Qi Changfeng looked at the talents refreshed in this simulation. Although there were a few talents that looked good, there was no talent suitable for him.

He was calm. This result was expected.

In the previous two red simulations, he drew suitable new red-level talents. It was normal that he did not gain much in the third red simulation.

If he could draw suitable red talents three times in a row, he would be lucky.

However, from the description of the talent of Proving the Dao with a Gun (red), Qi Changfeng could infer that the bonus of the boxing talent in the same series would increase the power by 3000%, which was really terrifying.

Now, the Supreme Fist (pink) talent equipped in Qi Changfeng’s talent slot has a bonus of 1000% for the power of boxing. If he is lucky enough to replace it with a red-level boxing talent in the future, his combat power will be greatly improved.

Without any hesitation, Qi Changfeng directly selected the talents in the seven talent slots: Supreme Fist Master (pink), Invincible (pink), Indestructible Golden Body (pink), Great Fortune (pink), Ten Thousand Dao Furnace (red), Mirror Flower Water Moon (pink), and Heavenly Array Master (red), and began to simulate.

[0 years old: You were born in a human cultivation family in the Tianhuo Immortal Realm of the True Immortal Realm, and you are a boy. ]

[The entire True Immortal Realm is extremely large, with countless immortal realms, among which there are thirty-six largest immortal realms, and the Tianhuo Immortal Realm is one of the thirty-six major immortal realms. Although it is not ranked high, it is also a prosperous place in the True Immortal Realm. ]

[The pink world you simulated before – the Spirit Realm and the surrounding areas, belong to the subordinate planes of the True Immortal Realm. ]

[Unlike the hundreds of races in the Spirit Realm, where the human race is just a weak race, in the True Immortal Realm, the human race is the absolute overlord, and more than half of the cultivators in the True Immortal Realm are from the human race. ]

[6 years old: You began to practice the family skills. The strongest person in your family has the peak cultivation of the True Immortal, and it is considered a small cultivation family in the Tianhuo Immortal Realm.

[10 years old: Your cultivation has reached the foundation-building stage, and your excellent talent has attracted the attention of the family. A Mahayana cultivator in the family came forward to accept you as a disciple.

[16 years old: Your mental strength has recovered to its peak, reaching the early stage of the True Immortal, and your cultivation has also entered the Jindan stage.

[With only the fist intention driven by the mental power of the early stage of the True Immortal, combined with the mental world, it is difficult for you to find an opponent in the True Immortal realm.

[However, you did not expose your strength, but quietly hid.

[40 years old: Your cultivation has broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm. At this time, you want to travel, but your master refuses. He is optimistic about your talent and thinks you have a chance to become a Mahayana. Now that you have just reached the Nascent Soul Realm, traveling outside is tantamount to seeking death.

[The True Immortal Realm is not like the Spirit Realm. The Mahayana Realm is the ceiling of combat power. In the True Immortal Realm, there are countless Mahayana cultivators and True Immortals everywhere. ]

[Not to mention anything else, there are hundreds of top-level masters in the Daozu realm in the True Immortal Realm alone. ]

[Without the intention of exposing your True Immortal combat power, you can only continue to practice in your family. ]

[85 years old: Your cultivation reaches the realm of transformation. ]

[151 years old: You successfully break through to the realm of refining emptiness. This year, you get the consent of your master to leave the family and travel. ]

[165 years old: Over the years, you have been training in the Tianhuo Immortal Realm and also gathering information. ]

[166 years old: You accidentally learned something that shocked you. The fourth Lord of the Heavenly Court that ruled the Immortal Realm is the fourth Lord of the Heavenly Court. ]

[This matter confused you very much, because in your memory of your previous life, the “Refining Spirit Art” was created during the period of the ninth Lord of the Heavenly Court. ]

[You thought that the time you entered the True Immortal Realm was about the same as when you were in the Spirit Realm, but you didn’t expect to enter an era countless years earlier. ]

[You were very helpless. Don’t count on the subsequent secrets of “Refining Spirit Art” because it’s still unknown how long it will take for its creator, the Lord of the Samsara Palace, to be born. ]

[The Lord of the Heavenly Court in all dynasties was held by the Dao Ancestor of Time. The Avenue of Time is the strongest of the three supreme laws, and the Dao Ancestor of Time is also considered the strongest in the True Immortal Realm. ]

[In this world, as long as you reach the realm of refining emptiness, you have an infinite lifespan in theory. But before becoming a True Immortal, you have to go through a great heavenly tribulation every 3,000 years. The power of the heavenly tribulation will become stronger and stronger until you fall or reach the realm of True Immortal. ]

[In the realm of True Immortal and Golden Immortal, practitioners will experience the five tribulations of heaven and man, which are immortal decline, body decline, orifice decline, soul decline, and evil decline. 】

【The first three declines in the True Immortal Realm, and the second two declines in the Golden Immortal Realm. If you can’t make it, you will die and return to heaven and earth. 】

【Only when you reach the realm of Taiyi Jade Immortal and Daluo can you truly live forever. As long as you are not killed by the enemy, you will have noNo disasters, and a life span equal to the heaven. 】

【However, after reaching the peak of Daluo, beheading the three corpses, and successfully ascending to the Daozu realm, since you stand at the top of one of the 3000 law avenues, you will gradually be assimilated by the Heavenly Dao of the True Immortal Realm. 】

【The more times you attack, the faster the assimilation speed will be, until the day when you are completely assimilated, that is the day when the Daozu falls. 】

【This is an irreversible process, and no Daozu from ancient times to the present can avoid it. 】

【There can only be one Daozu at a time in each of the 3000 law avenues. For example, if the Daozu of Fire does not fall, then the Daluo cultivator who practices the law of fire will not be able to reach the Daozu realm. 】

【Now, it is too far away from the era in your previous life memory, and some of the opportunities you know have almost not been born. 】

【You are somewhat helpless and decide to leave it to fate and follow fate. 】

【249 years old: You break through to the fusion realm. ]

[With your experience of practicing in the Spirit Realm for so many times, there is no bottleneck below the True Immortal Realm. As long as the mana is accumulated, you can successfully break through. ]

[512 years old: You successfully break through to the Mahayana Realm. Your body is strong and your combat power is amazing. You can be said to be invincible in the True Immortal Realm. ]

[You continue to travel in the Heavenly Fire Immortal Realm, while also accumulating mana to prepare for the promotion to the True Immortal Realm. ]

[Since this is the True Immortal Realm, Mahayana cultivators do not need to go through the terrifying ascension tribulation when they break through to the True Immortal Realm. ]

[Unlike the prehistoric world, after being promoted to the True Immortal Realm, the laws of heaven and earth will not convert the mana in the cultivator’s body into immortal power. ]

[The cultivator who has just broken through to the True Immortal Realm is just a pseudo-immortal. He needs to practice immortal-level skills and convert his mana into immortal power to truly reach the True Immortal Realm. ]

[And you don’t have immortal-level skills, so you are ready to join a big force to make plans for future practice. ]

[After careful consideration, you decided to join the Fairy Palace of the Skyfire Fairyland. ]

[The Fairy Palace is a subordinate department of the Heavenly Court. ]

[The headquarters of the Heavenly Court is located in the Middle Earth Fairyland, the first of the thirty-six major fairylands, and the True Immortal Realm is boundless, and there are large tracts of wild and undeveloped land between each fairyland. ]

[In order to more conveniently manage the True Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Court has set up Fairy Palaces and Fairy Prisons in all fairylands. The Fairy Palace manages order, and the Fairy Prison manages criminals, each performing its duties, making the True Immortal Realm stable. ]

[693 years old: You participated in the Fairy Palace assessment, showing some strength, and “hardly” defeated the True Immortal early strongman with a Mahayana body. You were recognized as a peerless genius by the Fairy Palace and were taken in. ]

[After joining the Fairy Palace, you felt that this strength was very suitable for you. Because you are backed by the Heavenly Court, the largest behemoth in the True Immortal Realm, there are usually no blind people who come to cause trouble. ]

[You have plenty of time to practice, and your mana is accumulating rapidly. ]

[1703 years old: You break through in seclusion and successfully reach the early stage of the True Immortal Realm. ]

[The Immortal Palace gives you a fairy-level technique called “Zhou Tian Xing Chen Zhen Jing”, and you start to retreat and transform your whole body’s mana. ]

[1780 years old: Your whole body’s mana is completely transformed into fairy power, and you have stabilized your cultivation in the early stage of the True Immortal. ]

[Next, you are ready to begin to comprehend the Red Sand Array and complete something that must be accomplished in this simulation. ]

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