The king was very happy.

"My king! I don't understand if you have misunderstood me. Why..."

Besta knelt on the ground with a gloomy face.

In contrast, King Gazer always looked gloomy.

"Misunderstanding? I lost a loyal minister."

"What do you mean! That guy not only did not swear loyalty to you, the king, but also followed that kind of unknown-"

"Besta, you completely misunderstood. Kaijin was planning to leave me. The loyal minister I lost... is you."

Besta's heart was beating violently.

Is it me? ...But his thoughts were constantly tangled and his words became confused.

Just now, what did the king say?

Losing you means... Besta was a little overwhelmed.

"I'll ask you again! My subject Besta, do you have anything to say to me?"

Fear surged into his heart like a tide! Besta's mind was filled with fear.

"King, please forgive my stupidity..."

Best hesitated for a long time before he could say this.

"I was very optimistic about you before, so I have been waiting for you. Whether it was the incident of the magic soldiers or this time, I was waiting for you to tell me the truth in person."

King Gazel spoke every word lightly, but every word pierced Besta's heart.

It turned out that the king already knew it, how ridiculous it was.

"But you--"

Gazel's voice rose a few degrees.

"I am so disappointed."

After the last sentence fell, Besta collapsed to the ground.

"Look at this again--"

Besta looked at the king with lifeless eyes, not knowing why he asked this.

The guards next to him didn't know when they brought two things.

Best looked at them with empty eyes.

One of them was a bag of blue liquid that he had never seen before.

Another one was a beautiful bottle with colorful liquid in it.

"Best, do you know what this is? Guard, explain it to him!"

After receiving the order from King Gazer, the guard began to explain.

Best was originally a researcher, and he quickly understood the two things.

It turned out to be a high-level recovery potion with a 100% extraction rate. You know, even if all the technology of their dwarves is gathered, it can only reach 98% of the field.

The second thing shocked Best!

With their technology, they also knew that this bottle of magic potion contained a kind of ingredient of Fipokut grass.

But the effect of this magic potion is simply amazing! Magic power and vitality are restored at the same time!

What a concept, if it can be mass-produced, their powerful army will always be at the peak combat power and will not be tired.

These two technologies are enough to become the core of a country and can rise to the highest military reserve.

"These two things were given by the man called Rimuru and a friend of his, but you made us cut off contact with them. Do you... have anything else to say?"

At this moment, he finally understood why the king would confront him at this time. He made an irreparable mistake.

"I... have no words to say. I am ashamed of the king!"

Tears fell silently, and Besta knew that he had been abandoned by the king.

He wanted to give for the king and only wanted to get the king's recognition. What he expected was so simple.

However, he lost his way at some point. Could it be that it started from the moment he was jealous of Kaijin?

"I understand. Then Besta!"

"From today on, I forbid you to step into the palace. Don't appear in front of me again..."

Besta stood up slowly and bowed deeply to his king.

He left just like that, leaving behind a lonely back.

Until Besta left, a black shadow slowly emerged in front of King Gazel and knelt down in front of the king.

"King, do you still want to continue to monitor Rimuru and the others? Is it really okay for you to let such a powerful monster leave like this?"

After the person who appeared finished speaking, she lowered her head and silently waited for King Gazel's response.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response, and she raised her head in confusion.

She saw King Gazel staring at her back closely. She turned around suddenly and saw that there was nothing behind her. She looked at King Gazel strangely.

"Sir, you have been following my subordinates for so long, why don't you show up?"

At this time, King Gazel finally spoke, and a stream of magic power spread in front of him.

The shadow subordinate heard the king's words and immediately jumped up from the ground.

He stood up and blocked King Gazel, looking ahead in shock.

The soldiers around nervously took out their weapons, and all of them showed a look of alertness.

"As expected of the Hero King!"

The figure of Gulansat in a blue robe appeared from the empty space just now, but was just floating in the air.

"It's you? How could you..."

The shadow looked at the handsome elf flying in the air in shock. Wasn't it Gulansat that she had lost before?

She was simply ashamed to see her king. As the shadow of the king, she was actually followed and brought to the king.

Gulansat didn't expect the Hero King's perception to be so sharp. He used the three skills of [Magic Shield] [Invalidation of Heat Sensing] and [Disguise].

But he was still discovered as soon as he approached the Hero King. He did follow this shadow all the way here.

Gulansat was also curious about this shadow that had followed him before, but he didn't expect that the shadow would follow Rimuru after losing him and had been monitoring Rimuru's every move these days.

So Gulansta followed the shadow all the time, and then came to the palace. He also watched the previous trial.

However, he was not worried about Rimuru's safety. The result of the trial was similar to what he thought. Gazel was a qualified king.

Gulansta fell to the ground from mid-air to show his respect for the Hero King.

Then he looked directly at the king.

"All of you retreat. With his strength, you have no chance to hurt me."

Gazel raised his hand to drive away the soldiers in front of him, and looked at Gulansta in front of him carefully.

He could feel that in Gulansta's slender body, there was a magic power like the abyss, just like a magic dragon, which made Gazel pay attention to the elf in front of him.

"Dear Hero King, I came here just to worry about my friend, and I have no ill intentions. Please withdraw your surveillance of my friend."

Gulansta spoke to the Hero King politely.

"Oh, that slime is your friend, are you both from the Jura Forest?"

Gazel asked as if to confirm.


Gulansat nodded, there was nothing to deny.

"I really didn't expect that such terrifying monsters like you two would appear in the Jura Forest since the breath of the Storm Dragon Veldora disappeared. What do you think?"

Gazel put his hands together and supported his chin, staring at Gulansat with interest, with a majestic face that was very oppressive.

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