"Then improve your cultivation first!"

Fang Qiye readily accepted Xiao Longnu's suggestion. He first took two small zhenqi pills and three zhenqi pills to refine them, raising his internal strength to 27 points in one go.

When his internal strength exceeded 20 points, his "Golden Bell" cultivation level also increased, and he was promoted to the second level, and his body protection, damage reduction, and analgesic abilities were greatly improved.

Moreover, internal force protection is no longer limited to the body surface, but can also protect the internal organs, greatly increasing the internal organs' ability to withstand injuries.

Afterwards, Fang Qiye used the "Mountain Pushing Palm" skill Jade Slip, and learned the entry-level Mountain Pushing Palm technique.

After being prepared, Fang Qiye held the fragments of the sacred mountain in his hands, sat cross-legged on the floor of the shop, and made sure to absorb the essence of the sacred mountain.


With a crisp sound, a crack suddenly appeared in the fragment of the sacred mountain in Fang Qiye's hand, and a vast, heavy, wild and primitive aura escaped from the crack and merged into Fang Qiye's body.

As the breath entered his body, Fang Qiye suddenly let out a muffled groan, and his skin instantly turned blue-black, faintly shining with stone luster, as if he had turned into a blue-black stone sculpture.

Before the little dragon girl who was protecting the law could react, Fang Qiye's green and black skin suddenly heard a soft clicking sound, and tiny cracks appeared.

In the blink of an eye, his exposed parts, such as his face, neck, and palms, were covered with dense cracks, making him look like a stone sculpture on the verge of breaking.

This strange change startled the little dragon girl who was protecting the law next to her. Without thinking, she sat cross-legged behind Fang Qiye, put her hand against Fang Qiye's heart, and was about to use the "Healing Chapter" of the Nine Yin Manual to help him heal with his inner strength.

However, as soon as her internal energy was injected into Fang Qiye's heart "Mingmen Point", a majestic and vast breath shook her internal energy back. Not only that, the vast qi flowed into her palm, flowing into her body along the meridians of her arm!

Xiao Longnu was shocked and tried to move her palm away, but her palm was firmly attached to Fang Qiye's vest and she couldn't move away at all!

In desperation, she had no choice but to mobilize her inner strength with all her strength to try to resist this vast aura. However, even though her internal strength was as high as 54 points, which had reached the level of the "Weak Five Ultimate", in front of this vast aura, it was of no avail. Her pure internal strength was useless. The layers of defense laid down were instantly shattered by the vast aura.

In just a few breaths, Xiao Longnu's internal energy was completely suppressed back into her dantian. It was like being suppressed by a sacred mountain and she could no longer move.

And that vast aura completely occupied the meridians and acupoints all over her body, from the gushing spring to the heavenly spirit. Every meridian and every acupoint was filled with that vast aura.

By this time, the skin on her body, like Fang Qiye, gradually took on a blue-black stone luster and turned into a "stone statue."

Even Xiao Longnu's consciousness began to become dull and blurry, as if her brain was gradually being "petrified", and every thought was extremely difficult.

Fortunately, Xiao Longnu has slept on the "Cold Jade Bed" for many years, and her cultivation has become instinctive. Even in her sleep, her internal energy can operate on its own. Even though her consciousness is slow and blurry at this moment, she is still instinctively operating the "Nine Yin Manual Healing Chapter" Mental method.

Due to her blurred consciousness, her inner strength was also suppressed by the vast aura. When she was instinctively turning her mind around, she unknowingly changed the target of her luck to the vast aura that had occupied all her meridians and acupoints.

This vast aura is exactly the "spirit of the sacred mountain".

If it were all the spirit of the sacred mountain, even with her current cultivation level, she might not be able to activate it.

But now only a small part was poured into her body, and the "main force" was still in Fang Qiye's body. Under Xiao Longnu's instinctive movement over and over again, the vast and heavy sacred mountain essence was gradually stirred up, and began to slow down according to her mental method. Run slowly.

I don't know how long it took, but the sacred mountain essence in her body finally circulated for a week, followed her palm, and returned to Fang Qiye's body.

But Xiao Longnu did not recover.

Because her palms were still firmly absorbed on Fang Qiye's vest, and every time a trace of the sacred mountain essence in her body returned to Fang Qiye, a new ray of sacred mountain essence poured into Fang Qiye's body and flowed into her meridians.

Repeating this cycle, the sacred mountain essence in Xiao Longnu's meridians and acupoints never decreased, but continued to circulate back and forth between her and Fang Qiye.

However, as the body gradually became familiar with the essence of the sacred mountain, Xiao Longnu's instinctive transport became more and more efficient and faster. At the same time, her slow and fuzzy thinking, as if it had been "petrified", gradually started to flicker. A strange light.

The spiritual light was like a bolt of lightning, suddenly splitting open the "chaos" in her mind, causing her to wake up leisurely. At the same time, all kinds of wonderful and mysterious insights came to her mind, making her seem to see clouds in the sky, thunder and lightning, The sky turns into rain, the stars rotate...

In a trance, through the various strange sights, Xiao Longnu seemed to see a variety of eternal laws, and even the indescribable "Tao".

But the eternal laws and grand ways are difficult to understand even with her innate understanding. Many of her insights are like flashes of lightning. After a sudden glance, there is only a dazzling blank, leaving no trace.

Xiao Longnu's nature is calm and uncontested. Even if she misses the insights many times, she does not deliberately force herself. She just "watches" silently with a calm state of mind of "I am fortunate to gain, and my fate will be lost."

She didn't know if this state of mind just matched a certain Taoist rhyme. When all the wonders and illusions disappeared, there were two scenes that were naturally and deeply imprinted in her mind.

One scene showed the Milky Way pouring down and heavy rain falling continuously. The second scene showed a blazing lightning that cut through the sky and split the night sky, like a dragon or a snake.

Heavy rain and lightning.

In Xiao Longnu's mind, only these two scenes remained, and everything else disappeared without a trace.

After recalling the scene in her mind, Xiao Longnu realized something. When she moved the essence of the sacred mountain, she felt that she was becoming more and more comfortable, as if she were using her arms and fingers.

At the same time, she also felt that the spirit of the sacred mountain pouring in from Fang Qiye seemed to have undergone some changes.

It seems that the essence of the sacred mountain is no longer purely guided and circulated by her. Fang Qiye seems to be actively guiding it, causing the essence of the sacred mountain to circulate back and forth between the two of them, consuming and refining bit by bit.

At this point, the two people seemed to be connected as a whole by the spirit of the sacred mountain. The breath circulated back and forth in the two people's bodies for a complete cycle.

As her breath circulated, Xiao Longnu suddenly discovered that she seemed to be able to receive some of Fang Qiye's thoughts.

"It was so close... I almost died..."

"It feels like a mountain, forcibly stuffed into my internal organs... my brain has been petrified. If I hadn't followed Xiao Longnu's reminder and improved my internal strength first, the golden bell would have also reached the second level, and my body I'm afraid I will collapse in an instant and I won't be able to hold on..."

"What happened to the lightning and heavy rain that just woke me up in my mind? Little Dragon Girl? What kind of ability does she have..."

"Hiss... This sacred mountain essence circulates in my body and hers, making me and her breath connected, as if we are one body... Let me go, this must be a dual cultivation, right? I and Xiao Longnu are dual cultivation?"

Xiao Longnu silently felt what Fang Qiye was thinking, and felt a novel and interesting feeling in her heart.

As for what Fang Qiye thought about "double cultivation with Xiao Longnu", she didn't think it was offensive.

When two people practice together and the qi circulates in their bodies, isn't it "double cultivation"?

It is said that the Ancient Tomb Sect also has a method of dual cultivation. The "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" requires two people to practice together, and they have to take off their clothes...

However, before she entered reincarnation, she had not practiced the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra".

Now that I have switched to practicing the "Nine Yin Sutra", I probably won't be able to practice the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" again in the future. If I practice dual cultivation, it will probably only be like today. There is no need to take off your clothes, just touch your palms.

As the essence of the sacred mountain gradually faded and refined, the circulating breath was no longer as vast and heavy as before. Xiao Longnu felt that the palms attached to Fang Qiye's vest were loose, and it seemed that she could withdraw.

But she didn't give up.

This kind of "double cultivation" is beneficial to both of them. Although there seems to be no significant increase in skill, Xiao Longnu knows that she has undergone a completely new transformation in some aspects.

The same should be true for Fang Qiye.

The dense cracks on his skin have healed, and the stony blackness on his skin is gradually fading away. He is transforming from a "stone statue" into a "flesh body", and his breath seems to be much thicker and more concentrated.

"I saw those wonderful sights and wrote down 'rain' and 'lightning'. What did he see and write down?"

Xiao Longnu thought leisurely and continued to refine the essence of the sacred mountain.

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