The two of them were very excited.

"Tree fairy, is that it? Is it the tree fairy sister who often appears in the game?"

When Rimuru heard that it was a tree fairy, he immediately became interested.

"It doesn't matter, let her in!"

Gulansita already knew who the person was. But seeing Rimuru's excited face.

He muttered in his heart, what game is it? Why haven't I played this one before.

(Hey, unlike the island country, there are very few such games in reality. After all, the control is serious... those who understand will understand. (˵¯͒〰¯͒˵))

The expressions of the other people immediately became surprised.

"I remember that the last appearance of the tree fairy was not several decades ago?"

Ligurud stood up in surprise.

And at this moment

A green leaf floated in from outside without wind, and when it floated past Gulansta, it deliberately circled around for a few times, and finally landed on the conference table.

The green leaf fell on the conference table, and a burst of green light flashed.

At first it was a small sapling, with a few leaves floating around it, and then it turned into a barefoot girl with long green hair and a light green dress.

The girl landed lightly on the ground and bowed to everyone.

"I'm very sorry for the sudden visit. I'm the tree fairy Toreni. Please take care of me."

After Toreni said this, she kept staring at Gulansta above with a pair of green eyes curiously.

Rimuru looked at the two of them strangely, looking at Gulansta for a while and then looking at Toreni who came suddenly.

[Good, you, Gulansta, you said you didn't know her, otherwise why did this tree elf lady stare at you as soon as she came in. You might as well tell the truth, how many ladies have you provoked. ]

Rimuru's thoughts were conveyed in Gulansta's mind, which made Gulansta, who was already looking strange, look even darker.

[Rimuru, don't wrongly accuse me! I am very pure! ]

[I don't believe you! ]

Anyway, Rimuru didn't believe it, so he just turned his head away.

"Ahem, Miss Toreni, what do you want to do with me and Rimuru?"

Seeing that Rimuru didn't want to talk to her, Gulansta had to cough awkwardly and ask himself.

"Oh, I was really rude just now."

Perhaps realizing that his behavior just now was a bit rude, his face couldn't help but turn a little red.

The people around saw the change in the face of the tree elf master, and they all stared at their own master Gulansta with a playful look.

There is something fishy going on here! He is indeed Lord Gulansta.

Gulansta was so frightened by the playful gazes of the people around him that he was speechless.

Miss Tree Elf, you are blushing like a bubble teapot!

I can't explain it to you clearly.

"Actually, I came here for two reasons. One is to ask your boss, who is the leader of the monsters, to defeat the Pig-Headed Emperor."

"The other is to thank Lord Gulansta."

The people around him stared at Gulansta in surprise. They didn't expect Lord Gulansta to come and thank him in person.

What did Lord Gulansta do?

Rimuru also showed a curious look and looked at Toreni.

"Miss Toreni, we have decided to defeat the Pig-Headed Emperor. Please don't worry. You said you want to thank this guy Gulansta. Can you tell me in detail?"

When Toreni heard that the other party had agreed to defeat the Pig-Headed Emperor, she felt relieved.

"I thank Lord Rimuru on behalf of the Dryads!"

"As for thanking Lord Gulansta, it's actually..."

After hearing what Lord Gulansta said, everyone slowly understood.

It turned out that Gulansta would go to various parts of the forest to hunt some evil and powerful monsters when he had nothing to do. This should have been handled by the forest manager.

And once a very powerful evil monster was about to threaten one of their tribesmen, and it was Gulansta who suddenly rescued him.

From then on, Toreni began to notice that a powerful male elf appeared in the forest, and she quietly observed...

Gulansta only remembered at this time that he seemed to have saved a little girl, but at that time he didn't notice that it was a dryad. He killed the monster and extracted the materials and turned around and left.


Jura Forest

A region in the north, the river

The rivers are crisscrossed and the surroundings are full of water plants.

This is the richest place in the entire forest, because it has the largest wetland.

Of course, there are also abundant fish and meat resources, and the lizardman tribe lives here.

A hurried voice sounded in the underground palace.

"Report! Chief, the pig-headed army is rushing towards the location of our tribe, and they are well-equipped..."

The old lizardman leader sitting on the throne was not calm this time.

"Just the pig-headed tribe! How dare they? And where did their equipment come from?"

"Have you found out how many people are in the other army?"

The lizardman reconnaissance soldier swallowed hard.

"Chief, they have... 200,000 troops!"

The lizardman leader widened his eyes in shock and stood up from the throne in disbelief.

Staring closely at the reconnaissance soldier below.

"What did you say? How many?"

The lizardman soldier said it again with difficulty.

"Chief, we have explored several times and lost dozens of exploration soldiers. They have 200,000!"

The Lizardman leader sat back on the throne weakly, and the guards around him were also shocked by the number of the enemy's army.

"How can there be 200,000 pig-headed troops?"

"This is impossible!"

You have to know that the Lizardmen live in groups, and all the tribesmen live together in scattered places.

All the soldiers in the entire tribe add up to less than 10,000!

And the enemy is 20 times their number!

The Lizardman leader was silent for a long time before he came back to his senses from the shock.

Judging from his many years of experience, he muttered to himself.

"Could it be that the Pig-Headed Emperor appeared in the Pig-Headed Tribe..."

If this is the case? The Lizardmen have no way to compete.

Should the whole tribe retreat? Or fight to the death?

And at this moment.

"Stop! Who are you!"

The Lizardman soldier guarding outside shouted at this time, but soon he could not move.


A demon with short dark blue hair and a pure white horn was walking slowly towards this side.

"Hurry up and protect the leader!"

The surrounding lizardmen's confidants quickly surrounded their leader.

"Who are you?"

The lizardman leader looked at the demon walking towards him expressionlessly. He could feel the amazing magic power in this demon.

"My master sent me to discuss the alliance with the lizardmen."

Cangying looked at the lizardman leader on the throne and said lightly.

"Your master? Alliance?"

The lizardman leader fell into deep thought. This demon entered his palace as if it were no one's land. He didn't expect that such strength actually had a master.

How strong must that be!

"Can we talk about the alliance with the lizardmen now..."

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