Located on the northwest of the Alderim's border, the nation of Legellan was ruled by the royal family and many nobles who were loyal to the crown. Like Alderim, Legellan has forests and mountains filled with wild animals and monsters but with a notable geographic difference in which half of the country is a flat plain. Because of this, Legellan's economy mainly focused on raising animals and farming, while the military's main force was the knight's cavalry.

Before the war with Alderim, Legellan experienced ten years of rich harvest and relevant peace, having a surplus of resources and military force without anyone to fight. Many of the nobles and a few royal families supported the idea of expanding the border towards Alderim. Using an ȧssassination attempt on the king as an excuse, Legellan publicly executed the Alderim ambassador and firstborn prince without trial or enough evidence to support the accusation. This was Legellan's first and last mistake as a nation.

After Legellan lost the war three years ago, the country went through a year of economic depression and civil disorder. It came to the point where the royal family of the Legellan scattered as some took refuge in other countries while most were executed by the angry mob of hungry and sick people.

With the end of the crown, many of the noble families follow a similar faith, with some eventually perishing just like the royal family. From the near destruction of the country itself, the name Legellan was saved by the newly founded religion and goddess known as 'Mother.'

One night, the white mountain emerges from the underground near the Legellan capital city. With curiosity and fear, the adventurer's guild sent an expedition to investigate the white mountain. At first, many believed the white mountain was a new dungeon which the guild could use to make some money, and few believed it was a divine sign from the deity. So, imagine their surprise when they found what appears to be an entrance blocked with a smooth white gate.

After a long investigation, the people of Legellan discovered the power of the white mountain by placing their sick or wounded on the entrance. The mountain entrance didn't open, but it shined and healed individuals instantly the moment a sick or wounded person stepped on the doorstep.

If there is no one to heal, the mountain provides the people with basic food supplies for the needy out of nowhere. The miracles ended the famine within a month, and many began to convert into new religions, and it began to spread like a fire all over the country.

Having no royal family or anyone with a crown to rule the country, Legellan changed its political status into a theocracy, and the Church of the White Mountain formed an official ruling government with priests of the church governed according to their rank.

With the country stabilized and people calmed down from their anger, the only problem Legellan now faced was an economic problem in which the country owed massive amounts of debt. This is where the hero party of the Legellan came to light as the hero, and his followers took many quests and quickly raised the rank.

No one knew this hero's past or where he came from, but one thing for sure the hero was blessed with Mother's armor and weapons. With powerful war gears at his disposal, the hero formed a powerful party and eliminated monsters, highwaymen, and other dangerous quests.

Eventually, the Church of the White Mountain began to support the hero and officially recognized the hero as a national hero and gave status equal to high noble. In exchange, the church requests the hero to solve the financial debt once and for all by giving one of the most challenging quests known to Legellan's guild.

With the church backing the hero, the party hunted down an ancient black dragon and looted the dragon's lair. The fight between the hero's party and the ancient dragon was a challenge, but in the end, the hero delivered the killing blow to the black dragon and conquered the lair filled with enough treasures to remove the nation's debt.

Escaping the economic depression, Legellan fully recovered and once again became a stable nation. It was this time when 'Mother' finally spoke for the first time.

"Bring me the one known as Lioness of Argus. Bring me, Rana Bassilo Beckett."


Nine Days Later,

William's army crossed the border two days ago and entered the plain field. Before leaving Alderim, William left a few Salamanders Space Marines and a dozen guardsmen to guard the capital city. The reason is simple: William wants to make sure no Ork spores survive the conflict with Trazyn and Salamanders are famous for purging with flamers.

After a secret arrangement between Rana and Countess Shaw, Countess Shaw sends her military force and a small army of workers with their family to the City of the Deron to relieve Rana's army who were stationed there. After returning back to the capital, the Duchess's army rested until William was ready to move his army to Legellan.

"Why can't I just take my army and take the capital city in a one sweep whoop?" William asks his question one more time to understand this world's rule of engagement. Initially, William planned to visit his entire army to every town, village, and city to test out the water of the war. At the same time, he would send a few of the Tempestus Scions to gather information regarding this 'Mother' and determine which Chaos god this might be.

William's bet is on Tzeentch since the course of a nation changed with one single religion. If there was any rumor or signs of ŀust, excess, or pŀėȧsurė, that is Slaanesh which William won't bother himself anywhere in person. He would just bomb the hell out of the entire land, let it burn, and bomb more until there is nothing but ashes and dust.

"In the old days when nations declared war, there was unnecessary death of people and pillage which did more harm than bringing honor and glory. So now, there is an untold truce where two nations in war will gather in designated locations to fight without burning the whole country down. Of course, there are conditions and rules, but if one of the countries breaks the rule such as ransacking towns not on the course of the meeting place or needless murder and massacre, then it's all-out war." Rana explained it as simply as possible and pointed out the soon-to-be battlefield. When William first hear this he thought it sounds ridiculous, but it gave off some sense of old Earth's rule of engagement during the Napoleonic War where kings of countries have some sense of honor and chivalry (Of course, they burn the invading country and pillage, but it is all about maintaining their reputation).

"Ok, I guess we will wait here and see what they will bring." William took his helmet off and placed it next to his right arm while enjoying the endless sight of the grass field.

"I think you don't have to worry about what they will bring compared to yours." Rana turned half of her body to see the army William brought with him.

Behind Rana and William, the largest army, the Iron Guard Regiment stands still while weapons shine from the sunlight and uniform spotless from any dust even after days worth of walk.

The Cadian Shock troops were handling all vehicles, including air support Valkyries and land raiders, while Catachan Jungle Fighters disappeared after Lord Creed gave order right after they arrived.

The rest of the Space Marines (Except for Salamanders) are doing their own thing as a group. Some are talking with Admechs regarding their weapons, while some are talking to Battle Brother Raduriel.

"Yea, I think we are good," William replies to Rana as he also turns half of his body to see the overall sights of his troops.

"It will be a shame if the other side declares a duel instead. All the work and effort wasted," Rana quietly said as she but William heard her.

"A duel?" Before William could ask more questions, the loud horn could be heard, and on the other side of the field, the army of Legellan appeared within distance. Without using his helmet's scope, William could tell that most of the enemy army is made out of foot soldiers, archers, knights, other medieval units armed with iron swords and chainmail armors.

Leading the enemy army, William saw very distinguished figures, which he ȧssumed was the hero's party. Behind them, a large solid wooden carriage pulled by four oxen while the content of the carriage is hidden with a white blanket, but after hearing the information from Mia's spies, William guessed that it would be grey power armor he heard of.

"Did they finally arrive? About time." Commissar Cain approached William and the Duchess while his aide stood behind a few feet away while looking through a high-tech binocular.

"My lord and lady, the man in the middle wearing unusual clothing, he just stopped the army." Jurgen, the personal aide of Cain, spoke as he described the situation on the other side.

What is he doing now?" Cain asked with curiosity while both William and Rana waited.

"He is turning and approaching one of his entourage. It's a young woman, and she is wearing armor, a sword, and a shield. Now they are kissing and hugging as if they are lovers. Oh…" Jurgen paused and removed his eyes from the binocular before putting them back on.

"What is it?" Commissar Cain asked a question since he could bȧrėly see with his nȧkėd eyes.

"Yep, that's it. We are wasting time, and this guy is pissing me off. Jurgen, prepare for the artillery bombardment! We are doing the Emperor's Will and purging the sinners." Commissar Cain gave his order with a mix of rage and jealousy while forgetting who was standing next to him.

"Easy now, Commissar. I know this 'man' is disgracing the battlefield with his followers but let us meet first before burning them entirely." William halted the previous order and turned towards Rana to gain some support. Meanwhile, lieutenants of four Space Marine chapters and Lord Creed came to investigate the sound of the horn and commotion coming from the Commissar Cain, known for his legendary composure.

"We still have to follow the rule of engagement. If we don't, the people of Legellan will not easily accept you as the new ruler. They will resent you and create civil unrest just like the previous royal family. Now, let us meet this 'pig' and get this over with." Rana spoke with disgust as she rode her horse towards the middle of the field. William followed her while on the other side, the man who was busy kissing women and a man dressed in priest robe approached as well.

When four people met on the field, William saw the two representatives from the Legellan. The priest wasn't much to look at, except his robe was decorated like a Christmas from top to bottom with gold and silver jewelry.

The hero got William's attention as the young man was wearing something resembling a diver's white-colored wetsuit with multiple injection ports all over the body, mainly on the upper body and legs area. The one other thing that got William's full attention was man's ethnicity. He was a young ȧduŀt around 20 to 23, and he is Asian, like black hair, brown eyes, and other characteristics of either Japanese, Chinese or Korean.

The hero of the Legelland spoke first before the priest or Rana could.

"My name is Makato Amano, and I'm here to take Rana Bassilo Beckett to be a priestess of the Mother and as my seventh wife.. I'm the hero of the Legellan and the chosen one from another world."

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