The Basilisk artillery bombardment on Vampire Lords' undead army lasted a whole 10 minutes as it destroyed the very earth they were standing on. The Support Order ability was very simple and quick to use as William simply marked the area that he wanted to fire upon in his helmet's minimap and confirm the strike.

After 10 minutes passed, William and others peek their heads to see what happened to the enemies and the result is the complete annihilation of enemy forces. The entire field is now covered with impact craters as countless forces no longer cease to exist. Even if Vampire Lord somehow survived the attack, there is no corpse or bones to create a new undead army as there isn't a single sign of remains on the battlefield.

"Damn, that was more effective than I thought. I wonder if there are more options on Support Order than just artillery strike?" William said to himself as he stood up and observed the now destroyed battlefield.

"You did this? How?" Sir Dolven asked William as he couldn't believe what he just witnessed. The largest undead armies he had ever seen just a few moments ago are no longer there as William gave a sudden order to take cover which a second later, a thunderous sound and ungodly magic of sort shook the earth.

"I had to use a rare magic item to wipe out the enemy. I was first hesitant to use it in the beginning as there was only one army but seeing how two other armies joined, I decided to use it and save us the trouble." William explained to Sir Dolven and others what he did and why he decided to use it. Hearing William's explanation, Sir Dolven was moved by William for using a rare and powerful magic item to save his men instead of not using it. After all, a magic item powerful as this would go for a high price, especially if he sold it to the king or high nobles.

"I have to admit, I'm glad I hired you for this expedition. If you weren't here, I'm certain every one of us would end up becoming an undead puppet of the vampire." Sir Dolven wiped his forehead as he exhaled and took a deep breath. Just thinking about becoming a zombie or servant of the vampire is a nightmare to him as he will be forced to serve the enemy of mankind.

"You're welcome, after all, I took the job to see what a vampire is like. I just wish I could have fought one in 1 vs 1 duel instead of wiping them out like…" William didn't his sentence as his helmet sensor went off with alarm to indicate one of the targets survived the artillery attack.

"It looks like I will get my wish after all. One of the Vampire Lords somehow survived the attack and about to cast some sort of magic." William informs others as he steps forward to jump from the wall. Thanks to his power armor, William landed with superhero landing and started to run towards the last vampire on the battlefield. It only took a minute for William to reach the Vampire Lord as he saw a tattered and pale vampire finish his spell with a scroll in his right hand and a red bottle in his other hand.

"What the hell?" Just as William finished his sentence, Vampire Lord crushed the bottle and drank from it as a scroll on his right hand burned into ash. Vampire stares at William, his body grows bigger and limbs extend, transforming into a monstrous giant bat with crawls as long as a short sword and wings big enough to cover man as a whole.

'Oh shit, it transformed into Vargheists. How in the world did he do that to turn it into a monster unit from a Warhammer fantasy?' William thought to himself as he pulled out a bolter to shoot at the Vargheist. Fighting a giant monster isn't a problem for William, but when that creature starts to fly, then it becomes a huge problem for him and others in the wall.

With accuracy from the auto-targeting system, William managed to damage the left side of the Vargheists's wing but that wasn't enough to stop him from getting bodyslam by the vampire beast. Pushing him 20 feet from where he was before.

"This is much better than fighting some human vampire. Now, you beast, face the Emperor's greatest warrior and his wrath." William once again fired his bolter onto Vargheists as it slowly walked towards him, but somehow the beast withstands the bolter rounds briefly as if it was nothing. In close inspection, William saw the bullet wounds from the Vargheists's body slowly regenerates as it pushed fragments out from the body.

'It seems I need to go old school.' With that, William put his bolter back into his inventory and drew his power sword and brought out the chain sword from inventory. The sounds of chainsword crank out loud as the power sword starts to generate blue energy.

William and Vargheists stare at each other for a few seconds before both fighters charge at each other. William was first to draw blood as he slammed the vampire beast with his right shoulder armor and proceeded to cleave the beast's right arm with a chainsword. The chainsword rip and tear the Vargheists's arm but before it could reach the right shoulder, the beast pulled itself back and rip the tattered arm. The missing arm slowly starts to regenerate as part of the right arm turned into dust.

"Interesting regeneration, but is it enough for you to survive before I chop your head off?" With a battle cry, William once again charged with powerful force but Vargheists dodge the attack by jumping into the air and hovering with injured wings. Vargheists use this opportunity to counter-attack by striking William from the above as it uses its massive body as a weapon itself.

William dodges the attack by rolling away and uses his quick feet to make a sharp turn to stab the beast's back with a power sword. The Vargheists cry in pain when William finally stabs the beast and proceeds to slash its back with his powerful strength but Vargheists attempt to push William with its wing.

William expected this counter-attack, so he did something unexpected, he let go of the sword and dodge the wing attack. Which he immediately use the chainsword with his two hands and cleave the Vargheists's waist. The powerful chainsword engine roars in full power as it slowly rips through the Vargheists's body, ultimately cutting it to two. The lower part of the Vargheists's body slowly turns into dust as Vargheists cough black blood and cry in a low tone. William, who is now covered with black blood and guts retrieve his power sword and pull out his flamer from his inventory.

"Now, burn and die you foul beast." With that William ignited his flamer and burned the Vargheists into ash as Promethium fueled fire engulfed the vampire beast, turning it into a pile of ash.

Finishing his fight against Vargheists, William opens his inventory to see what kind of loot he got from destroying the undead army, two Vampire Lords and Vargheists. It turns out he is well rewarded as now he has thousands of bolter rounds, flamer canisters, grenades of different kinds and few interesting items.

[Retractable Lightning Claws x1: A powerful power fist with retractable lighting claws built in it. A left-handed power fist]

[Plasma Rifle x1: A powerful energy weapon design to deliver superheated plasma. It comes with 30 fuel cell magazines]

[Heavy Flamer x1: Much more powerful and heavier version of the flamer. Heavy Flamer is powerful enough to melt armor and even tank armor. Use the same fuel canister but it is heavy even for Space Marine.]

[Jump Pack x1: Give Space Marine the ability to jump across the battlefield in long-distance and safely land from a big height.. It requires Promethium fuel the jet pack (One canister can give five jumps).]

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