The old man was very happy.

Rimuru's idea was simple. Since they were going to build a country in the future,

There would be no shortage of people needed in the future, so accepting them now would expand the village and speed up construction.

Maybe the project of the Kaijin dwarves would be a bit rushed, after all, they accepted so many people.

"Okay! Gulansta and I agree to your request, but you have to remember..."

Rimuru also agreed to their request and explained his own ideas and the rules of the village.

These goblins immediately knelt down in gratitude.

They had four tribes in total, totaling 500. There was another problem that gave Rimuru a headache.

Then let's name them. Fortunately, there is the magic potion of Gurensta, otherwise it would be really Barbie Q.

It took two days to finally name them. Only Rimuru dared to be so generous.

Call these goblin chiefs.

The evolved chiefs knelt in a row in front of Rimuru and Gurensta.

Led by Lugurdo, there are Lugurdo, Legurdo, and Gugurdo. However, one of the four chiefs is a woman.

Rimuru treated them specially and gave them a name suitable for women, Lilina.

"Listen, I will grant you a rank now!"

Ligurdo, as the Goblin King, is higher than the others.

As for the remaining four chiefs, they will be named Goblin Lords.

Around him, the goblins of the four villages all knelt on the ground, looking at the two figures in the middle.

"Yes! Thank you very much!"✘4

With this as a signal, cheers rang out all around. In this way, the number of people in the Goblin Village increased several times, and a new chapter was opened.


"Miru, can you do it?"

Gulansta looked at the third of the dwarf brothers expectantly. He just handed him a design drawing.

A blueprint of a modern building!

"Lord Gulansta, the technology on this blueprint you gave me is beyond what I have learned. I need time to study!"

Miru stared at the architectural drawing in his hand. It was too detailed. He already had a rough outline in his mind, but...

"Lord Gulansta, what are the process requirements and materials cement and steel bars mentioned above?"

Gulansta gave an explanation.

"That is, their error cannot exceed the specified requirements. I have asked Rimuru to make the materials. You don't have to worry about this."


"From now on, the construction of houses in our village will be handed over to you, Miru!"

"Don't worry! Lord Gulansta, I will never let you down."

Gulansta patted Miru on the shoulder and left.

Now the village can be said to be a town. Gulansat thought that it was time to develop towards modernization, so he took out a construction engineering drawing.

Rimuru's residence

He was looking at the parchment on the table in distress. It was probably a reduced map of their village.

"Ah, how to plan it, I don't quite understand!"

Rimuru muttered to himself and seemed to have encountered some problems.

"Rimuru, what are you doing?"

Gulansat stepped into Rimuru's residence. He hadn't seen Rimuru jumping around for a while, and he was still a little uncomfortable.

As soon as he came in, he saw Rimuru scribbling on the parchment. He didn't know what he was busy with.

Rimuru's eyes lit up when he saw Gulansat coming in.

"Gulansat, help me think about it. Where should I set up these buildings?"

It turned out that the village was developing too fast. Now it has begun to plan to build medical halls and defense buildings, but there must be reasonable address arrangements.

Just like the construction of a city must be planned first, you can't just build whatever you want, the whole city must operate rationally and uniformly.

"What's so difficult about this!"

Gulansat took the pen from Rimuru's hand and drew a few lines on the map.

Rimuru looked confused.

"First, you have to plan the road construction for the village first, look!"

Rimuru looked over curiously

Gulansat pointed to a place and explained to Rimuru.

"Look at the area beside the road I just marked. This is close to the water source. We can concentrate the residence in this area, referred to as the residential area."

Gulansat continued to point to an area and said.

"And the other side of the water source, we can use it to cultivate the planting area, and the area here is relatively

It's flat, and can be used as a troop area for training."

Rimuru's eyes lit up as he listened.

"Look at where these roads converge, which is the center of the village. I think we can build a large square for banquets and speeches! "

Finally, wait for Gulansta to finish.

Rimuru also looked at Gulansta with admiration. Good hand first to do road planning, the problem that troubled him for a long time is nothing in front of Gulansta.

"Gulansta, I think I'd better give you my position as the boss..."

Rimuru took Gulansta's hand and said seriously.


Rimuru, how can you have such a terrible idea.


Blumut Kingdom

A man sat quietly in the office, his name is Fitz. He belongs to the free association of the small country Blumut, and serves as the head of the Blumut branch.

According to the agreement of Baron Beruard, he had sent people out to investigate the reason why the breath of the storm dragon Veldora in the Jura Forest disappeared.

At the same time, this investigation team should also come back to report on their work. .

Because it was a confidential mission, the report could only be made in the reception room.

He waited quietly for them to enter the room, and then watched them sit on the sofa without any image.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched slightly.

In front of him was a strange combination of two men and one woman, all of whom were C-level adventurers.

Kidd, who was good at stealth, was a man who was very good at collecting intelligence.

Kabaru, who had excellent defensive ability, was a heavy warrior, and served as the vanguard in the team. Although he spoke frivolously, he was careful in doing things.

Ai Ling, who was good at special magic, was a magician, and manipulated colorful magic, especially mobile magic. The core of improving the survival rate of the team.

They were the three-person team of noobs sent to investigate the sealed cave of Veldora.

"Report quickly."

Fitz asked coldly without showing his emotions.

"It's really terrible! ”

“I really want to take a bath early…”

“It’s me who’s in trouble because I’m the one who’s in charge of mediating the quarrels between the elder brother and the elder sister…”

Fitz’s face was dark as he listened to their words.

The three people on the opposite side came in with complaints and didn’t hear what he just said.

“Bang” sound.

Fitz slammed the table and pointed at the three noobs and shouted.

“What are you arguing about! Do you know where this is? Report your work quickly and get out of here!”

He sat down angrily.

The three people on the opposite side were also startled, and then began to report their work honestly.


Who told them to be workers!

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