“The obstruction of the Styx Patriarch has caused me to lose all my soul, and only a little bit of my true spirit has been reincarnated.”

“After reincarnation, Yun Zhongzi has completely lost my memory. In a sense, he and I are no longer the same person.”

The Red Cloud Patriarch said in a deep voice.

“This is also part of the reason why Yun Zhongzi was able to completely cut off the cause and effect involved in my inheritance after learning about it.”

“The third cause and effect comes from the two saints in the West – Zhunti Saint and Jie Yin Saint.”

“When the Taoist Ancestor preached in Zixiao Palace, I arrived early and was fortunate to occupy a seat in the first row. Unfortunately, I didn’t know the significance of these seats at that time, and I gave them to the two saints in the West.”

“Later I learned that the first row of seats in Zixiao Palace represents the sainthood.”

“When the Taoist Ancestor preached, the six great men sitting in the first row were all accepted as disciples by the Taoist Ancestor, and passed down the treasure of protecting the Tao and the foundation of becoming a saint – Hongmeng Purple Qi.”

“In theory, giving the sainthood to the two saints in the West is a favor to them, and it should be a good cause and effect . ”

“However, the sainthood is too complicated and too precious. It is extremely difficult for the two saints in the West to repay the cause and effect of the sainthood. Even if they give me their twelve-grade golden lotus of merit, it is difficult to resolve this cause and effect.”

“Think about it, is there anything in the world that can compare to a sainthood of heaven and earth?”

“When a cause and effect is too difficult to repay, the best way is to make the person who takes over the cause and effect disappear completely, so that no matter how big the cause and effect is, there is no need to repay it.”

“I was ambushed by Kunpeng Demon Master and died. I don’t know whether there is a plan by the two saints in the West behind it, but if you accept my inheritance and inherit this cause and effect, you may be calculated by the saints in the future.”

“The last aspect of cause and effect comes from the foundation of sainthood-Hongmeng Purple Qi.”

“According to Daozu According to the sermons in Zixiao Palace, if you want to achieve the status of a saint in the prehistoric world, you must fuse a primordial purple qi. ”

“The six saints in the world today all fuse primordial purple qi in the quasi-saint period before they finally achieve sainthood.”

“After the three sermons in Zixiao Palace, Daozu took out seven primordial purple qi, six of which were given to the six disciples sitting in the first row.”

“The last primordial purple qi may be due to my good fortune and luck, or it may be that Daozu pitied me for missing the first row of saints and finally gave it to me.”

“Many quasi-saints in the prehistoric world covet this primordial purple qi of mine, and Kunpeng Demon Master attacked me for it.”

“After I was killed by Kunpeng Demon Master, this primordial purple qi disappeared into the void. “It disappeared. Several quasi-saints who were present at the time and those who came to support later saw this. ”

“However, there are countless powerful people in the prehistoric world, and there are also many quasi-saints. Not everyone believes that this Hongmeng purple air has disappeared. ”

“Many quasi-saints believe that this Hongmeng purple air is now in the hands of me or Kunpeng Demon Master.”

“Accepting my inheritance is likely to be coveted by other quasi-saints.”

“But fortunately, as far as I know, most of the quasi-saints who don’t know the truth believe that Hongmeng purple air has fallen into the hands of Kunpeng Demon Master. After all, I escaped a little bit of my true spirit back then.”

“These are the four causes and effects involved in my inheritance.”

“Kunpeng Demon Master, the Styx Patriarch, the two Western Saints, and the quasi-saints who may covet the Hongmeng purple air. ”

“After I blew up my soul in the Nine Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood and a bit of my true spirit escaped, Brother Zhenyuan came and used his means to gather the last bit of my thoughts, and brought back the top-grade innate spiritual treasure I left behind, the Nine-Nine Scattered Soul Gourd.”

“Later, with the help of the two saints from the West, Brother Zhenyuan and all the quasi-saints and above in the prehistoric world reached an agreement to build a place of inheritance for me in the void of the lower world to find a successor.”

“The agreement stipulates that any powerful person in the upper world of the prehistoric world, including the Kunpeng demon master and the Styx ancestor, cannot make a move on the place of inheritance. Those who violate the agreement will be killed by the saints.”

“In exchange, my place of inheritance can only face the lower world, and cannot receive the geniuses of the upper world of the prehistoric world.”

“Maybe they think that the lower world is barren and can’t produce any powerful people, so I can’t find any decent successors. ”

Ancestor Hongyun laughed at himself.

“It’s a pity that they made a mistake. They didn’t expect that a monster like you would be born in the movement of heaven and earth. Your talent and understanding are so strong that I have never seen it in my life.”

“In terms of understanding alone, even those ancient gods can’t compare with you.”

Zhenyuan Daxian was shocked when he heard this, and asked in a voice transmission:

“Brother Hongyun, what do you mean? Could it be that Qi Changfeng, this littleCan your comprehension catch up with you and me?”

Ancestor Hongyun did not hide anything and directly informed Zhenyuan Daxian of Qi Changfeng’s performance in each level of the trial.

It was okay before. Although Zhenyuan Daxian was a little surprised, it was still within the acceptable range.

When he heard that Qi Changfeng only spent less than a day to comprehend the true meaning of the first ten innate divine forbidden visualization diagrams of the Jiujiusanpo Gourd, he couldn’t hold it anymore.

“What? It’s so evil! ”

Zhen Yuan Da Xian asked himself, when he was in the Xuanxian realm, it was unlikely that he could comprehend the true meaning of the first ten layers of the innate divine prohibition of a top-grade innate spiritual treasure within a day, let alone the mere fusion realm.

As for why Zhen Yuan Da Xian did not compare himself with Qi Changfeng during the fusion realm, it was because the great masters born in ancient times like Zhen Yuan Da Xian were born with the Xuanxian cultivation level and had never experienced what the fusion stage was.

“I didn’t expect that Brother Hong Yun would find such a genius with extraordinary comprehension in the lower realm. ”

Thinking of the few useless people in his Wuzhuang Temple, Zhenyuan Daxian felt a little jealous.

For great masters like Zhenyuan Daxian, what they value most is understanding. After all, there is no shortage of cultivation resources. Only with high understanding can one go further.

In the prehistoric upper realm, many skills and magical powers require superb understanding to practice. If the understanding is insufficient, it is difficult to get started.

After listening to the explanation of the Red Cloud Patriarch, Zhenyuan Daxian sent a few congratulations and said no more.

The voice transmission dialogue between the two big men took place in an instant, and did not affect the narration of the Red Cloud Patriarch and Qi Changfeng at all.

“These are the causes and effects that my inheritance may bring to you. Now you can consider whether to accept my inheritance.”

“But I have a request in advance. If you accept my inheritance, you need to help me get rid of the Kunpeng Demon Master when you have achieved success in your cultivation in the future. “Of course, this is not to let you die in vain. Before you reach the level of a quasi-saint, if you want to cause trouble for Master Kunpeng, I will not agree.” Zhenyuan Daxian, who was listening quietly, also said: “If you attack Master Kunpeng in the future, I will definitely help you and avenge Brother Hongyun.”

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