The horrible fluctuations swept across the battlefield, and everyone could sense this breath, even Bai Lao and Cangying in the underground palace.

"Oh no, this breath..."

A large number of lizard soldiers followed the two ghosts out of the underground palace and hurried to the location of Hongwan and others.

"Hongwan, what happened here..."

Bai Lao came to Hongwan and looked at the evolving Pighead Emperor with a serious face.

"Bai Lao, the Pighead Emperor is probably going to evolve into a demon king."

Hongwan explained it briefly.

Cangying and the female dragon who followed, including Shion who came later, couldn't help shrinking their pupils when they heard Hongwan's explanation.

"Demon King? How is that possible?"

You know, the name of the Demon King is synonymous with terror for the natives, and the enemy in front of them is going to become that kind of existence.

A huge black shadow shrouded the Pig Head Emperor, and from the outside, one could see that the Pig Head Emperor's figure was constantly rising.

Gulansta looked at the evolution of the Pig Head Emperor calmly. Even if the Pig Head Emperor became a Demon King now, he would be the weakest kind of Demon King, and it was not dangerous enough for him now.

"Master, if I plunder the Hungry of the Pig Head Emperor, will it be an improvement for me now?"

Gulansta asked such a question just to know whether he should plunder the Hungry.

"Master Gulansta, my suggestion is not to plunder. First, the compatibility between the Hungry and the Plunderer is less than 20%, and there is no possibility of fusion. Second, the Hungry will have serious side effects."

Gulansta thought about it a little after hearing the analysis of the Master.

"Indeed, this skill is like garbage to me."

Then we can only give it to Rimuru, the man of destiny. Rimuru's cheat is just like a found one. Predators and hungry people are definitely very compatible.

Gulansat looked at Rimuru, who was ready to fight. He must be impatient to see these subordinates show their skills.

"Hehe, Gulansat, the Pighead Emperor is about to evolve successfully.

We can't just leave it alone. If we don't kill him now, it may really become a disaster."

See below

The black mist on the Pighead Emperor gradually dissipated, revealing a brand new body. The whole body is more than ten meters long, and black thorns grow on the back.

"My name is Krut, Demon King Krut."

A huge sound wave came out of the mouth of the Pighead Emperor, and the stones on the ground moved slightly.

But there was a hot-tempered man who couldn't sit still, and his plump purple figure was extremely wild.

"You are just a stinky pig head, and you want to be a demon king? Just dream!"

"Shion, don't..."

The calm Hongwan wanted to warn him, but it was too late. Shion had already rushed to the front of the Pighead Emperor.

Holding a big sword that was taller than her, she was ready to chop at the Pighead Emperor.

"Take my sword first!"

The Pighead Emperor saw a purple-haired kid coming in front of him and gently raised one hand.


The sword body hummed softly, sparks flew, and the Pighead Emperor blocked Shion's charged attack with one palm.

Shion's eyes were full of disbelief, but the recoil from her hand made her hand numb slightly.

"Come back quickly, be careful of the Pighead Emperor's attack."

Hongwan's anxious voice came over.


Shion looked back at Hongwan, and a huge shadow enveloped her. By the time she reacted, it was too late, and the Pighead Emperor's fist hit her directly.


Blood spit out from Shion's mouth, and her body was smashed and flew out, making close contact with the ground for dozens of meters.

"Shion!" ✘3

The incident happened so suddenly that even the Ice Guard standing behind him didn't have time to release his skills.

You know, before the Pig-Headed Emperor evolved, he could rely on physical strength alone to fight him, not to mention the Pig-Headed Emperor who had become a demon king.

Hong Wan quickly helped Shion up from the ground, and blood gushed out. Fortunately, only a few bones were broken.

He took out a ball of blue recovery potion and crushed it. Shion's severely injured body began to repair. At the same time, the Ice Guard released a circle of blue aura, and the visible repair speed was a little faster, and the pain on his face was also reduced a little.

Hong Wan turned his head to look at the Pig-Headed Emperor, and angry black flames suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"You guy!"

The six of them were the only remaining big ghosts saved by Lord Gulansita, and they had long been like close friends.

After handing Ziyuan over to the Bing Yuwei, he stood up and pinched out different colored flames with his hands.

Bai Lao's figure flashed and came to the furious Hong Wan.

"Let me try first!"

Then he slowly drew out the rapier, and his figure was like a white ghost that could not be caught, and the sharp white knife light flashed.

Bai Lao's figure appeared behind the Pig Head Emperor, and in an instant he completed his fatal blow.

Blood flowed from the Pig Head Emperor's neck, and his head fell directly to the ground, separated by a knife.

Hong Wan's expression was the same as everyone else's. He was stunned for a long time and muttered.

"Is this successful?"

Even Ziyuan, a violent woman, could not break the Pig Head Emperor's defense, and was beheaded by Bai Lao with a knife.

Bai Lao's eyes flashed, and in his perception, the Pig Head Emperor's life breath did not weaken.


Sensing the danger, Bai Lao put away the rapier and chose to stay away from this position.

Sure enough

Everyone was alert. The headless Pig-Headed Emperor was still able to move and even picked up the head that fell on the ground.

Countless yellow mucus tentacles appeared at the broken neck. After gluing together with the head, it was repaired.

Hong Wan's eyes widened and he was shocked by this scene again.

"What kind of heaven-defying recovery power is this..."

It was Bai Lao who had a strange eye on his forehead, carefully observing the Pig-Headed Emperor's movements.

"This is self-regeneration plus recovery magic... and a strange soul power."

The Pig-Headed Emperor, who had his neck reattached, moved his neck with a grim smile.

"I am the Pig-Headed Demon King, and I will devour everyone in front of me."

Just when the Pig-Headed Emperor was about to take action, strands of silk threads emerged from under his feet and began to entangle him.

There were some tiny ice spikes on these silk threads, which were attached with ice poison and had the effect of paralyzing nerves. The Pig-Headed Emperor's body was directly wrapped into a cocoon.

"【Ice Thorn Binding Array】"

On the side, Cangying was struggling to tighten several control threads.

"Hongwan, hurry!"

Seeing that Cangying had already controlled the Pig-Headed Emperor, Hongwan shouted and threw out the two-color flame in his hand at the same time.

"Let's go together."

The dragon man had already put on his golden armor and clenched his fists.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

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