In the world of reincarnation, Xiao Longnu leads me to fight zombies

Chapter 85 85, it seems that I came at the wrong time

In the early morning, the river mist is like yarn and the breeze is pleasant.

Amidst the chants of the boatmen and sailors, the big ship raised the sails and anchored, and continued northward. Fang Qiye was also in high spirits, and appeared on the deck. Wherever he passed, all the boatmen and sailors greeted him one after another, calling him Mr. Fang and showing great courtesy.

This respect is because everyone already knows that Mr. Fang and his two female companions have become the guests of the second son of the Li clan. They have been guests on the Li clan's ship when it was docked at Liangjun dock a few days ago.

At this time, the world was still ruled by noble families. It was said that there were no poor families in the upper class and no noble families in the lower class. Those who were important ministers and generals must have a prominent background.

As one of the top four great clans in the world, Li Clan has always had a great reputation.

Don't say that Yang Guang is not dead and the world is not in chaos. Even if the world is completely in chaos, even if Li Clan does not participate in the fight for the dragon, the overlords of all parties will still compete to win over him. In the future, Li Clan will never be missing from the world.

As a humble man in the world, it is already a great honor to be looked up to by an ordinary noble family, let alone being valued by a top nobleman like Li Clan and treated as a guest?

Therefore, after learning about the friendship between Fang Qiye and Li Shimin, the captain and sailors of this ship could not help but be more respectful towards the three of them. Not to mention that Fang Qiye was generous and generous, and he was already favored by these reckless people.

Of course, among people in the world, the strong are respected. The respect that Fang Qiye and the others can gain is inseparable from their own strength.

Fang Qiye would come to the deck every morning to practice hard skills, allowing Xiao Longnu and Yang Yuhuan to beat them violently with their fists and kicks, and even chop them with knives, stab them with swords, and hit them with maces.

Occasionally, brave sailors would be called and they would beat him at will with big sticks as thick as bowls.

The demonstration of this invulnerable skill made the sailors stunned and convinced - in other words, if Fang Qiye hadn't demonstrated this skill when he first boarded the ship in Jiangdu, and shocked everyone on the ship, this trip would have been It may not be so stable yet.

This ship is under the name of the "Dajiang Gang", and the Dajiang Gang, as one of the eight gangs and ten guilds, does not have a good reputation.

The main and deputy gang leaders, the Pei brothers, are both notorious gangsters, and their gang style is certainly not much better.

There are only three people in the Night Dragon Team, one boy and two girls. They spend money lavishly and look like they have a lot of money, so they are good fat sheep. Without absolute force to deter them, the sailors on this ship may turn into bandits at any time, killing men, bullying women, and robbing property.

But now, with the deterrence of force and the "friendship" with Li Shimin, if the sailors on the ship were given ten more courage, they would not dare to cause chaos.

At this moment, Fang Qiye practiced the mountain-pushing palm technique and the sword technique on the deck. Yang Yuhuan, who usually came very early, sometimes even earlier than him, yawned and went up to the deck.

"Sister Yuhuan, why are you here so late today?" Fang Qiye greeted with a smile. Seeing the tired look on Yang Yuhuan's face, he asked with concern: "But you didn't sleep well last night?"

"Hmph, there is someone who shows no mercy and spends the whole night in a tormented manner. He is right next door and the sound of humming and moaning can be heard. How can I sleep peacefully?"

Yang Yuhuan snorted lightly and rolled his eyes at him angrily.

She was not exaggerating in the slightest. The movements between Fang Qiye and Xiao Longnu last night lasted almost from night to dawn.

Yang Yuhuan lives next door, and there is only a not-too-thick cabin board between the two bedrooms. With her skills, she can hear all kinds of sounds clearly even if she covers her ears.

She is now twenty-five years old, in her most youthful and mature years, and she is someone who has been there before. She knows the beauty of this, and has personally experienced Fang Qiye's bravery. As she listened, she was aroused by the non-stop moaning and humming. Feeling restless.

In short, thanks to Fang Qiye and Xiao Longnu, she managed to fall asleep until just before dawn, when the two finally stopped tossing. As soon as the day breaks, and you wake up under the influence of the biological clock that has been cultivated for a long time, you will inevitably feel a little lack of energy.

"Sorry, Sister Yuhuan, I disturbed you for resting." Fang Qiye smiled awkwardly and suggested, "How about you change to a quieter cabin tonight?"


Yang Yuhuan narrowed her eyes slightly, glanced at him dangerously, and then made a look like she was about to cry:

"Changing to a quieter cabin, do you mean to ask people to stay away from you? You, this heartless little brother, really found a new person and forgot about the old one..."

Fang Qiye had no choice but to step forward and take her soft, boneless jade hand, and said softly:

"Sister Yuhuan, don't worry. She is my mentor, how can I let her down? I just made the suggestion just because I was afraid of disturbing my sister and affecting your rest."

"Enlightenment teacher?" Yang Yuhuan was angry and funny at the same time. She rolled her eyes at him charmingly and spat angrily: "You stinky brother, how can you use such good words... Are they really plain and dirty? These four words."

Seeing that Yang Yuhuan no longer seemed angry, Fang Qiye also smiled and said:

"That's the truth. Sister Yuhuan is the first woman in my life. No matter what, I will cherish you."

"I know how to talk sweetly." Yang Yuhuan hummed softly, seeming to be angry, but feeling happy in his heart. She rolled her eyes at him again and said softly: "I won't be angry with you, but you have to promise me something. .”

"What's the matter?"

"That's what I said last time. When you practice with Sister Long'er again tonight..."

"This... Long'er is too thin-skinned. I'm afraid..."

"Huh, do you want to push back again?" Yang Yuhuan looked like he was about to cry again: "Sure enough, you just talked to me sweetly to make me happy, but in fact you didn't take me to your heart?"

"What did sister say? It's just Long Er... that's all. I will discuss it with Long Er tonight..."

"What are you discussing! She is too thin-skinned. How can she agree to a discussion with her? You have to kill her first and then tell her!"

"But what should I do if Long'er is angry?"

"You are a man, are you still afraid of the little girl being angry? Show some tiger spirit and domineering attitude! Don't let your sister look down on you!"


It's night soon, and it's time for happy practice again.

Xiao Longnu had already made preparations consciously. Wearing only her underwear, she sat cross-legged on the couch and said seriously to Fang Qiye who was getting ready:

"I have been thinking about it all day today, and have made some adjustments based on last night's practice. The mental method of performing the exercises has been slightly modified, so you can remember it."

As he spoke, he recited the modified and adjusted mental formula.

Fang Qiye took off his clothes while listening to the memory carefully. Soon he was only left with a pair of boxer shorts, revealing his domineering muscles.

Although they already knew each other well, Xiao Longnu was still a little shy, her pretty face flushed, her eyes flickering away, embarrassed to look directly at him.

Fang Qiye was not in a hurry to start. After listening carefully to the teachings taught by Xiao Longnu, he thought about it, and discussed a few problems with her. Then he sat on the couch and raised his hand to grab one of her crystal-white snow-white flowers. , like soft and beautiful feet carved from mutton fat white jade.

Holding those exquisite and slender feet that can be held in one palm, he gently kneaded and played with them for a while, then gently kissed her crystal clear instep with light green veins visible, and then rubbed her soft calf while moving up Kiss away.

Xiao Longnu couldn't help but tighten her snow-white soft toes, a soft moan escaped her nose, and she quickly said:

"Don't have random kisses... You can't waste your efforts tonight. You have to practice seriously from the beginning."

Fang Qiye held her round thighs with his hands, pressed a gentle kiss on her knees, and shook his head with a smile:

"It's difficult. If I don't waste a lot of effort and consume a lot of energy and blood, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to enter the state of cultivation."

"You!" Xiao Longnu said shyly and angrily: "Can't you just meditate as usual and be calm and get rid of distracting thoughts? How can you waste your good time in vain?"

Fang Qiye chuckled:

"Long'er, you are so charming. I am not a stone man. How can I calm down and get rid of distracting thoughts easily? Don't worry, after midnight, I will definitely be able to enter the state of cultivation. As for before that... let me serve you. Ichiban.”

Xiao Longnu was angry, but in front of him, her amazing skills seemed to be useless. After a little struggle to resist, she became helpless under his ubiquitous kisses. She could only act like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth. Let him devour food...

Before I knew it, it was almost midnight.

Xiao Longnu felt Fang Qiye leaving her body in a daze, and couldn't help but ask vaguely:

"where to?"

"Wipe off your sweat. Long'er, please rest first and be back soon."

Sure enough, he came back quickly after that, hugged Xiao Longnu into his arms again, and continued practicing.

While practicing.

The cabin door panel suddenly opened silently, and a figure flashed in.

This figure silently closed the door panel and locked the door bolt. Before reaching the bedroom, he gently lifted the door curtain, walked around the screen, looked at the couch, and suddenly let out a secret sigh.

The pair on the couch have a really sharp contrast in body shape.

A tall and strong man, his muscles are like cast iron and copper, his legs are as thick as pillars. Even if he lies on his back and does not move, he is like a tiger lying on the mountain.

A petite and graceful figure with a body all white and ice-cold, she looks like a lamb actively feeding itself to a tiger.

The figure stared blankly at the couch. Unknowingly, mist filled his eyes, and his eyes were blurred.

Although Xiao Longnu was in a daze and didn't know where her soul was flying, her instinctive super-sense made her immediately aware that there was an outsider in the room - in fact, if the person who came had a familiar aura and no hostility, she should have As early as the moment the other party pushed the door open, he had already reacted.

At this moment, Xiao Longnu was shocked when she noticed it. She came back to her senses and looked sideways, and saw Yang Yuhuan standing not far from the couch, looking at her and Fang Qiye with eyes fixed on her.

When she met Yang Yuhuan's eyes, Xiao Longnu was instantly ashamed. She immediately got off Fang Qiye, quickly rolled to the back of the bed, turned over and lay down, and covered herself tightly from head to toe with the quilt.

Fang Qiye had expected this - Yang Yuhuan's request in the morning was for him to open the door for her so that she could come in and visit. He just left briefly to open the door for Yang Yuhuan who was waiting outside...

"It seems that I came at the wrong time." Looking at Xiao Longnu's expression of being too shy to see anyone, Yang Yuhuan couldn't help but laugh.

Fang Qiye laughed, but didn't bother to say, "No, you came just in time." He just moved inside to make room for Yang Yuhuan.

Yang Yuhuan smiled sweetly, took off her clothes, and gradually revealed her snow-white, plump, voluptuous and perfect body...

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