By the time William made it to Prince Benton's room, it was near lunchtime (Around 11:20 am). After passing multiple knight guards and escorted to the main chamber, William was welcomed by one of the prince's servants as the prince himself welcomed the giant paladin. Entering the room, William saw 5 servants placing various foods on the table as it seems William interrupted the prince's lunchtime.

"Sorry if I interrupted your lunch. I was told by the Duchess that I need formal clothing to attend tonight's feast but unfortunately, I don't have one suitable right now. She also told me that you could help me with the clothing issue since you have few tailors available with you." William asked the prince which got the prince's attention. Prince understood that William does not have fancy clothes as he is an adventure and they do not have the resources to purchase formal clothes. Quickly, the prince got into action and paused the whole lunch and summoned his head butler, Jon.

"I can see why you came to visit me. Don't worry, I will have everything taken care of. Jon, please take Sir William to the tailors I brought with me from the capitol. As of right now, this priority job for them and they have until tonight to have clothes fitting for William. Make sure they understand that and let me know when they are done." Prince Benton gave his order to Jon which immediately head butler escorted William and took him to the other side of the city castle where noncombat workers reside.

"The Crown Prince is very fond of you, Sir William. He has great respect for you and sees you as an example of what an honorable knight should be." Jon said to William as they walked towards the other side of the castle. Feeling embarrassed, William didn't say much except "I see," and remained silent afterward.

"I see you're a man of short words. I will be in your service since we will be traveling together to the capital. Please let me know if you have any issues in the future and don't hesitate to ask anything. After all, you did save the Crown Prince's life from external and internal enemies." With a strange remark, Jon and William made it to the large room where a large group of people was working on various clothes repairs. After a quick scan of the room, Jon found an old man who was repairing the knight's clothes.

Approaching the old man, Jon gets the old tailor's attention and explains his reason for visiting, "Mr. Harper, by the Crown Prince's order I bought Sir William for your service.

He needs formal clothes for tonight's victory feast, suitable and presentable for the nobles. This will be a priority request coming from the Crown Prince himself." Jon explains to the head tailor as Harper turns his head to see a large black knight. After a quick look, the old tailor stood up from his workstation to walk around William for a better look.

"Ok, Jon. I got a general idea. Let the prince know I will take care of this new challenge before the feast tonight." After hearing the confirmation, Jon left the room as William remained still as Harper continued his examination.

"I need you to take your armor off and wear something casual. I can't get good measure if you remain in that bulky armor," Harper said to William and pointed his finger at the small room where tailors are using it as a changing room.

"Sure, I will be right back," William replied and followed the instructions to make a quick change. Inside the changing room, William unequips his armor and puts everything in his inventory. Thanks to his unique ability of inventory, William only has to pull out his inventory screen and just unequip the equipment. The same thing for casual clothes as William can either equip or bring out clothes from the inventory to put it on.

After taking his time, William left the changing room to find a small army of tailors (Around 20 tailors) waiting for him as Harper stood in the middle with a long measuring tape around his neck.

"Ok, team. We only have until tonight to make suit fitting for this giant. I want three groups to handle the upper, middle and lower parts of the clothes. Also, make sure we use durable materials since the wearer isn't a standard knight. Now, get to it!" With Harper's command, all 20 tailors went to their stations as the head tailor gestured his hand to William so he could stand in the three large mirrors.

"Young man. I have a few questions regarding what type of suit you want while I measure your size." Harper said as he began his measuring of William's body.

"What color do you want your suit to be?"

"Black and dark blue"

"Good. How much room do you want? Enough to dance or enough to swing a sword?"

"... Enough to use a sword."

"I see. Do you want to be the center of attention or blend in with the crowd?"

"Center of attention since I won't be able to blend in with the crowd. But I do not want anything outrageous like decorations or extra stuff within clothes."

"Ok, ok, don't worry about having large flowers on your clothes as decorations. I will make sure you have something fitting to your stature. Last question, do you want your suit to be easy to put on or more complex? Complex means it will be significantly more fancy looking to others."

"Easy to put one since I don't want to feel suffocated," William answers the last question which ends the measuring session. Harper, receiving the notes from the ȧssistant and reviewing the numbers, the head tailor-made a few notes and gave them to his ȧssistant.

"That will be all, I will have your suit by tonight and send someone to retrieve you before tonight's feast." With that, William left the tailor's chamber and decided to go to the kitchen since it is now past lunchtime.

The kitchens are well supplied with ingredients since Prince Benton, former noble Bullen and Duchess brought plenty of food for everyone to eat well. Because they are in former vampire's territory, there aren't many wild animals but thanks to large supplies from the capital soldiers from three armies have the opportunity to eat decent meals and with large meat once a week.

As two armies are leaving and returning to the capital in a few days, the feast will increase soldiers' morale as the prince allows the distribution of ales and foods tonight.

Sitting on the table outside from the kitchen, William received a decent portion of meal which consisted of beef stew, buŧŧer loaves of bread, steamed potatoes and a large cup of ale.

For William, this isn't much as it is only an appetizer for the feast and he could technically survive without eating or drinking water for a few days while fighting non-stop. Still, William loves the flavor and warmth of the food as he can learn more things by just eating ingredients from the food.

By the time William finished his lunch, a kitchen staff came to retrieve the empty dishes from him which got William's attention. After thanking the staff for cleaning his table, William decided to ask the staff if they need any help. With few words and persuasion, William obtained a few side quests to help move heavy supplies from the storages, move fresh water from the well and cut firewoods.

Feeling nostalgia for chore quests from his old D&D campaign, William gladly helps out with heavy lifting and difficult workload. By the time he was done, William managed to move enough supplies to last a few weeks and firewoods for months. It was around this time when a young boy approached William to let him know that the suit is ready and the head tailor is waiting for him.

"Lead the way, boy. I can't wait to see what kind of clothes they made," William said to the kid after putting down two barrels of freshwater. When William and the kid arrived at the tailor chamber, Prince Benton was also there as he was nearly done putting his formal clothes on.

"William, your suit over there. Mr. Harper will help you with the final touch of the suit." Prince Benton said as he put his red jacket on. Prince is wearing red formal clothes with gold lines while a jacket has a royal crest on the ċhėst pocket.

"Thank you for the clothes, but I have a question. Why do you have so many tailors with you? Not just them but it seems you bring with you a lot of staff from the capital." William asked the prince which prince laughed slightly and explained his reasoning.

"Well, that is because these tailors aren't just clothes tailors. They are also skilled in armor repairs such as chain armors and leather armors. If our blacksmiths need more help, Mr. Harper's tailor teams will help with various repairs and even crafting armors given enough time." Prince explains to William as Harper approaches William.

"Enough with explanation, we need to fit this giant for an upcoming battle. Those nobles will butcher him if he attends a feast like this," Harper points out William's casual clothes as he leads Space Marine to another room to show his new suit.

"This is what we got for you. Now, put it on," Harper displayed the new formal suit on the wall which got William's full attention. The formal suit is big and large to fit William's unnatural size. The suit's top is black but the pants and suit jacket is dark blue with a crest of a white cross in his ċhėst pocket, the same as William's power armor shoulder symbol. The one unique thing about is that there is a shoulder plate on the jacket which isn't much heavy looking but a decent size to protect William from blunt weapons.

"Am I expecting some kind of duel during the feast? I mean I know it is more of a banquet but it won't be like last time when we had to fight Bullen's men." William asked Harper as a head tailor to bring out a pair of black boots, matching the clothes.

"Young man, in the noble's world the formal banquet or feast of celebration is a battlefield. It's the place where alliances are made and where enemies are identified. I know this because I make clothes for those occasions. Trust me, this tells other nobles that you are a formidable warrior and you are ready for anything. Also, your shoulder plates can be used as small blunt gauntlets, if you ever need to punch your way out.." With a small chuckle, Harper instructs three people to help William put on his suit and ready for tonight's feast as noble sons from many houses and influential people from the capital will soon attend the main yard of the city castle.

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