The guards also shouted angrily at Gaviru who was still in a daze.

"Brother, do you know what you are doing?"

Gaviru also felt the pressure from the elite lizardmen in front of him, and his eyes became a little clearer.

He stared blankly at his father who fell to the ground and his sister who questioned him loudly, and didn't know what to say for a while.


Six elite lizardmen stepped forward, knocked down Gaviru's weapons, and pressed Gaviru to the ground directly. Gaviru did not resist for a while.

As for the thousands of lizardmen behind him, their faces were even more panicked. You know, many of these elite lizardmen are still their grandfathers and uncles.

"You little brats, why don't you put down your weapons now!"

The elite lizardmen shouted at the thousands of young lizardmen.

When the lizardmen saw that His Highness Gaviru had been subdued, they all put down their weapons tremblingly.

They all lowered their heads, not daring to look at these seniors.

At the same time, it also announced the failure of this power grab.

The old leader saw that the situation had stabilized, and sat back on the throne with the help of the chief guard.

"Father, Gaviru is also eager to make a contribution, this time..."

After all, she and Gaviru are siblings. Even if she committed such a rebellious act, she had to come forward to plead for her brother.

The leader looked at Gaviru who was pressed to the ground by six elite lizardmen, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, but as the leader he had to express his opinion.

"Hmph, don't plead for me. I, Gaviru, dare to take responsibility for what I did. This matter has nothing to do with my subordinates."

Even though Gaviru was pressed to the ground, his face was still unconvinced.

The old leader sighed.

"Put Gaviru and others in the dungeon and deal with them after this crisis."

He waved his hand and announced the verdict, but his face seemed to be a little older.

"Yes, leader!"

The six elite lizardmen obeyed the leader's order and took Gaviru into the dungeon.

The remaining lizardmen also had bitter faces. They were disarmed by the elite lizardmen and all taken to the dungeon.

After all the rebels were dealt with properly.

"Father, a total of 168 elite lizardmen have gathered."

The chief guard stood in front of these elite lizardmen and bowed to the leader.


The lizard leader glanced at these elite lizard warriors. These were all the elites of their tribe, and they were no weaker than the big ghost tribe that was destroyed some time ago.

"Captain of the Guards, these people are now in your hands. Please make sure to hold on to the underground palace."

The chief guard's eyes burst into shock, and he knelt on one knee in front of the leader on the throne, looking up with a resolute look.

"Chief, even if I die, I will completely hold back the pig-headed army."

The lizard leader nodded solemnly.

"Go, remember to be careful."

The chief guard nodded, stood up and led all the elite lizardmen out of the hall.

The lizard leader looked at the back of the chief guard leaving, and a rare trace of affection appeared in his eyes.

"If you have to, you can only wake up the sleeping one..."

This voice echoed slowly in the hall, and the figure of the old leader gradually disappeared.


In the flood of pig-headed soldiers

"General Pig-headed, these lizardmen have retreated to the underground palace. Should we chase them?"

A soldier of the Pig-headed tribe sent back the news.

General Pig-headed was several times larger than the ordinary general Pig-headed, and the black air wrapped around his body faintly exuded the aura of A-level magic.

Looking up at the entrance of the underground palace in the wetland, he fell into deep thought.

"Humph! It seems that those lizardmen like loaches want to use the complex terrain of the underground palace to support our army..."

It must be said that the lizard leader on the opposite side had some brains, and their army could not rush into the underground palace in one breath.

"Haha, these cowardly lizardmen ran away when they saw us, and sooner or later they will be devoured."

The general Pig-headed on the side saw this and laughed, with a look of devouring in his eyes.

General Pig-headed glanced at the pig-headed general next to him who was laughing very proudly.

"Humph, this time you will lead 10,000 pig-headed soldiers into the underground palace and kill all these lizardmen."

"If you can't do it, you'll be prepared to become the king's nutrients!"

The pig-headed general's eyes flashed with ferocity, and he gave the order to the pig-headed general.



"Should I go?"

The pig-headed general did not react for a while after hearing the general's order.

"What, do you have any objections?"

The pig-headed general drew out his machete, which was more than ten meters long, and chopped it to the side.


A crack more than ten meters long appeared on the ground, and the threat was self-evident.


The pig-headed general swallowed hard and made a promise.

"General, just wait for my good news!"

The pig-headed general led 10,000 pig-headed people into the lizard man's underground palace.

The damp ground, the dim space and the intricate underground caves made the 10,000 pig-headed soldiers who had just entered the underground palace a little confused.

"General, there are too many holes in front of us, what should we do?"

These pig-headed soldiers looked at the pig-headed general in front of them for a while.

"Hmph, these damn rats can only hide behind. Don't be afraid. Go in when you see the entrance. Kill the lizardmen when you see them."

The Pig-headed General didn't care about that. He took some people and rushed into a cave.

As for the chief guard,

"Report, Lord Chief Guard, 10,000 soldiers of the Pig-headed Tribe have already poured into the passage. They are now scattered in various caves."

The chief guard's eyes turned cold, and he ordered the lizard soldiers in front of him.

"Let the lizardmen in each passage be prepared. Remember not to fight alone."

"Yes, sir!"

The chief guard looked at the elite lizardmen behind him and gave them orders.

"Ten people in a group, follow me to support the same tribe in each passage."

Her order was passed down.

"Well, Lord Chief Guard, this time we must make sure that this group of Pig-headed Tribe will never come back."

The chief guard nodded lightly and led ten elite lizardmen to a cave passage.

After a while, the sound of weapons clashing rang out in all the passages. There were battles everywhere. However, due to the terrain advantage and familiar environment, the lizardmen did not suffer heavy casualties. Countless pig-headed soldiers were besieged at once, and blood was splattered everywhere.

"General, this is the third wave of attack. We retreat every time we can't win. We are trapped here."

The pig-headed soldier said anxiously.

The pig-headed general swung his axe and cut off a lizardman who wanted to sneak attack him. His body was instantly covered with blood.

"Haha, they are just rats..."

The pig-headed general's eyes turned red, and he walked towards the lizardman corpse on the ground and gnawed it frantically.

You can see that some scales began to grow on the surface of the pig-headed general's body, and even his feet grew jade that only lizards have.

He didn't even let go of the corpse of the pig-headed soldier on the side, and tore it all into his mouth, like a hungry ghost in hell.

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