The dragon man was so angry that he couldn't stand it.

A trace of scarlet blood oozed from the corner of the dragon man's mouth, and he wiped it off with his mouth without caring.


The space where the weapon and the fist collided shook, and the ground on which they stood cracked into several gaps.

The dragon man gritted his teeth and persisted, looking directly at Gulansita, with a stronger determination in his eyes, and a hint of unwillingness to admit defeat flashed across his eyes.

It was as if a stubborn little girl wanted to get the affirmation of an adult, and stubbornly wanted to prove her ability.

When the Ice Guard saw that his fist was blocked by such a small guy, a humanized expression of surprise appeared on his head formed by ice and rock.


In the eyes of the Ice Guard, the difference in physique was so great that the female dragon was like a little girl in front of him. How could a little girl block his punch?

"You are guilty of offending the master's majesty, and you are guilty of death!"

The rumbling voice revealed a firm belief. The ice rock on the Ice Guard rolled, and the magic aura was released without reservation, forming a white air wave.

The surrounding trees were eroded by the extremely cold air wave, and they all turned into ice sculptures, and finally broke into pieces.

A look of shock flashed in the golden pupils of the female dragon. A wave of air hit her body, and she felt a huge force rushing, and then her body flew backwards.

"This big lump, the magic power in his body is so strong?"

She had seen the scene of the Ice Guard and the Pig Head Emperor colliding before, but she knew that the defense of this big lump was super high, and even the Pig Head Emperor couldn't do anything about it.


Boom boom~

The ground was shaking, and the heavy ground was wailing. Every time the Ice Guard took a step, the horizontal ground sunk a little.

Gulansita flew up from the Ice Guard and patted the ice chips on his body with a wry smile.

"Ice Guard is really something. I'm still lying on him, and I'm covered with ice chips."

After cleaning up, Gulansita looked at the dragon man standing on the ground with difficulty. There was no fear on her face, and her fighting spirit did not fade at all.


I couldn't help but have the idea of ​​testing, so Gulansita didn't stop them. Instead, he thoughtfully helped them divide an area of ​​the battlefield.

Silently thinking in his heart.

"Master, help me define a 1,000-meter diameter area and build an isolation barrier."

Gulansat didn't want the noise of this battle to be noticed by Hongwan and others outside. If they rushed over, it would be difficult to explain. After all, they are now allies with the Lizardmen.

"Received, the isolation barrier is being built...Hidden with magic aura, minimized combat ability, blurred vision..."

Just a moment

A blue magic circle appeared at the four corners of the 1,000-meter diameter area at the same time. The engravings on it kept rotating, and a blue light curtain rose until it surrounded the battlefield.

If you look down from above, this area has become blurred.

"Construction successful!"

"Master, you did a good job."

Gulansat felt that the Master seemed to have a joyful mood, which made him wonder if it was an illusion.

The Ice Guards and the female dragons in the barrier did not notice the changes around them. At this time, the magic power in their bodies gathered to the peak.

A trace of stubbornness flashed across the beautiful face of the dragon man, and he raised his head fearlessly with his teeth clenched.

"Ice Guard, get out of the way! I'm here to challenge the master behind you."

The arrogant and cold voice reached the ears of the ice guard, but it sounded like a provocation to him. The anger in his eyes, which were bright blue and bright, became more and more vigorous.

"Dare to challenge my master, you really don't know how to live or die, unless you step over my body first."

In the heart of the ice guard, Lord Gulansta is like a god, with sacred majesty that is inviolable, and all those who dare to disrespect the master will be regarded as enemies.

It was the master who created him and gave him the name of the ice guard. He is the master's most loyal guard.

"My master gave me the [King of Guardian], and those who dare to commit crimes will accept the punishment of ice."

The cold voice was as firm as ice.

The dragon man did not expect the ice guard to react so strongly, but his thoughts did not waver at all.

But at this time, the Ice Guard condensed a spear of ice several dozen meters long in his hand, and the icy light at the tip distorted the space.

Good guy, he really got serious.

Gulansita was floating in the air, and when he saw the spear in the Ice Guard's hand, his brows furrowed.

Slightly raised.

However, when his eyes turned to the female dragon, he did not make any response. He guessed that the dragon's target was him, and he did not want to fight with the Ice Guard.

How paranoid!

Gulansita had to convey a sentence to the female dragon's mind with his mind.

[Aren't you going to challenge me? You are qualified only after you pass the Ice Guard. ]

The female dragon's body was slightly startled, and her eyes flashed a trace of surprise when she looked at Gulansita, and then she looked at the Ice Guard with a serious expression.

"In this case, I will prove whether I am qualified."


The dragon blood in his bones was already boiling, and the full sense of power swept through his body. The arrogant emotion gradually dominated the calm brain.

The Ice Guard threw the ice spear in his hand without hesitation, and a crack was torn in the space where it passed.


The golden flame formed a layer of golden armor on her body, and the ground had become charred.

"【Holy Dragon Flame】"

A layer of golden light shield composed of diamond-shaped dragon scales appeared in front of her.

The Ice Spear came in front of her almost at the moment the golden light shield was formed, and a huge and harsh collision sound was heard.


Soon, cracks appeared on the golden light shield, and the pupils in the eyes of the female dragon suddenly shrank, and the dragon flame was constantly repairing the cracks on the light shield.

The golden dragon flame was like a master attached to the bones, constantly burning the ice spear.

The visible ice spear was constantly dissolved, and its size was constantly shrinking.

"Well, the temperature of this golden dragon flame is probably several thousand degrees, tut tut, interesting."

Gulansita kept commenting while touching his chin.

After the female dragon offset this attack, she spread the dragon wings on her back and vibrated slightly.

The figure appeared in the air and stared into the eyes of the Ice Guard, bursting with a strong fighting spirit.

The Ice Guard spit out a ball of ice breath from his mouth, aiming directly at the dragon man in front of him.

"【Ice Breath】"

The white breath, wrapped in an absolute low temperature, will definitely weaken the flames on his body if hit.

The dragon wings behind the dragon man immediately contracted, and his body fell straight down. When he was about to fall to the ground, he turned back and barely avoided the breath.


The Ice Guard was annoyed when he looked at this flying guy.

"Hmph, face this attack!"

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