“This is the maximum amount of fairy stones I can give you within the scope of the rules.”

“Let me remind you that the value of fairy stones in the upper and lower realms of the prehistoric world is different.”

“In the upper realm of the prehistoric world, fairy stones are very common and their value is just so-so. In the lower realm, since fairy stones cannot be produced naturally and can only be passed down from the upper realm of the prehistoric world, the number is scarce and the value is higher.”

“Overall, you are a bit at a loss if you choose fairy stones in the lower realm.”

Wanshouzi said lightly.

Qi Changfeng looked at the pile of glittering fairy stones in front of him and didn’t care about what Wanshouzi said.

Fairy stones can be exchanged for fairy-level simulation points, allowing him to perform red and above level simulations. With his current strength and mental strength, he is already qualified to enter the red simulation world.

Fairy stones are rare in the lower realm and difficult to obtain through other means.

And he is not short of other resources, so fairy stones are his best choice now besides the core of the mental world.

As for the price difference between the upper and lower realms of the prehistoric world, it is not worth mentioning in front of the improvement of one’s own strength.

“Replying to Senior Wanshou, I don’t lack other resources for the time being. These fairy stones are enough for me to use. Thank you for taking care of me.”

Qi Changfeng said to Wanshouzi.

Wanshouzi nodded. Since Qi Changfeng himself was satisfied, he didn’t need to say anything more.

Qi Changfeng waved his hand to put away the fairy stones in front of him, and roughly scanned them with his mental power. There were a full million of them.

The fairy stones contain fairy spirits, and the appearance is bright white. The size looks similar to spirit stones.

“I wonder if these one million fairy stones are enough for me to conduct several red-level simulations.”

Qi Changfeng thought to himself.

The rewards for the third level inheritance trial have been received, and Qi Changfeng is looking forward to the content of the fourth level trial. I don’t know what the fourth level trial will be when the Chixia Immortal Mansion is opened this time.

At this time, Wanshouzi said:

“Qi, you can now take the lead in the fourth level inheritance trial. Do you want to start now?”

Qi Changfeng nodded and told Wanshouzi that he could start at any time.

“This time, the Chixia Immortal Mansion is open. The content of the fourth level inheritance trial is to kill the demon clan in the Canglan Realm, gain points, and then rank according to the points.”

“The top five trialists are considered to have passed the level, and can get the generous rewards of the fourth level trial and are eligible to participate in the fifth level inheritance trial.”

“Of course, there is a time limit. 300 years is the deadline for this level trial. After 300 years, all trialists will be teleported out of the Canglan Realm, and then the points will be settled.”

“This 300 years refers to the 300 years after the 10-year deadline of the third level trial. If you enter the Canglan Realm now, you will have 310 years to gain points.”

Qi Changfeng’s mind condensed slightly when he heard it.

There is no such form of fourth level trial in the records of Huangting Sect’s documents. It seems to be a new trial, or it appeared before when Chixia Immortal Mansion was opened, but the Huangting Sect cultivators did not encounter it.

Not every time the Chixia Immortal Mansion inheritance trial is opened, there are cultivators from Huangting Sect who break into the fourth level. Many times, they are completely wiped out in the first three levels of the trial.

Wan Shouzi continued:

“Canglan Realm is an independent realm controlled by my Chixia Immortal Mansion. Although its overall strength is not as strong as Xuanhuang Realm, there are many powerful Mahayana masters in it.”

“Canglan Realm is currently being invaded by the Heavenly Demon Clan. All the sects and forces in the realm have joined forces to barely resist the offensive of the Heavenly Demon Clan.”

“This war may last for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. The fourth level inheritance trial of all the cultivators entering Chixia Immortal Mansion this time is carried out in Canglan Realm to assist the forces of Canglan Realm in resisting the invasion of the Heavenly Demon Clan.”

“The Heavenly Demon Clan is a powerful race bred by the Demon Dao, with cultivation ranging from the Qi Refining Realm to the Daluo Jinxian Realm. However, there should be no Heavenly Demons with True Immortal or higher cultivation levels invading Canglan Realm this time.”

“The Heavenly Demon The tribe does not live in the upper world of the prehistoric world. This race has its own independent living space. It is said that this is related to some taboo secrets in the ancient times, and I don’t know it either. ”

“You only need to know that the demon tribe is naturally hostile to us practitioners.”

“There is no point reward for killing the demons in the Qi Refining Stage to the Spiritualization Stage.”

“Killing the demons in the Fusion Stage will earn you 10 points.”

“Killing the demons in the Tribulation Stage will earn you 1,000 points.”

“Killing the demons in the Mahayana Stage will earn you 10,000 points.”

“If a True Immortal Demon appears and kills it, you will get 1,000,000 points.”

“The more points you accumulate, the richer the reward you will get after passing the fourth level trial.”

“How is it,Do you understand the rules? ”

Qi Changfeng nodded after listening, indicating that he fully understood the rules of the fourth level inheritance trial.

Wanshouzi pointed his finger, and a red token appeared in front of Qi Changfeng.

“This is the assessment token for the fourth level trial. After refining, it can record the number of demons killed by the trialist in Canglan Realm and convert it into corresponding points. ”

“When the trialist encounters the danger of falling, the assessment token will block the death for the trialist and teleport the trialist back to Chixia Immortal Mansion.”

“So there is no need to worry about life-threatening. The inheritance trial of Chixia Immortal Mansion has been carried out for countless years, and there has never been a case of a trialist dying in the immortal mansion.”

“The trialist can also actively activate the assessment token and return to Chixia Immortal Mansion. No matter what the situation is when returning to Chixia Immortal Mansion, the points will stop accumulating, and the trialist cannot enter Canglan Realm again. ”

Qi Changfeng took the red assessment token and refined it in a few breaths.

Wanshouzi waved his long sleeves, and a space portal appeared in front of Qi Changfeng.

“Go in, with your strength, you should be able to get a lot of points.”

Qi Changfeng did not hesitate, stepped directly into the space portal, and instantly disappeared in the Chixia Immortal Mansion.

Wanshouzi closed his eyes in mid-air, quietly waiting for other trialists to comprehend the true meaning of the gourd visualization diagram.

“After contacting Qi Changfeng, I feel that with his attitude and personality, he really doesn’t look like a reincarnation of a great power from the upper realm of the prehistoric world.”

“If so, where did his great magical skills come from?”

“There is no need to entangle here. With Qi Changfeng’s strength, there is no problem for him to rank in the top five in the Canglan Realm. When the fifth level of inheritance trial is completed, we will know whether he is a true peerless evildoer or a reincarnation of a great power from the upper realm. ”

Wanshouzi was full of thoughts, a little nervous, and a little excited.


After Qi Changfeng passed through the space portal, he successfully arrived at a new world after a few breaths of teleportation.

With his mental power unfolding, Qi Changfeng found himself in a dense forest. There was no human habitation within a radius of billions of miles, but there were many monsters.

After carefully sensing for a while, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was very rich, and it was not much different from that of the Xuanhuang Realm.

However, if you look closely, you will find that there is a faint demonic energy mixed in the rich spiritual energy, which must be caused by the invasion of the Heavenly Demon Clan.

“It seems that this world is the Canglan Realm. “

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