【151221 years old: The Emperor Yan Luo’s two lives were exhausted, and his transformation failed. He finally sat in the underworld, and the heavenly treasure of the Heavenly Lord of the Tribulation fell into a deep sleep again. 】

【153529 years old: You took out the Chaos Body you collected and continued to study it. 】

【Now that your cultivation level has improved, your mental strength is also constantly increasing. You have re-studied the Chaos Body and gained new insights. 】

【After simulating in the Red Dust Immortal Universe for such a long time, you not only created the “Infinite Scripture of the Heavens”, but also collected the Emperor Scriptures created by many Heavenly Lords and Ancient Emperors. 】

【Although their combat power is far inferior to yours, these Ancient Emperors are all the top peerless geniuses in this world. None of them who can reach the peak of the extreme way is mediocre. 】

【The Emperor Scriptures they created are of great reference significance to you. ]

[160023 years old: After thousands of years of meditation on the Chaos Body, you decided to integrate many emperor scriptures, further improve the “Infinite Scripture of the Heavens”, and then evolve yourself into a Chaos Body and live out your fifth life. ]

[With the bonus of the Ten Thousand Dao Furnace (Red) talent, your progress is very smooth. ]

[173352 years old: After more than ten thousand years of seclusion and meditation, you have comprehended all the mysteries of the Chaos Body and further improved the “Infinite Scripture of the Heavens”. ]

[180727 years old: You melted all the Daos of this world into one furnace, transformed yourself into a Chaos Body, and successfully lived out your fifth life. ]

[The strength of your mental power has also broken through the shackles of so many years and reached the initial stage of Xuanxian. ]

[Now, your combat power has reached a higher level. In terms of the ancient, modern and future of the Red Dust Immortal Universe, there are few rivals. ]

[With many talent bonuses, even if the strong among the Red Dust Immortals are in front of you, you have the confidence to fight. ]

[If you encounter some Red Dust Immortals who rely on external objects to improve their combat power and are weak, you can suppress them in minutes. ]

[Your divine power has also risen. Without the help of the supreme immortal weapon, the Red Sun Fist Gloves, it also has the combat power of the Heavenly Emperor. ]

[You live out your fifth life, and endless anomalies appear in the universe. Many powerful people of all races even think that you are going to break into the immortal realm. ]

[You evolve yourself into a chaotic body, and the chaotic body in your hand is naturally useless. ]

[190652 years old: I remembered the memory of my previous life. In order to make the Beidou Star, the Burial Emperor Star, stable enough, you refined this chaotic body into the Beidou Star Domain. ]

[With the blessing of the chaotic body, the stability of the Beidou Star Domain has greatly increased, and the vitality of the world that has been declining over the years has also recovered rapidly. ]

[198431 years old: A great holy spirit was born in the Big Dipper, which seemed to indicate that after tens of thousands of years of silence, the great era of cultivation was about to come. ]

[200032 years old: A quasi-emperor ninth-level strongman achieved the Dao and became an emperor. This new emperor of the world was actually a female cultivator. ]

[This was beyond your expectations. In your memory of your previous life, looking at the ancient, present and future of the Red Dust Immortal Universe, there were very few female emperors. ]

[In the next tens of thousands of years, like mushrooms after rain, three more strong men successfully achieved the Dao. ]

[264302 years old: The great era of cultivation ended, and four emperors of the world fell one after another. Two of them sat in meditation, one entered the immortal road, and the other wanted to secretly cut himself and join the forbidden area, but was killed by you. ]

[You are like an eternal god, overlooking the world, witnessing the rise and fall of one emperor after another. ]

[Time seems unable to leave any traces on you. ]

[But you know that your fifth life span is running out. ]

[Over the years, your mental strength has grown slowly, especially after reaching the peak of the early Xuanxian realm, it has completely stopped growing. ]

[Limited by mental strength, your perception of the future path of immortality has become increasingly difficult, and you have a premonition that you may not live out your sixth life. ]

[266326 years old: You use supreme means to re-refine the Earth’s ancestral star and Kunlun Immortal Mountain. ]

[On the surface, the Earth’s ancestral star seems to have shrunk countless times, but the space inside is still vast and boundless. ]

[And all great supernatural powers are prohibited from coming. Without the consent of the gods and the Red Sun Fist Gloves, outsiders cannot enter the Earth’s ancestral star. ]

[From now on, the Earth’s ancestral star is your private land, and the strong people who come out of it can all be regarded as the lineage of the Immortal Lord. 】

【268243 years old: You left the Immortal Venerable Dojo and headed for the universe, wanting to find the trace of the Three-Life Copper Coffin, to try your best to see if you can make further progress. 】

【274323 years old: After thousands of years of searching, you did not find the whereabouts of the Three-Life Copper Coffin and returned disappointed. 】

【280231 years old: Your fifth life is about to end, and you left the five immortal medicines, the divine thoughts, and the Red Sun Fist Gloves in the Immortal Venerable Dojo, and explained to them all the consequences.]

[In addition, you have not forgotten the gradually crooked mixed-hair bird at the door. ]

[You gave the blood you harvested from killing the great emperors who wanted to kill themselves to the God Mind and the Red Sun Fist Gloves, so that they can help the mixed-hair bird to nirvana when necessary. ]

[In these years, in the battle of wits and courage with the ancient tea tree of enlightenment, the character of the Five-Colored Fairy Phoenix gradually developed in a different direction, which reminded you of the superb big black dog of the future Emperor Wu Shi. ]

[But after all, it is the only pet you have in this world, and it is very impressive and full of treasures, so you naturally don’t want it to die. ]

[281141 years old: You go to your own tomb, ready to fight to the death and live out your sixth life. ]

[282687 years old: You fail to live out your sixth life and your life span is exhausted. ]

[Before you pass away, you send down the Immortal Master’s decree, informing all spirits in the universe that you will enter the cycle of reincarnation and practice, and you will no longer be able to suppress the Heavenly Heart Seal, and the era of coexistence of the emperors will soon end. ]

[If there is a great catastrophe in the world, you can go to the Earth’s ancestral star for help, where your incarnation is sitting. ]

[All races are shocked, and many contemporary Tianjiao have sealed themselves to cope with the upcoming suppression of the Ten Thousand Daos, the era without emperors. ]

[The supreme beings in the life forbidden zone all breathed a sigh of relief, but they dared not act rashly in a short period of time, for fear that you would suddenly return. ]

[After your death, the scattered Dao period lasted for 150,000 years. ]

[You are dead, and this simulation is over. ]

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