"Ere We Go, 'Ere We Go, 'Ere We Go!"

This is the standard Ork chant during "WAAAGH!" as the unstoppable force of Green Tide has the potential to wipe the entire galaxy. The Orks or known as Greenskins are warmongers, savage and barbaric species in the 40K universe.

Created by the Old Ones for the 'War in Heaven', Orks can reproduce through spores and grow like a mushroom as they only focus on fighting. When the Ork population on the planet reaches the critical mass and the strongest Warboss unleashes 'WAAAGH,' the physic level in unimaginable level singles the beginning of carnage on the galactic scale.

As the Ork war campaign and migration move from planet to planet and system to system, the Orks increase their numbers to the point that even the Imperium fears for the extinction of the human race. One thing for certain, Orks' 'WAAAGH' is also a religious tribute to their gods Gork and Mork as Orks build Gargant and Stompas to honor their deities. In short, the Ork from the 40k universe is the most successful race and destructive force to reckon with.

But for MC, he is about to face standard fantasy orcs which are about 6 to 7 feet tall, primitive and possess lesser tier equipment such as iron swords and shields. In other words, MC is about to destroy those orcs like how Master Chief from the Halo series beat the living crap out of grunts with a pistol.


William saw from the distance a small army of orcs around 80 to 90 of them headed his way. Behind, about 40 humans in shackles follow them while few orcs whip them to move faster. Because they are still far away, William couldn't identify the people but he is certainly most of them are women and children.

'Where are the men? Don't tell me those orcs ate the men and took the rest as slaves.' William thought his theory while changing his scope to the approaching army. The small army of orcs doesn't have any sense of organization as there is no formation at all. The only thing William could identify is the leader of the army as the biggest and toughest looking orc is leading in front.

Currently, William on top of the hill and orcs are on the plain which gives a great advantage because of William's ȧssault bike. With no natural obstacles on the grass field, William can attack just like how White Scars (Different Space Marine Chapter) initiate hit and run tactics using an ȧssault bike while shooting bolter rounds.

'I better attack from the side and turn around to hit them on the back. This way, I don't have to worry about hitting the civilians with the twin-linked bolters rounds.' William moves his bike and prepares himself to launch a surprise attack on orc slavers.


"How long before we reach the next settlement? We are just one more raid away from huge profits." Orc said to the orc leader as they have been walking at a slow pace non-stop for two days straight.

Three days ago, 84 orc slave raiders attacked the human settlement called 'Greenhill' and captured a large number of humans to sell them as slaves. After the successful raid, orcs feasted on the fallen human warriors and men as they didn't have enough force to push back the orc raiders.

By the time the entire Greenhill burn to the ground and skeleton remains to scatter around, the orcs chained the remaining humans and dragged them out from their homes. Because orcs walked non-stop, many of the human slaves are now dead tired, hungry and thirsty which forces orcs to drag them on the dirt, injuring many.

"We are moving up north soon. The human leader (Baron Sternagel the Greenhill noble from Chapter 5) told me there is more human settlement and they are defenseless since they are fighting undead in the east." The Orc leader said to his lieutenant and continued to walk which made the orc ask another question.

"What if the human leader lied to us? I didn't see any human man in the back," This question from the orc made the orc leader smile wickedly.

"He told me the truth after I ate one of his legs. Hahaha, you should have seen his face when I chopped the rest of body parts after he spilled everything to me." This made a few of the orcs nearby laugh as it created a chain reaction of waves of laughter. While this was going on, few of the orcs realized the approaching ȧssault bike at high speed.


"What is that noise? Is that a wild boar?" One of the lesser orcs asked his fellow buddy as they heard unfamiliar noise from the distance.

"No, too loud for a wild boar. It sounds bigger and meaner."

"It could be a bear, it's been a while since I had a bear meat,"

"Nope, I think it's bigger than that. I think…" Before the lesser orc could finish his sentence, his lower half of the body exploded. Other orcs around them couldn't respond in time as they also died right after.

Soon, a source of unknown deaths finally revealed itself as William ran over the horde of orcs with an ȧssault bike. Immediately, William makes a large right turn to run over another group of orcs. By repeating this, William made donuts and forced a large number of orcs to gather around closely. After making the last circle, William made a short turn and changed his direction towards the back end of the orc army.

Just as William is about to reach the back end of the orc army, the slavers position themselves to fight the Black Templar. Their effort was useless as their shields didn't do anything against bolter rounds. With orc slavers dead and human civilians in his back, William positioned his bike towards the remaining orc army with twin-linked bolters pointing at them.

"EAT BOLT ROUNDS, YOU DIRTY ORCS!" William pulls the triggers and unloads the remaining bolter rounds from his bike. As the majority of the orcs are closer together, the bolter rounds penetrated multiple orcs and shredding body parts. By the time William devastated most of the orcs, few orcs managed to survive including the orc leader who was in front.

Through the helmet's visor, William identified the surviving orcs and got off from his bike with a heavy flamer equipped. With heavy flamer armed and orcs to burn, William unleashes a firestorm which consumes all living and dead orcs. After a good three minutes of turning bodies into ash, William removed his finger from the trigger and put away the heavy flamer back to his inventory.

After another scanning and making sure there are no survivors, William turns his attention to human slaves who are terrified and fear for their lives. William couldn't blame them for fearing for their lives as a single giant lone black knight wiped out 80 orc hordes single-handedly. Just as William was about to ask who he could talk to he heard a familiar voice in the back.

"Is that you, William? It's me, Mia. The receptionist from the adventurer's guild," Mia came out from the crowd with a tattered receptionist uniform and shackles on her hands and feet.

"Mia? What happened to Greenhill after I left?" William said with shock and removed his helmet as he started to recognize a few familiar faces from the first town he ever knew.

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