Xuanhuang Continent is a land of immortals and warriors, where immortals and warriors coexist.

Mortals can enter the realm of acquired martial arts by honing their bodies, training their qi and blood, and mastering a few moves.

Acquired martial arts are divided into third-rate, second-rate, and first-rate. After reaching the peak of the first-rate acquired martial arts, martial artists can comprehend the world and gain some insights, and then enter the realm of innate martial arts.

Innate warriors, every move and style contains the power of heaven and earth, which cannot be resisted by acquired martial artists.

However, the innate realm can only be regarded as the beginning of martial arts. Qi Changfeng has only heard of the names of the realms above it, such as the Grandmaster, Grandmaster, Heavenly Man, and Land Immortal, and does not know how powerful they are.

The immortal way is different from the martial arts. Mortals can enter the realm of Qi Refining by learning the immortal cultivation method and refining qi.

The Qi Refining realm is divided into nine levels, and there is not much difference between low-level Qi practitioners and acquired martial artists. After refining qi at the seventh level, they can be comparable to innate martial artists.

In Qi Changfeng’s view, martial artists are like warriors in the game of the previous life, and immortal cultivators are like mages.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no distinction between high and low.

The best among them are basically immortal martial arts practitioners, who can not only make up for their own shortcomings, but are also said to be beneficial to the deeper realm in the future.

Martial arts: Xiantian, Grandmaster, Grandmaster, Heavenly Man, Land God.

Immortal: Refining Qi, Building Foundation, Golden Pill, Nascent Soul, Transformation.

Each realm has its own level, and you cannot fight against a level higher than the level you are not a genius.

Qi Changfeng looked at his own panel and decided to do a white simulation given by the novice gift package.

However, he did not start immediately, but got up, closed the courtyard door, and walked into the house.

Qi Changfeng turned over a slightly light-colored floor tile in the house and took out a box.

After opening it, a light yellow pill was revealed.

This was a few years ago when Qi Changfeng took his homemade roasted venison and cured wild boar legs to exchange with a cultivator passing by Qingniu Town.

The cultivator was also a glutton. After eating the food given by Qi Changfeng, he praised it highly and gave Qi Changfeng the pill.

This pill is called Ganlu Pill. According to the cultivator, this pill can replenish blood and improve cultivation. Warriors can also use it to temporarily stop injuries.

This is also one of the few opportunities that Qi Changfeng has had since he traveled through time.

Then, Qi Changfeng took out a timer hourglass and put it beside him.

After all, it was the first simulation, so he had to be fully prepared. The purpose of using an hourglass to time was to observe whether there was a difference in the speed of time in the simulated world and the real world.

If he was injured due to unknown reasons after the simulation, he could still be rescued.

After getting ready, Qi Changfeng sat cross-legged, eyes closed, and silently chanted in his heart:

“Start simulation.”


“Simulation starts, simulation world is being searched, target white simulation world.”

“It is detected that the host majors in boxing, and the simulation world has been determined.”

“Simulation is about to start.”

“World Introduction: This is a world where martial arts and technology coexist. In this world, the fists and feet of martial artists are all killing weapons. Within a short distance, everyone can be the enemy.”

“Ming Jin, An Jin, Hua Jin, Dan Jin, Gang Jin, if you cultivate to a deep level, you can break the void and see the gods.”

“This white simulation world seems to be not simple, and the power it shows is just the tip of the iceberg.”

“Start talent selection.”

“Please choose three from the following talents.”

Sharpshooter (white): You are born with a talent for shooting, and you can become a sharpshooter with a little training.

Masculine (white): You must be a male after birth, and you will be physically strong when you grow up.

Spiritual Boy (gray): You are a spiritual boy.

Feminine (white): You must be a female after birth, and you will have an above-average appearance when you grow up.

Charming (green): You are naturally popular with the opposite sex and are likely to have good luck with women.

Cripple (gray): You are born a cripple, but you walk faster than the average person.

Boxer (green): You are born to practice boxing, and for some reason, the damage you cause to the opposite sex increases.

Unlucky (white): Both your parents died after you were born, and you are born with a fierce evil spirit.

Warmonger (white): You are a warmonger, born with a strong desire to fight, and you can never settle down.

Childhood sweetheart (white): You have a childhood playmate of the opposite sex, and she/he has a good impression of you.

Qi Changfeng looked at the ten talents in front of him and was speechless.

Entering the simulation world is mainly to hone your boxing skills, so men will have a considerable advantage.

And he is not going in to have a partner, women will only affect the speed of his punches.

After a little thought, Qi Changfeng made up his mind and chose three talents: masculinity, boxer, and militant.

“Talent selection successful, start simulation.”

[0 years old: You were born into a wealthy family, a boy, your parents are very happy, you are their first child. ]

[1 year old: You are bornDifferent from ordinary people, you quickly learned to talk and walk, and were praised as a child prodigy by people around you. ]

[6 years old: You started school. You were more energetic than your peers and liked to fight with others at school. Your parents were worried about you. ]

[12 years old: You graduated from elementary school. Your parents thought you were not good at studying, and you agreed with them. ]

[13 years old: You stopped studying and were sent to a martial arts school by your parents to learn some basic boxing and kicking skills. You quickly adapted to the life in the martial arts school and made rapid progress. Your fellow apprentices were often beaten black and blue by you. ]

[15 years old: Your talent for boxing attracted the attention of the owner of the martial arts school. He thought you could inherit his legacy, so he accepted you as his last disciple. From then on, you became the tyrant of the martial arts school. ]

[20 years old: You have achieved success in martial arts and have reached the peak of Ming Jin, surpassing your master, and your master is very pleased. ]

[22 years old: You broke through the Ming Jin and became a master of the An Jin. There was no one in the nearby martial arts halls who could match you, so you had the idea of ​​going out to explore the world.]

[23 years old: You decided to go out to explore the world. On the day of your departure, fellow martial artists from nearby martial arts halls came to see you off and were reluctant to let you go. For some reason, you felt that they were secretly happy.]

[27 years old: In four years of exploring the world, you traveled all over the country and played in countless martial arts halls. I don’t know when you got the nickname of a martial arts madman, and your peers respected and feared you.]

[30 years old: You have reached the peak of Hua Jin. In order to break through to the Dan Jin realm, you challenged a well-known Dan Jin master. You used all your means and were about to lose, but you realized the secret of Dan Jin, broke through on the spot, and turned defeat into victory.]

[35 years old: You, who were already a peerless master in the eyes of the world, returned to your hometown and opened a martial arts hall. Your parents urged you to get married and have children, but you always perfunctorily passed. ]

[40 years old: Your parents passed away in the same year, and you were at their bedside when they died. ]

[45 years old: After 10 years of hard training, you still can’t break through to the Gangjin realm, and you are very distressed. You want to challenge a Gangjin master, but Gangjin is hard to find in the world. ]

[50 years old: You can’t make any more progress, but you are unwilling to stop here and challenge six Danjin peak masters to a life-and-death battle at the same time. ]

[51 years old: You have adjusted to the peak, and you show your power in the life-and-death battle, killing the other six Danjin peak masters with your fists. However, you are also seriously injured. ]

[52 years old: After the life-and-death battle, you practice in seclusion and successfully break through to the Gangjin realm. ]

[55 years old: Your old injury relapsed while practicing boxing, and you will not live long. ]

[56 years old: You died. ]

This simulation ends.

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