In The World Of Sword And Magic As Space Marine

Chapter 72 - I’m Your True Death

"Bowl of Tanna, sir?" Jurgen gave Cain a bowl of hot Tanna tea as Cain watched enemy daemons retreat to the capital city. Lord Creed's pincer movement changed the entire battlefield within a few minutes, and every Space Marine joined the force to purge the chaos taints. The Black Templars, Blood Angeles, Salamanders, Space Wolves, and Ultramarines approached the frontline and began to fire their bolters, flamers and stab anything that was still alive while cleaning the frontline as they moved forward.

"Thank you, Jurgen. Where is Lord William? I was expecting him to lead the Space Marines personally." Commissar Cain took a sip from the bowl and enjoyed the unique taste of Tanna tea while sitting on top of his Chimera. Upon his second sip from the bowl, the artillery bombardment begins as the distance between friendly and the enemy is far enough for Death Korps Artillery to begin their fire (While maintaining fire control on friendly units as artillery are aiming for the farthest enemy).

"He is currently flying over the city wall, attempting to shutdown warp portal within." Lord Creed appeared out of nowhere and approached the tank while his attendants stood by, opposite Jurgen is.

"A special mission. I didn't know you had separate plans, my lord." Cain got up quickly, saluted Creed, and replied to his answer where William currently is. Creed waved his hand to sign Cain that he didn't have to salute and continue his talk with a commissar.

"I didn't. Lord William decided to handle this matter without my counsel and took two valkyries and hand full of Astartes with him. Currently, the flyers should be circling and deploying the kill team soon. I suspect it won't be an easy task." Creed bites his cigar just a little bit and enjoys the rush of cigar flavor into his mouth. The smell of Cadian grown Lho-leaf cigar spread around the area, mixing the cigar leaf and Tanna tea a unique scent.

"Won't be easy? Is there a new report regarding enemy troops?" Commissar paused from drinking the tea again and asked the question he didn't expect to ask. After witnessing William's change and new war gear, there is no way a few Chaos daemons could hurt the Lord Imperator Fratrum. That is unless there is a whole hoard of greater daemons jumps at him at once.

"Yes, according to the Legellan soldiers who were nearby the capital building, they not only saw an army of daemons pouring out from the portal but also described a large number of giant men in purple armor, wielding strange weapons and creating strange noise. The forces of Chaos brought with them a Chaos Astartes. This won't be a walk in the park." Creed said to Cain and turned around to face the Commissar.

"I'm guessing you want me to go in there and help Lord William with traitor Astartes?" Cain said to Lord Creed, but to his surprise, his hand wasn't tingling or experiencing unpleasantness whenever there was a suicidal mission.

"No, I need you to join the main force and take the city. I will send a separate group to make sure Lord William is safe and reinforce him any way possible." Creed then left Cain to rejoin the rest of the senior officers while Cain and Jurgen remained with their tank. The siege of the Legellan capital city began not from outside of the defensive wall but rather within as the city continued to burn and blood flooded the street of innocent civilians.



"Mayday, mayday, we are going down. Valkyrie two is going down…." The pilot sent his vox message to the first pilot, but the Valkyrie two crashed to the nearby building and to the ground before anyone could respond. Before William could give an order to lunch emergency extraction of the second flyer, loud noise can be heard, but Valkyrie one quickly dodges the incoming attack safely.

"Turn the flyer around, extract anyone still alive and continue on the mission. You are in charge of this mission now, Wolf Seer." William gave his order through a vox communicator, which Wolf Seer node his head to confirm that he understood. Still, the pilot didn't understand what William said, and before he could any question, William opened the rear cargo door and jumped out.


William's terminator armor landed as the ground sank slightly and created a small dust cloud. After William jumped out of the flyer and landed in the middle of the street, the people responsible for the shooting down Valkyries two quickly regrouped and surrounded where a dust cloud appeared.

A small group of men, fully armored and armed with unique weapons of war, quickly aim their weapons at the middle of the street and immediately fire everything they had. The mixed sounds of bolter rounds and intense noise echo throughout and shatter any remaining windows as various sonic weapons and bolters devastate the ground floor.

"Did we get him?" Noise Marine said to his battle brother as he removed his bolter magazine and reloaded it with a fresh one.

"Maybe, that was enough firepower to crush Dreadnought." Second Noise Marine answered the first one with a little bit more confidence but was unsure as he saw a glimpse of the terminator armor during its fall.

"We got him; there is no way he would survive the full blast of the sonic blasters." The sergeant of the Noise Marine ensured everyone and was about to give his new order to track down the second flyer when a sound of something big moved as the ground shook.

"My turn," A voice said with loud volume, and a blue glow can be seen inside of the dust cloud, and 'Chung Chung!' at the same time. Seconds later, the combi-plasma and heavy combi-bolter fired accurately and hit the multiple targets simultaneously.

The plasma blast hit two Noise Marines standing on top of the second-floor building while a heavy bolter wipes three enemies in a single swipe. Emerging from the dust, unscattered terminator armor walks out with both arms raised up high as each weapon fire hits bullseyes.

The Noise Marines in the terminator's rear side once again raise their weapons and are about to fire, but they are interrupted by the sudden weapons fire from the armor's hidden compartment. William's shoulder armor plates opened up and hidden small missiles fired, and each of them hit the target's head, blowing their brain into mash potato. By the time William was done with his target practice, all 16 Noise Marines had lost either their heads or missing most of their body parts.

After confirming all hostiles are dead, William reloads his heavy bolter and plasma ammo and proceeds to move towards where a large number of life from the sensor indicate. Finally realizing there is the significant presence of the Chaos Marine faction, William vox calls his fire team to let them know what to expect, but for some reason, he couldn't communicate with anyone.

'Noise Marines must be jamming the vox frequency after seeing the Valkyries.' William thought to himself and was about to change his direction when multiple units suddenly appeared from his sensor and came in his direction fast. A moment later, the familiar sound of ȧssault bikes can be heard, and William quickly draws his power hammer (thunder hammer) and activate it. As William's terminator armor is much bigger and more powerful than standard power armor, the power hammer can be wielded single-handed.

Right on time, five Noise Marines riding ȧssault bikes appeared from teh corner as they made the short turn. Seeing incoming bikes, William fired his heavy bolter and shot down three before they came close to melee range.

"And we have the first swing of the season." William steps sideways and swings his power hammer, hitting the Chaos Space Marine right on the ċhėst, spatting him into a bloody mist, and the ȧssault bike flew away as the impact of the power hammer shattered everything.

The last remaining bike passes William and makes the sharp turn to reposition himself, but before the last Noise Marine could hit the gas to increase his speed and fire his twin bolters, William faced the bike and raised his hammer with two hands.

Seeing Foolish loyalists continue to fight in melee, the Noise Marine speeds up and fires his twin bolters simultaneously. To his surprise, the terminator armor withstands teh twin bolter rounds or bother to move at all. Seeing grounded target, traitor marine crack up his bike into full speed, intend to ram William. As ȧssault bikes in full speed can smash through a solid wall, the traitor expects it to at least heavily hurt the loyalist.

"For the Emperor!" The Noise Marine shouts his warcry with a mockery and slams the terminator armor with his bike at full speed. But to his surprise, the terminator armor withstood the attack and pushed back just a little bit before completely stopping the ȧssault bike.

"Yes, for the Emperor!" William shouts his warcry and lifts the bike and Noise Marine without any issue. The Noise Marine panicked and drew his bolter pistol to fire at William, but before he could do that, William slammed the whole bike to the ground and crushed the traitor using his ride.

"This is impossible. Who are you?" The traitor asked William while half of his body is crushed under the bike and coughing blood within his helmet.

"I'm his hammer and blade. I'm the hunter of the traitors and mortal enemy of their gods." With that, William activates his power hammer and his blank ability. Suddenly, the surrounding area felt like void and nothingness as Noise Marine lost his connection to the Chaos and his Chaos god. The absolute feeling of disconnect and wrongness made the traitor no longer want to be around William but unable to move whatsoever. Meanwhile, William lifts his power hammer with both hands and raises it up high above his head, about to strike down.

"I'm your true death.." William strikes the hammer down at the traitor with the last words, completely obliterating the Noise Marine and his soul.

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