The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Among the Lizardmen

A Lizardman soldier hurriedly delivered the news.

"Report, Chief, the Pig-Head Army has begun to attack, please give instructions."

The old face of the Lizardman Chief was full of surprise, and his eyes widened.

"It's only been half a day, how can it be so fast, don't they need to rest?"

The chief guard on the side reminded the Lizardman Chief.

"Father, don't forget that they have all been affected by the Pig-Head Emperor's [Hungry] and have been in a state of hunger. I'm afraid they have already regarded us as their food..."

The voice of the chief guard was trembling.

The lizard leader also came to his senses after hearing the reminder from the guard leader beside him, but his brows furrowed even deeper.

Before the lizard leader could think for a moment.

Another lizard soldier came in to report.

"It's not good. The leader has sent out 10,000 pig-headed soldiers and started a tentative attack. Our tribe has already started to suffer casualties."


The lizard leader stood up from his position. There were more than 10,000 warriors in their tribe. How could they suffer casualties so quickly when facing 10,000 pig-headed soldiers?

This is a wetland, and they have a natural advantage in the field.

However, this lizard soldier has more detailed information.

"The leader, these pig-headed people are already C-level, and there are several pig-headed people with B-level strength."

"Our people were killed by these pig-headed people with B-level strength."

After saying these words, he lowered his head silently.

There are several pig-headed people with B-level strength? You have to know that the most elite warriors of their tribe are only B-level, but why did the pig-headed tribe, which was originally a D-level monster, grow so fast?

The lizard leader knew that he could not delay any longer and had to give instructions immediately.

He stared at his face and made his expression serious again. He knew that he, the nominal leader, could not panic.

"Hurry up and pass the order down. All the lizardmen defending outside should withdraw to the underground palace."


The lizard leader turned his head and looked at another lizard soldier.

"After everyone withdraws to the underground palace, let them split up and use the complex terrain. Groups of six, eight, and ten will be distributed in the underground palace."


The lizard soldier hurriedly retreated to pass on the leader's order.

After the two lizard soldiers retreated, he looked at the chief guard on the side.

She seemed to feel the leader's gaze and turned around to hold the weapon tightly.

"Father, do you have any instructions?"

The lizard leader sighed as he looked at his beloved daughter.

"I plan to let you lead a team of elite lizardmen from my tribe to wander through the passages of the underground palace."

The lizard leader's face turned cold when he said this.

"Hunting down all the 10,000 pig-headed people introduced into the underground palace, don't underestimate our lizard people!"

The chief guard was moved when he heard this.

"But I will take all the elite lizardmen away, what about your safety, father?"

The lizard leader waved his hand.

"My safety doesn't matter, what's important is that our tribe can survive, this is my responsibility as the leader!"

After hearing this, the chief guard's eyes became firm, and she was ready.

"Yes, father."

She took the leader's order to organize an elite wandering team, vowing to keep the 10,000 pig-headed people in the underground palace forever.

Looking at the back of his chief guard leaving, the lizard leader sighed. This task should have been given to his son Gavilu.

Gavilu had already arranged him to the front line, and Gavilu's identity would stabilize the morale of the lizards.

But there was one thing that worried him

But he still remembered the words that the powerful ghost reminded him before leaving.

"I hope Gavilu won't do this..."

The leader closed his eyes silently. The only thing he could do now was to wait. As long as he could hold on for three days, the two adults mentioned by the ghost...

Outside the underground palace

"So hungry, so hungry"

"There is food ahead, hurry up."

The tide-like pig-headed army, wearing full armor, rushed towards the lizard people like evil ghosts.

"Looking for death!"

Gavilu was waving his spear and directly stabbed the throat of the pig-headed man in front of him.

"Hmph, you dare to offend Lord Gavi Reuben!"

Seeing that he had stabbed a pig-head soldier to death so easily,

He raised his head proudly and taunted the vulnerable pig-headed army in front of him.

"How dare you, a low-level pig-headed tribe, attack the lizardman tribe."

He also made a very conspicuous move.

"Lord Gaviru is mighty!"

"Lord Gaviru is super cool!"

The followers following Gaviru immediately flattered him.


Gaviru's mouth corners were about to curl up to the sky, and his expression became even more proud.

And at this moment

A lizard soldier in charge of the messenger brought the leader's order.

"The leader ordered all lizardmen to withdraw to the underground palace as quickly as possible. Quick!"

Gaviru's expression froze, and he looked unbelievable.

He grabbed the collar of the lizard messenger and shouted angrily.

"What did you say just now? Retreat! The pig-headed tribe wants us, the noble lizards, to retreat. How could my father give such an order?"

The lizard messenger soldier said with a bitter expression and fear.

"Your Highness Gaviru, the leader did give the order to retreat."

Gaviru was even more stunned. This news was a little hard for the younger lizardmen to accept.

But the leader has been in office for many years and is still quite intimidating.

Most of the lizardmen began to retreat, and Gaviru's expression became even uglier.

The follower on the side saw this situation and hurriedly said.

"Your Highness Gaviru, retreat quickly, otherwise the pig-headed army will rush over again."

Although Gaviru was extremely aggrieved, he still gritted his teeth and followed the tribe back to the underground palace.

After returning to the underground palace, Gaviru became more and more angry, and angrily hit the wall with his hand.

"I don't understand why my father made such a decision. If I..."

The followers beside him also had a decadent expression and muttered.

"Maybe the leader is really old..."

This sentence fell into Gaviru's ears, and his eyes narrowed.

He remembered what the strange clown demon he met in the forest when he came back said.

"Unfortunately, your leader is old after all..."

Gaviru closed his eyes silently and held the weapon tightly. Finally, he broke free, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the follower beside him with a fierce look and asked, "How many lizardmen are dissatisfied with the leader this time?"

The follower has noticed that Gaviru's eyes are not right.

"Master Gaviru, what are you going to do?"

Gaviru snorted coldly and spit out a sentence coldly.

"It seems that my father is really old..."

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