In the novice gift package, three white simulation times that match oneself were given. Qi Changfeng only used it once and simulated the martial arts world.

There he achieved a qualitative improvement, his mental strength improved by leaps and bounds, and his strength changed dramatically. It can be said that if Qi Changfeng had not experienced the simulation of the martial arts world, he would most likely be an outer disciple when he participated in the entrance examination. If he was lucky, he would be accepted as an inner disciple, and he would not even think about becoming a true disciple.

Now there are two white simulation times that match oneself left, which Qi Changfeng was reluctant to use at the time and left behind.

Before, Qi Changfeng felt that this kind of simulation times that matched himself 100% was very precious, and he didn’t think about using it all at once, but now it seems that he made a mistake.

No matter how the white simulation world matches himself, it is still white, and its power system is no longer of much help to Qi Changfeng now. These two simulation opportunities have become a chicken rib existence, tasteless to eat, but a pity to throw away.

“If I had used these two white simulations before the entrance examination, my strength would have been even better. It seems that when I encounter this kind of situation in the future, I have to be more decisive and improve myself first.” Qi Changfeng thought to himself and decided to use these two white simulations. Sure enough, Qi Changfeng entered the martial arts world for two consecutive simulations. In the simulation world, before he was twenty years old, he was already invincible and swept through all the heroes in the martial arts world. The martial arts secrets in the martial arts world were too low for him to refer to. Due to the low level of the world, the practice of “Eight Desolate Broken Jade Fist” in these two simulation worlds was not ideal, and there was basically no progress, and it was still hovering at the first level. However, it is worth mentioning that the second white simulation world was the world of “Tianlong Babu”, a martial arts novel that Qi Changfeng liked very much in his previous life. This confirmed his previous guess that some simulation worlds were reflected in various works in his previous life. “The world lines of the simulated world are coherent, and my experience in the simulated world will be reflected in the next simulation of the same world.”

“These different simulated worlds should exist in reality, but they are not in the same time and space as the Xianwu world I am in now. In essence, each simulation is my soul and spiritual power traveling to that world.”

“So, I can only bring back the improvement and understanding of spiritual power, and I can’t bring back cultivation and specific physical objects. This makes sense.”

Qi Changfeng guessed in his heart.

“If this is true, then from the clues I have learned now, the world I am in now is very likely to be a subsidiary world of the legendary prehistoric world.”

Qi Changfeng was shocked. There was no way, that was the prehistoric world, created by the great god Pangu, the Daluo was worse than a dog, and there were quasi-saints everywhere.

However, soon, Qi Changfeng was excited again.

“If it’s really as I guessed, then the level cap of the world I live in is high enough. According to the system’s standards, it should be the seven-color level. That’s good, so that I have the opportunity to climb to the peak and achieve the highest!”

Qi Changfeng further strengthened his heart of Taoism. Now his cultivation path has just started, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

After three consecutive simulations, Qi Changfeng felt that he could improve his cultivation.

The two paths of immortality and martial arts should go hand in hand. This is the basic strategy that Qi Changfeng set for himself.

Nowadays, the martial arts has reached the peak of the innate realm, and the immortal path is only the fifth level of the Qi Refining Realm, so Qi Changfeng is going to improve his own immortal cultivation next. After all, if the immortal path does not reach the peak of the ninth level of Qi Refining, his martial arts cultivation cannot break through to the Grandmaster Realm.

Feeling the time, it was just before sunrise in the morning. Qi Changfeng left the quiet room where he was in seclusion and came to the top of Xiaozhu Peak.

At this time, the sun was rising in the east, and the first ray of sunlight shone on the earth.

Qi Changfeng sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, practicing the method in the Great Sun Burning Heaven Sutra. He saw a stream of purple air gradually condense, and as soon as it took shape, it sank into his body.

After a cup of tea, Qi Changfeng opened his eyes and felt warm all over.

Every day when the sun rises, the first ray of sunlight contains innate purple air, which shines on all things. There is a method in the Great Sun Burning Heaven Sutra that can extract a stream of innate purple air and refine it into the body.

There is no big effect in a short period of time, but if you persist for a long time, it will be of great benefit to comprehending the true meaning of the sun and breaking through the realm of the Great Sun Burning Heaven Sutra.

Cultivation is a slow process, and there is no time limit for cultivation. Once you step into the path of cultivation, your concept of time is different from that of ordinary people.

The life span of ordinary people is at most a hundred years, and they rush for their daily livelihood. After a hundred years, only a handful of yellow earth is left.

Entering the seventh level of Xiantian or Qi Refining, life span is greatly increased, free from disasters and calamities, one can live for 300 years, and does not need to worry about food.Worry, eat wind and drink dew every day, absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Grandmaster or foundation building realm, life span 500 years. Golden elixir or great grandmaster, life span 1,000 years.

Entering the heavenly man or Nascent Soul realm, you can have a life span of 3,000 years, and the realm of transformation or land immortals can live for 5,000 years.

Once the immortal and martial arts are united, step into the fusion realm, become a great power, and you can increase your life span by 10,000 years.

Entering the realm of crossing the tribulation, you can add 50,000 years of life.

After crossing the heavenly tribulation and entering the Mahayana realm, there is no worry about life span, but you can stay in the lower realm for a maximum of 100,000 years. After 100,000 years, if there is no special means, you will be forced to ascend to the upper realm and become a true immortal.

The improvement of life level is so mysterious. For great practitioners, it may be a little closed, and the life of a mortal is over.

Qi Changfeng is now in the innate realm, with a life span of 300 years, and there is still plenty of time for cultivation.

For ordinary immortal cultivators, it would take decades to practice from the first level of Qi Refining to the ninth level of Qi Refining without bottlenecks. Qi Changfeng felt that he should be able to reach the ninth level of Qi Refining soon. The Sun Breathing of the Great Accomplishment Realm gave him a deep understanding of the Great Sun Burning Heaven Sutra, and the aura of the true disciples was very rich, so the speed of practice was definitely rapid.

First set a small goal for myself, to reach the ninth level of Qi Refining within a month.

In this way, Qi Changfeng practiced the Great Sun Burning Heaven Sutra in seclusion every day, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and his immortal cultivation improved rapidly. Of course, he would take out an hour every day to practice the Eight Desolate Jade Fist. After all, the fist way requires a fist to be kept in hand, and only by working hard every day can you go further.

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 days passed.

That day, Qi Changfeng walked out of the dojo, wearing the dark white clothes of the true disciples, with a happy face. After more than 20 days of seclusion, his immortal cultivation reached the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, and he could break through to the Foundation Establishment Stage with a further step.

Now, Qi Changfeng’s cultivation in both immortal and martial arts is finally equal, and he can consider breaking through to the next realm.

After staying in the dojo for almost a month, Qi Changfeng was ready to go out for a walk and get some fresh air.

Not long after leaving the dojo, he saw a group of inner disciples coming towards him. The leader was the young man who stood at the front when Qin Feng summoned all the disciples that day.

Qi Changfeng’s heart trembled, but his expression remained unchanged, and he went to meet them.

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