the movement of Milim, and saw that Milim actually started drinking wine under the instigation of Ramiris, and wanted to stop her.

But Milim drank it in one gulp. Rimuru thought that the dragon demon should have a good alcohol tolerance, and it should be no problem for a child to drink a glass, and he should not be drunk.

Three doubts appeared in his mind in succession.

Milim believed Ramiris's words and directly turned off the perception immunity and drank the wine in one gulp.

At first, there was indeed a sweet taste, but then the throat began to choke, and the face quickly turned red.

"Ahem... What a strange taste."

"Hey, Ramiris, why did you change your head into two heads? It's so strange."

Ramilis saw that Milim had become confused, and a look of success appeared on her face.

With a sly smile on his face, he wanted to continue pouring wine into Milim, but was immediately stopped by Rimuru.

"Lamilis, Milim is just a child and can't drink so much. Look, she's getting drunk."

"Hey, it's just one glass. She's a dragon demon, she won't get drunk."



Rimuru firmly objected.

"Okay then!"

Ramilis immediately put down the bottle and flew to Milim's ear and whispered.

"You can't tell other demon kings that I'm a wine taster here, especially that red-haired guy."

Milim blushed, her eyes were a little confused, and she turned her head to look at Ramiris.


A 'pop' sound

shocked everyone and everyone's eyes were cast over.

Gulensta had just picked up a piece of barbecue when she was startled by the sound and the barbecue fell back into the pot.

Gulensta raised her head with a strange look on her face and looked at Milim's table.

"What happened? "

Ramilis was also startled and took several steps back in midair.

At this time, Milim put one foot on the table, and she was full of pride and promised with her chest.

"Don't worry, Ramiris, we are good friends."

"Hey~ Hehe, I won't tell them..."

Milim acted very righteous, and excitedly pulled up Ramiris's little hand, and quickly swung it 360 degrees in the air.

"Ah~, Milim, what are you doing? "


A small figure flew out directly, drawing a beautiful parabola in the air.

And there was a goblin in the audience who was eating food crazily without being affected at all, his mouth was full, and he raised his head as if he had sensed something.

In his confused eyes, a small figure quickly enlarged in his eyes, and he only had time to swallow the food with difficulty.


There were two bodies foaming at the mouth on the ground, they should have fallen asleep.

No big problem!


Everyone present retracted their gazes from the sleeping person on the ground, and then looked at the loli who was stepping on the table with one foot in a daze.

Milim grabbed a handful of air in the air and looked at her hand in a daze.

"Hey, where is my old friend? "

Gulansat looked at the empty wine glass on Milim's table, and guessed it immediately by looking at her current appearance.

Gulansat winked at Rimuru and pointed his lips at Milimuru's position.

After receiving Gulansat's instructions, Rimuru immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"Damn, this drunk guy is crazy? Let me go."

But Milim's eyes turned to Rimuru on the side, and she came to the front with a swaying step.

"Don't come over..."

Rimuru looked scared, and couldn't help but lean back.

"Hehe... Rimuru... We are best friends... I want to follow you..."


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