Since MC received various items, summons, and abilities, I made a complete list. I will also put 'Used' next to the items to show that MC used that item currently.


[Combat Knife x1]

[Bolter Pistol x1]

[Bolter Rifle x1]

[Heavy Bolter x1]

[Flamer x1]

[Heavy Flamer x1]

[Plasma Rifle x1]

[Missile Launcher x1]

[Powersword x1]

[Thunder Hammer x1]

[Retractable Lighting Claw x1]

[Storm Shield x1]

[Jump Pack x1]

[Assult Bike x1]

[Champion's Armor with Black Sword x1]

[Frag Grenade x Many]

[Prometheus Gernade x Many]

[Purity Seal: Champion of Living x1]

[Purity Seal: Bane of Chaos x1]

[Aegis Terminator Armour x1]

[Gene Seed of Grey Knight x1]

[Spark of Astronomican x1]

'Summon Items'

[Artillery Bombardment x1] Used

[Penitent Engines x1] Used

[Militarum Tempestus Scions x50] Used

[Dreadnought x1] Used

[Catachan Jungle Fighters x30] Used

[Cadian Shock Troopers x150 with 10 Trucks] Used

[Valkyrie Deployment x3 with 30 Imperial Guardsmen]

[Land Raiders Crusader x1]

Note: Please let me know if I missed anything else.


"I will not accept this!" Prince Benton shouts with rage in his voice while the Duchess remains silent to process the information. Meanwhile, William and Viscount stand in the side and watch two commanders' very different reactions.

"I will personally meet the emissary of the Legellan and show them who was the victor of the war three years ago!" Crown Prince made his mind at the moment of the rage to which the Duchess got up from her chair and approached the prince.

"Smack!" The Duchess's hand slap the Crown Prince's face, which stunned and stopped the prince's rage tantrum. The room went silent, to which Prince Benton tries to recover from sudden pain in his right face.

"As I understand your pain and suffering, we need to know more before barging into capital and go murder happy. If Legellan sent an emissary to talk of peace and alliance, then we have to find out what their intention is." The Duchess said true to her words, but William can tell she was holding her emotion back. The sudden burst of rage and destroying isn't something royalty should do as it will show only the weakness of unable to control themselves and the situation. That is William's job.

"Let us return to our rooms and continue our conversation tomorrow with a fresh mind," William said to both Prince Benton and the Duchess, which both agree in silence while Viscount opens the door to show exist. When the door opened, and two Black Templars move to the side to make a path, both Prince Benton and the Duchess left the study room and went to their rooms separately without saying anything. William, who saw and felt the tension still looming around two young commanders. Before he heads out to his old room, Viscount summons a single footman by ringing a small bell.

"William, please accept my apology for tonight's dinner. It was unacceptable to treat Crown Prince's gust the way minor nobles did tonight. Please follow the footman and he will show you your new room. Of course, your bodyguards will have their own next to yours." Viscount gave his sincere apologies to William and went separate ways to return to his room. As for William and his battle-brothers, follow the footman to his new room, which thankfully was the first floor and ample room.

After showing William's room, the footman tried to show two intimidating Black Templars to their rooms next to William's. That didn't work well as two Black Templars stood still in front of William's room, guarding against any unwanted introducers and potential ȧssassins from the Chaos faction.

To the Black Templars, Emperor's Champion isn't just an honorary position within ranks of the Space Marine but also highly esteemed through millennia of endless war and conflicts. Of course, it doesn't mean Emperor's Champion can outrank the Chapter Master of the Black Templar or other Space Marine chapters when it comes to chain of command. But as of now, William is the commanding battle brother due to his unique position and blessed one by the Emperor himself.

After exploring the room, William didn't sleep that night. Even though he saw the finest bed since he came to this world, he didn't bother laying there as he has multiple things in his mind and requires his attention.

The introduction of Chaos gods and their puppets entering this world became more frequent. One after another, the Chaos gods are sending a small number of army and agents to test this world and how they will react. Worst, this could be happening globally, and William can't stop all of them without any intel or base of operation.

Thankfully, William is receiving small items such as summons and weapons to fight the local Chaos, but it is not enough. He needs a way to speed things up fast, and this means there will be a lot of bloodshed in the possible future. The more enemies William kills, the more loots he will acquire, and his army does the same, making them stronger and much more deadly. This means one thing for the Champion, and he needs to start a war, knowing exactly where to look for.


William watches the sun rises from the window while consuming a tiny snack he got from his inventory. He found few possible paths to begin his war, and all of them are equivalent to war crime and crimes against humanity (Current UN standard).

First, William could form a mercenary company with his current forces to wage war which sounds reasonable. After all, who wouldn't pay at full price for a 100% victory guarantee?

Second is taking a noble position within Crown Prince Benton's kingdom and hold a region of lands while building number and influences. This path is more diplomatic and suitable for administrators and old nobles who want to rule and retire. This could mean William has to kneel to the local king, which is a big no to him and his battle-brothers.

Sure, he is an average human in Space Marine's body, but his perception of reality changed when he ends up possessing a body of Space Marine he created the night before coming to D&D world. Something is changing him, including his humanity and sympathy, and his personality starts to act somewhat of a military veteran.

Lastly, the third option for William is to wage a crusade in this world. Like how Emperor united the Old Terra with his Thunder Warriors and embark on the Unification War, William can do what the Emperor did, just like in the novel. The problem is resistance from the local humans, other races, monsters, and the possibility of native deities interfering with William's work.

All three options are on the table and only require William to pick one at the end. Path of becoming soldiers of fortune, go native and serve the mortals of this world as one of them. Finally, becoming a conqueror of the new and old world just like how Emperor did. All these choices are very different, but the result will ensure and increase William's fight against the Chaos faction. The question is how he will accomplish this without making serious mistakes or making the situation much worse.

(Example such as Emperor failed his sons as they later failed him, William's interference could expand the influence of the Chaos or the possibility that William is playing a dangerous game between gods of this world and Chaos)

'Well, for now, I have to wait and see how Alderim and Legellan will resolve their political matters. If anything goes wrong, I will jump in to help my friends, and if it gets worse then I will start shooting my bolter and see who stands afterward.' With a light joke at the end, William turned around and left his room to meet his friends. He is sure their anger is now subsided by now, and they will have a much clear mind compare to last night.

When they arrive at the capital, it will be a game of political mind and house of cards. Both Crown Prince and the Duchess will need to make plans to be one step ahead of Legellan's emissary. After all, there is a possibility that this could be a game and schemes from Tzeentch himself.

Image Marvel movie's Doctor Strange with his time stone exploring infinite possibilities while irritating everyone else by asking them questions such as "What is destiny and how do we know all of us are alive?" or "How do we know we are not just a fish dying and thinking what the world is like?"

Tzeentch is a complete mind blender and irritation to other Chaos gods and all mortals. Like how Slaanesh's rival is Khorne, Tzeentch's is Nurgle, the plague god, the master of decay, death, despair, and destruction.

William knows he will soon face either Tzeentch or Nurgle, and by the sound of the situation he is about to face in the capital, he is sure it will be Tzeentch. For this reason, William is determined not to get mixed with Tzeentch's twisted mind game and solve the issue with good old fashion chainsword and bolter rounds.

William arrived at Prince Benton's door. However, instead of knocking on the door, William burst through the room and shout with authority.

"Wake up, you fool! You lacked discipline last night, and this means you need more training. I'm going to make you a formidable warrior by the time we make it to the capital!"

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