The two of them were so busy that they finally woke up.

"Lord Gaviru, you finally woke up. We were so worried."

Gaviru slowly woke up by touching the back of his head and opened his confused eyes.

"What happened to me?"

"Lord Gaviru, you are defeated!"

A lizardman follower was a little afraid to look at Gaviru's expression, and the lizardmen around him lowered their heads in disappointment.

Gaviru saw that the morale of the soldiers around him was so low, so he quickly stood up and looked around at the lizardmen around him.

"If I hadn't been careless and didn't dodge, I would have been attacked by that funny-looking goblin."

"Humph, otherwise how could I lose to a mere goblin? And don't be fooled by the person in front of you."

Hearing Lord Gaviru's words, these lizards raised their heads with light in their eyes.

"Lord Gaviru, how did we get fooled!"

A follower looked at Gaviru with some confusion.

"Based on my personal fight, I concluded that the goblin must be the owner of the place, but he just used a sleight of hand to deceive my eyes... How despicable!"

Gaviru said to these younger brothers with a solemn oath.

"Yes! They are too despicable!"

"Lord Gaviru is invincible, but they actually came to sneak up on him. How abominable."

"Hello, um, awesome, awesome!"

After saying that, someone even applauded.

These lizardmen did not doubt Gaviru's words at all, and enthusiastically complimented their prince.

But strangely, there was a strange voice mixed in with the compliments.

Gaviru, who was immersed in the compliments, was now raising his head triumphantly, his heart full of incomparable confidence and satisfaction.

Suddenly, a strange voice came into his ears, breaking his complacency. Gaviru turned his head and saw the person who made the sound at a glance.

I saw a demon wearing a clown mask standing in the crowd, clapping at him.

This sudden figure instantly raised Gaviru's alertness.

Who is this person? Why didn't he notice his approach?

"Who are you?"

Gaviru immediately picked up the weapon in his hand and aimed it at the demon with the clown mask. At the same time, the other lizardmen soldiers also reacted quickly, and they all picked up their weapons to surround this strangely dressed person.

However, facing such a tense situation, the demon with the clown mask seemed unusually calm.

Not only did he not show any fear, but he also gracefully saluted everyone and introduced himself.

"Hello, hello, don't be so nervous, my name is Laplace."


Gaviru stared at the strange masked demon in front of him, repeating the name he gave, as if he wanted to search for any information about this name from his memory.

At this time, Laplace continued.

"I am the messenger sent by Lord Grummit, and I want to give you a small warning!"

The clown masked demon then raised his head sinisterly, opened one of his uncovered eyes and said a word.

His tone was relaxed and casual, as if he didn't take the situation in front of him seriously at all.

"What! It turned out to be Lord Grummit..."

Gaviru looked at this strange man in shock.

At this time, a lizard man looked at his companions around him in confusion and asked secretly.

"Who is this Lord Grummit? From the expression on His Highness's face, it seems that he knows him..."

"I haven't seen him either, but I seem to have heard His Highness mention him before. He is the upper demon who gave His Highness his name."

"Oh, so it's..."

Gaveru immediately put away his guarded expression and ordered his men to put away their weapons.

"You've worked hard to come here. So what is Grummit's warning?"

The clown masked demon made strange movements and squinted at Gaveru.

"Actually, I came here this time to tell you that this time the pig-headed army is led by the pig-headed lord!"

Other lizardmen soldiers were a little confused when they heard it.

"Pig-headed lord?"

Even Gaveru stared at the masked demon with an expressionless expression on his face.


This time it was Laplace's turn to be surprised. He looked at the people in front of him with an expression of disbelief on his face.

What's the expression on your face? Don’t you even know what a pig-headed lord is?

He frowned, thinking

Muttering to himself.

Especially Gaviru's unmoved look made Laplace feel a little confused.

He couldn't help but curse in his heart.

"Where did Grummit find this fool? I have been brewing emotions for so long in vain."

If it weren't for the original plan to sacrifice this guy to... Humph! Otherwise, he wouldn't have made this special trip!

"Although the leader of your lizardmen is a great figure, he is old after all..."

Laplace suppressed his inner dissatisfaction, smiled awkwardly, and then continued in a tempting tone.

"And I heard that this time we are facing the army of the pig-headed lord. To be honest, this matter is too difficult for your father to solve, so it's better to let you..."

Gaviru obviously understood the implication of the words of the clown masked demon. He squinted his eyes involuntarily, and the expression on his face seemed to be a little moved.

"I originally planned to defeat the pig-headed army before inheriting the position of leader... but now it seems too late."

Gaviru originally said in a low voice, but later he simply gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart!

"Yes, yes! Only you, who are young and powerful, can lead everyone to defeat the pig-headed army and become the savior of the entire Jura Forest!"

Laplace looked at Gaviru's reaction with satisfaction, and kept saying flattering words.

He was secretly glad that things were going smoothly according to the original plan.

And on a big tree not far away, there was a figure with his hands folded on his chest, watching all this quietly.


"Lord Gulansta, I followed this lizardman messenger with an avatar as you ordered, and I really saw a clown masked demon behind the scenes as you said..."

Sou Ying knelt on one knee on the ground and reported everything he saw to Gulansta.

After listening quietly, Gulansat's face was expressionless, but there was a coldness in the depths of his ice-blue pupils.

"Get up! Don't kneel on the ground when reporting work in the future. You know I don't like this."

"Yes, sir!"

After receiving Gulansat's order, Cang Ying also stood up, but his face was still stiff.

"Continue to use the clone to monitor the every move of this masked demon, and find out the detailed information of the pig-headed army in time."


"Remember to pay attention to safety, and notify me if there is any danger!"

After Gulansat said the last sentence, Cang Ying's shadow disappeared directly into the black shadow.

"Hehe, it seems that this guy Clayman is the demon king? He has set his eyes on this forest..."

The cold words echoed in the hall of the ice castle.

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