In The World Of Sword And Magic As Space Marine

Chapter 58 - The Grand Royal Ball

From ȧssassinating a large group of traitors,

[Astra Militarum, Sentinel squad (Cadian Pattern) x1: A two-legged one man, all-terrain, combat walker armed with various anti-infantry weaponry. The Cadian sentinel is equipped with standard autocannon and armor-piercing weapons such as heavy bolters or multi-meltas. The Sentinel squad comprises five walkers with additional heavy armor plates and vox communicators to communicate to each other.]

[Astra Militarum, 8th Mordian Iron Guard Regiment x1: Composed of 1500 finest soldiers hail from Hive World of Mordian (Known as World of Eternal Night). Mordian Iron Guard is known for highly disciplined, perfectly formed ranks during battle and fancy uniforms with bright, elaborate decorations. Armed with Triplex pattern lasgun, explosive packs, and stim packs, the guardsmen of Mordian are ready to kill the Emperor's enemy with clean uniform and deadly volley fire.]

[Astra Militarum, 333th Death Korps Siege Artillery company x1: Composed of 250 men and women, the Death Korps of Krieg are known for their mastery of trench warfare and fearsome appearance of gas mask and WW1 style uniform. Krieg's men are known for their grim reputation attitude (Even in the grim dark future of the 41st millennium) and uncompromising nature to retreat or surrender, for they do not fear death but fear of failure to find Emperor's forgiveness. The artillery company is armed with 15 Basilisk artillery pieces with a troop compartment and gunnery platform. The troops have standard lasgun, trench shovels, gas masks, and other critical equipment to support or defend the artillery units.]


'Well, this is a surprise," William thought to himself as he went over his new loot obtained from ȧssassins he sent to 'clean house' a few hours ago. Currently, William just entered the grand ballroom of the royal palace, where 60 to 70 nobles from major and minor factions gather to entertain themselves with music, dance, and finest food they don't seem to consume. William could only guess many restrain themselves to look dignified and perceive themself to look defined. After all, a fancy party hosted by the Crown Prince isn't something you want to be remembered for overeating for the public to see.

"My lord. The party atmosphere seems to be a bit... hostile even for my taste." Commissar Cain said to William while grabbing a few snacks from the passing plate as the servant moved away from him. William considered bringing Lord Creed and a few of his battle-brothers with him, but after heavy consideration (which took him a second), he decided to bring someone who had experience with formality and diplomacy.

Ciaphas Cain is known for his masterful conversationalist and approachable personality as he selects his words carefully. This skill also saved his skin multiple times, for many guardsmen stood next to Cain and watched back during combat. For this reason, William selected Commissar Cain as one of his two entourages.

"I do see a few deadly stares and tension between people, but that is not my concern. Let us enjoy the party before we head out to the battlefield." William said to the commissar as he looked around to find familiar faces. William is wearing his formal clothes, for he didn't want to destroy the palace floor with Champion's power armor. He kept his black power sword on his side as most noblemen wore, but he is certain no one would challenge him since there is a size difference between them.

"Yes, Lord Imperator Fratrum." Commissar Cain replies with ease, but William can tell the man is stressed and concerned about something else. 'The party is fine and all, but how can I use my reputation when none of them know who I am? Calm down, Cain. If you can handle the Genestealers cult, Necrons, and inquisitors, you can handle simple natives of the New World.' Cain thought to himself while finishing the last snack in his hand. Cain left his aide, Jurgen, outside of the palace for his smell and appearance would be more harmful, but Cain did send a servant with food which he is sure Jurgen is enjoying this world's delicacy.

'I'm sure he is being a Cain. Probably thinking about how to avoid being part of the frontline invasion force.' Recently appointed Imperator Fratrum said to himself and continued to look around. Finally, William found the person he was looking for. Rana was in her fancy dress talking with other noble ladies, slightly laughing behind the fan.

"I will meet you later commissar, I have to be a diplomat now," William then made his move and approached Rana while Cain stood alone with nowhere to go or talk to.

'Ok, Cain. Time to break some ice and show them why I'm the Hero of the Imperium." Cain then walks towards another group of noble ladies after he repositions his commissar hat. Ciaphas Cain didn't return to the base camp that night, for he had few lady friends give him a welcoming party in a private room until the following day.


"I must say, I didn't expect to see the Crown Prince leading a charge against an undead army when they started coming out underground. You have to be there to believe me." Rana said with exaggerated tones while ladies around her absorbed the story with admiration. Most of the tales told by Rana focused more on Prince Benton and his 'heroism' while a particular person was only mentioned once and taken out from the rest of the event.

"What about Knight Lord of the Metal? Surely, he must have achieved something." With that, many ladies turn their eyes back to Rana, who is holding her manners, and quickly recover to maintain her story.

"Ah, yes. William did an excellent job infiltrating the fort and holding off vampire reinforcement while the main force took down the vampire threats. Please remember that William did a great deed to our country, for he took a huge initiative to help this campaign." Rana quickly finished her story and excused herself from the group as William appeared in the short distance. As Rana left the group, many noble ladies saw her headed in the direction as everyone saw William's upper body and up among the crowd.

'Of course, she would hide the greatest warrior for herself,' A young lady with long brunette hair thought to herself as she carefully watched Rana approaching the giant man. This young lady knew of William and his deeds thanks to her information gathered over the past few days. But, most of all, the name of the giant came to light that fateful day when her mother, the Countess Danel Van Shaw, stopped him from murdering the poor fool of a noble with metal hands.

'I will have my chance after tonight. Enjoy your time, for now, Beckett.' Lady Gabriella Van Shaw made a silent remark and left the main hall with a few of her followers while ignoring young noblemen. Gabriella Van Shaw, also known as a Great Analyst and Northern Fox, smiled as she saw the next prey to conquer.


"I see you've been busy. May I ȧssume you were appraising Prince Benton while leaving me out of your tales?" William made a very accurate guess while teasing Rana. He didn't pay much attention to the rest of the nobles from both sides, for he considered them a waste of time.

After a few days after the Trazyn incident, many heads of the noble family learned of William's tremendous and impossible achievements from Greenhill to Fort Stormfist. From his humbling beginning as a rookie adventurer to a paladin leader of a new pantheon, William is a once-in-a-lifetime catch to gain power only possible in the legend. But considering what William did during the incident and displaying his power towards nobles, only a few took the courage to approach William headfirst without investing more time studying the man.

"I ȧssure you, dear paladin, I was only telling those young ladies what I saw that fateful day with few editing of my own. I just left unbelievable parts since no one will believe me even if I tell them." The Duchess made a reasonable but straightforward excuse to William as she genuinely smiled. She knew everyone eventually will learn of William's achievements, but she will enjoy William all for herself until then.

"Of course. So, how is this ball different from the one back in Deron? Do we have to stay all night until someone dies out of starvation?" Wiliam asks with a bit of regret since he needs an alibi and many witnesses. Ever since Rana passed the information related to the secret meeting to Prince Benton and William, William made sure no one knew of this information, especially when he sent two elite ȧssassins to 'clean the house.'

"It will be over soon, but please enjoy it just like your friend is doing," Rana said to William and pointed her finger at a small group on the other side of the room while William turned his head to see who she was talking about.

On the other side of the room, a small group of wizards listens to the discussion of a particular theory while a giant metal man dressed in a black robe gives a lecture related to the holy machine spirit and the theory of all knowledge. William's second entourage, the Magos Valadus Callias of the Metalica, is currently busy converting a bunch of Wizards into potential tech priests.

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