The two of them were so excited that they had to wait for the next two days.

"Haha, this is the happiest day in my three hundred years, because I, Storm Dragon, have made two friends today."

The roar was so loud that it shook the surrounding space, and Storm Dragon still looked so imposing.

Li Qing smiled and looked at the behavior of Storm Dragon, and could understand its loneliness in the past three hundred years.

"Since we are all friends, let's see how to get Storm Dragon out!"

Slime saw that Storm Dragon was so excited, and the kindness in his heart made him say such a sentence involuntarily.

"Don't you think so? Elf brother."


"We can't watch our friends being trapped in the seal all the time."

Li Qing nodded without hesitation and said directly.


Storm Dragon didn't expect that the first thought of the two friends he just made was to help him get out of the seal. To be honest, he was still very touched, but he was a proud dragon, how could he show such an expression.

"Humph, you guys... You know this is the [Infinite Prison], otherwise I wouldn't have been trapped for three hundred years..."

After saying that, he turned his head to the side.

"How do you know if you don't try? Slime, ask your great sage, maybe there is a way."


He also asked his master in his heart for a rescue plan.

"Tell me, we are analyzing and searching for a rescue plan.... The search was successful."

"Tell me quickly."

"Tell me, there are two rescue plans."

"One is that the host can hunt the sealed Storm Dragon through [Predator]. Due to the special nature of the Storm Dragon, its entire body can be collected into the material library as a high-level material, and then through [Synthesis Creation], there is a low probability of reviving the Storm Dragon."

"The second is to use the Slime's [Predator] to swallow the entire seal and the Storm Dragon into a unique space stomach bag..."

After listening, Li Qing's face turned ugly.

"Damn [Dominator], are you kidding me? Hunting the Storm Dragon? And resurrecting it? Can you be more reliable!"

"There is also this second way. I already knew it. Do you need to tell me?"

"Forget it, forget it. Let's watch the Slime show!"

The Storm Dragon saw the face of the elf in front of it and knew that there was no way to save it.

"Sorry! Storm Dragon, the chance of me saving you is too slim now."

"Haha, it's okay, I'm used to it. Besides, my magic has been fading. I'm afraid that my magic will be gone in another hundred years... Hehe, by then it's nothing but death..."

Storm Dragon said these words in a nonchalant tone.

Li Qing was terrified after hearing this. He had also experienced a long period of loneliness, and death was nothing big...

"Storm Dragon, you can definitely get out, Slime can definitely save you."

"Haha, I hope so!"

The slime on the side also came back to his senses from the conversation with the great sage. He also heard the conversation just now. He said to Storm Dragon with a look of surprise.

"Brother Elf is right. I have a way to save you!"

Storm Dragon looked at the little slime in disbelief.

"Is there really a way..."

The subsequent plot was the same as in Li Qing's memory. Slime explained to Storm Dragon how to use [Predator] to temporarily escape.

(I believe that all the readers know that I will not write in detail for fear that you will say that I am wasting words. (˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)——Dog head saves life...)

"If that's the case..."

Storm Dragon's eyes kept flashing with excitement.

"Haha, then I will entrust everything to you."

"Okay then! I will prepare to use [Predator] now."

Slime said in a firm tone.

"Wait a minute, let me give you a name before that!"

Slime's eyes were a little confused, but Li Qing's eyes flashed with a hint of joy.

"You also give me a name, and engrave it on your soul as proof that we are equal, just like a human's surname."

"Of course the names I give you will become [Protection]. You don't have a name yet, right? This way you can become [Named Monsters]."

The slime may not have realized what [Named Monsters] are, and simply thought it was just to deepen the relationship.

"A monster with a name? Brother Elf, that sounds good!"

The slime looked at Li Qing with a face full of innocence and joy.


"Then please help me come up with a domineering and handsome name!"

A dragon with a middle school attribute told them his request.

"Okay" ✘2

Li Qing and Slime smiled at each other.

"Storm Dragon, um...corresponding to do you say Storm in English?"

Slime showed a thoughtful expression.


Li Qing reminded him.

"Ah! Yes, Tempesr...Tempest!"

"What? Tempest?"

"Why, are you not satisfied?"

Slime looked at the Storm Dragon and asked, this is a very meaningful name!

"Roar! Tempest! So cool! So handsome!"

"From now on, I will be called Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest."

The Storm Dragon was excited when he heard the name and roared again.

It seems that the Storm Dragon is very satisfied with this name.

Next, it was Storm Dragon's turn to name them both.

"Well, for Slime... how about calling him Rimuru?"

"Okay, that name sounds good, I'll be called Rimuru from now on."

Rimuru smiled happily.

"As for you, the Ice Elf, let me think... what should I do? By the way, do you have any ideas?"

Storm Dragon couldn't think of a good name for Li Qing, so he could only ask.

Li Qing had actually thought of it long ago, and responded to Storm Dragon without thinking.

"In fact, in my hometown, there is a legend that there is a mysterious ancient god named Gulans who controls the death of all living things and the ice in nature..."

"I've thought of it, so my name is - Gulansta."

"Gulansta? It sounds like a good name. Okay then! I'll name you - Gulansta."

Storm Dragon also confirmed Li Qing's name without hesitation.

From now on, he will be called Granstar Tempest in this world, and the slime will still be the Rimuru Tempest in his memory.

Just when the Storm Dragon named them.

A strong and dazzling white light appeared on Granstar and Rimuru.

"Report, the host has obtained the [Protection] of the Storm Dragon and has become a [Named Monster]" ✘2

The voices of their own unique skills sounded in Granstar and Rimuru's minds.

Soon the white light on Rimuru's body dissipated, and a round slime appeared.

But it seems that there is no change? It feels nothing?

It still looks silly and cute, and it doesn't know that the magic power in its body has been raised to a terrifying level at this moment.

"Huh? Granstar is not well yet?"

Rimuru looked at Granstar, and the white light on Granstar's body lasted for a long time for some reason...

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